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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. I'm so sorry. Slick joined so many of his brothers and sisters and his mom. He is young and runnibg with no pain.
  2. I am so sorry. Run with the wind Nellie.
  3. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry. What a beautiful boy he was. Run with the wind Henry.
  4. Thank you. Must have been too much information for my brain.
  5. I've been away and computerless for a couple of weeks, so missed everything that happened on SS. Ummm, sorry to be so dense, but where in the world is the "my packages tab", and where do I sign my puppers up for SS? Thank you.
  6. Diogi and Officer Williams are together forever. Godspeed and thank you for your service. My prayers for Officer Williams and Diogi's family.
  7. I am so sorry. Run like the wind Reese
  8. Thank you Jeff for all of your time and work to get us back home again. We appreciate you very much!!!!!!!! We were like guests who stay too long.
  9. Greytlady94


    Poor baby, Now they are together forever. :candle
  10. So sad. Run like the wind sweet baby.
  11. I am so sorry. Try to take comfort in knowing how happy you made his life. Godspeed sweet Bauer.
  12. Cathie, I am so sorry. Run like the wind sweet mama Curly Sue.
  13. I am so sorry. Run like the wind Miss Coal.
  14. I am so, so sorry. Try to take some comfort in knowing they are together again. :candle
  15. I am so sorry. Run fast as the wind sweet boy.
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