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Posts posted by Josie

  1. I always saw some of Tuffy dorsal spine (spinous process)..more if He is laying down in weird position (like most greys like to sleep :lol )

    Is it something to be concern of?




    PS He is not underweight (I can fell his ribs but they dont show), the vet says that He should not gain any more weight (difficult for a big pig as He is!)



  2. I'm so sad to ear this...

    I feel your pain.. I lost my cockatiel 6 years ago and still miss him dearly..







    All the parrot revolution members salutes the lost of one of his pround soldier.

    She will be miss by all.


    A gun salute to Codelia,




    general Kiwi


  3. I use both...have since 1993/4. Excellent stuff. Hurry-its on sale now.

    I'm new to this product. Is it still on sale? It doesn't say. Can you tell me (approximately) what the sale price was so I know what a good price is? Shipping is $8 so I'd rather stock up when it's on sale and use something else until then (I've been using greyhoundgang).


    If you clic on sizes and Prices you will see the sale in red..

    2 jar of 60 one free

    2 jar of 90 one free




  4. I'm so glad to read all of these positive replies!!


    I just got my order of FF and JH yesterday.....started the pups last night! Woohoo!! :)


    :thumbs-up Kepp us posted in a few weeks-month :)


    cant wait to receive my order.. in 7-10 days... depending of how long the customs will take.. :unsure


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