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Posts posted by Josie

  1. Tuffy is on advantage multi and the last dose is in october. It controls fleas, treats flea infestations, and it prevents heartworm disease. It also controls hookworm, roundworm and whipworm...

    For the vaccins Tuffy is due for them next year... He arrived in June 2005 with the same vaccins as Stewie... :unsure


    Please pm me witch Vet you saw! :blink:


    and I believe that's true that we cant get medication from the US... never tried.. :blush

  2. What is your favourite:-





    Savoury food

    Any pasta dish






    Oatmeal and chocolat chips


    Stuff to put in the bath



    Stuff to use in the shower

    Nothing special



    flowers, vanilla


    Scented candle



    Photograph of your dog(s)?



    Type of jewellery



    Style of ornament

    not breakable


    Style of festive decoration



    Television programme (present)

    CSI, ER, Heroes, Bones


    Television programme (past)



    Type of reading material (inc authors if appropriate)

    Stephen King, Kathie Reidh, books about sea animals ( :lol )

  3. Big thing also to think of if you want to sent treats from the US to Canada (the other way around may occur too!!)

    Your gift may be confiscated if they open it up and found treats made with bovine ingredients...

    We went shopping to Plasstburgh last week-end ( CND$ being equal of US$ :lol ) and got 2 bags of food for Tuffy (1/2 price!!!)...

    Lucky for us he eats EP Ducks food because if it was the beef one we would have lost our 2 bags... :(

    well this apply only if the customs really search and open up your packages.. :unsure

  4. Tuffy is doing better today... still stiff when he stand up from his bed and limping a little whille trotting...

    only thing that worries me is that tomorow evening will be is last dose of metacame...

    what should I do?

    check if things are still stable and let time pass to recovery or get a other bottle from the vet?


  5. doing better, slowly better :colgate

    I think big boy really hurt his muscle big time and with 2 more weeks taking it slowly He will be back to normal...

    the way it,s going we may not go back to the vet... letting time heal his boo-boo...

    This morning I had to tell him no running during the walk because he was starting to get excited...

    I'm happy seing him acting more himself, (even if He is not a normally a big outgoing grey, big shy Tuffy)


  6. doing a little better this morning.. still stiff when He get up from laying down on his bed... but when he walks slowly after a few minutes it's near to a normal walk.. well his tail does not curl anymore... that's a good sign... right?

    just when he is ''trotting'' He goes on 3 legs.. :unsure but I restrain him to walk fast...

    I started given him vitamin C, E and Alfalfa...

    I'm back to work this morning.. after 2 weeks vacation.. just hoping that Tuffy will be better when I come home tonight...

  7. no big improvement here... :( He does strech more but still have a weird walk...

    after 5 dose of metacam Tuffy is still limping...

    We will probably go back to the vet on Tuesday if there's no improvement..

    I'm so worried about the big boy...

    We went to the picnic yesterday... Tuf rested on his bed enjoying the sunny day...




    :kiss2 please get better soon my handsome boy...

  8. Back from the Vet, He says it's a pull muscle. No x-ray was done but by manipulation we saw that the big muscle of the hip was painfull and Tuffy restricted the movement because of the pain...


    15 days of Metacam, 21 days of no running or playing around with Mr.Monkey (favorite stuffie)...

    should take 3-4 days to start seing improvement.. meantime I give his massage and hot towels...

    poor big boy...


    Here's a pic of tuffy with Mr.Monkey



  9. Does he pull back when you squeeze either side of his corn toe? Regarding Therapaws, I've found the best way to acclimate a dog to wearing them is to make him wear two - on the good foot and the bad. That way, he doesn't know which leg to limp on, as Dr. Radcliffe says :)


    If he was running around, it could very well be a soft-tissue injury. You can try flexing and extending each of his limbs to see if you can figure out where the pain is coming from. Or just let the vet do it this afternoon :D


    I can touch as much as I want his corn paw...so.. probably muscle realated... hoping so... :unsure

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