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Posts posted by Josie

  1. Oh - and the officiant mentioned a painting of Peatie with angel wings that hangs in their house....I am assuming this is the one Xan painted. She talked a lot about Trish's love for animals, and how Trish created her own family.




    I sent her this painting when Peatie past away...



    I miss you soo much Trish!


  2. Run fre of pain with all the other greys, you silly boy.

    Your mom and Dad loved you and will never forget you.

    Same as I and DH and your best pal Tuffy.




  3. Tiger (Tuffy best friend) as finish is metacam medication... in the beginning it showed improvment...but the limping is back... He walks on the tip of his toes...

    no other symptomes (same apetite, same weight, no swollen lymph..)

    My firend as an appointment at the et a 7hpm tonight... one of the rescue group women is going with her... should do more x-rays...

    I'm so stress out and sad about all this...

    keep Tiger in your prayers...



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