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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. This weekend I'm going to really give the kitchen a reorganization. I'm afraid that one day she really will start to explore and find my baking or cereal cupboard. So I am going to switch the lower cupboards with the higher cupboards and put all the dishes down below. It'll be a job but it will be one less thing for my curious hound to magically find.

    This is a really really good idea!!!! And yes she would! And you would hate yourself lol.gif

  2. Jill was 2 when she came home. Wow. Very different than Jack was who was 4. Soooo much more active than he was. I couldn't keep her tired enough with just walks. She needed to run, I took her to obedience to exhaust that busy little little brain. While I did not crate her, I did use a muzzle for a short while and used baby gates to keep her out of areas I could not proof well enough.


    Remember your girl will not poop out of spite. Out of anxiety maybe or because she needs to go and her house training is not spot on yet.


    Yes she will calm down and I dare say if do invest in some bonding through training/obedience you will be closer toher than you can imagine right now.


    Enjoy the ride. Jilly is 6 now and I look back with extreme fondness on those early days with my wild child.

  3. Signs of pain other than limping are panting, dripping nose, being generally unsettled and of course crying.


    The night after Jack was diagnosed he started to pant heavily with a drippy nose and wouldn't settle. I freaked called a vet friend and gave him a whopping dose of Tramadol for this horrible pain. Turns out we were having a thunder storm and it was the thunder not pain blush.gif. He slept though.


    There is a learning curve for sure. Sure you might make mistakes occasionally but you will do your very best for your dog.

  4. To be honest I don't remember the maximum dosage for Jack. I used it only once. I did quite quite quickly move him up to 50 mg three times a day which I found much more helpful than twice a day. Occasionally if he needed it, I gave him 100mg at one of those times. I also have to say he was never "doped up" except for his second last day when I had to drastically up his dosage. And the next day he was perfectly alert again.

  5. I wonder if it's the late feeding? And now a habit. Mine have a last turnout anywhere from 8 pm to 10 pm and may sleep till 9 am if I do. Even if I get up in the nighttongue.gif they do not. Now if either of them was to start cryng at me in the night, I would race them out the door cause there would indeed be a great need.


    I would also expect to have to take sick or senior dogs out more often, not young healthy dogs. I think I would look at this as a training issue if there is no sign of a medical issue.

  6. I wouldn't worry about lung mets. The issue with your Lenny will be pain control long before lung issues IMO. Also Jack ate like a pig till the day he died. There was certainly never any loss of appetite. Lung metastases is usually only an issue with those hound who have undergone amp and chemo.

  7. Andrea I'm going to miss Chancey so much. You know you are in my heart and that it is just broken for you. It is so unfair that this monster has taken three of our babies from us and so many others too. Jeannie, Chancey and Jack together again. I'm here friend.

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