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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. Not even a consideration for myself, my DH or his doctors.
  2. Yep, it definitely sucks. I am right there with you walking the same road with my boy. You and your boy are in my thoughts and prayers
  3. Jordan, a lump just appeared about 2 weeks ago right at the protrusion of the shoulder. I was sure it was something to do with the plate......then it started to get bigger. I knew then, but I had to know for sure. What neither Doc nor I understand was how did the bone heal in the first place after the surgery? That is a mystery. Anyhoo, today Bones is happy and comfortable. He is eating with gusto and is his normal self. We will take the gift and enjoy it. Thank you everybody for your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate them.
  4. I am so very sorry for your loss. :f_red
  5. That's 2 hugs you owe me now girl. I will collect on them some day. Thank you. NeylasMom...........you will.
  6. Yes we do PJ, yes we do. Thank you all. I have some wonderful friends here. We will get through this. We simply cannot fix it.
  7. What was originally thought to be a backed out screw in the plate in his shoulder has been confirmed to be osteo. I knew it was, but I needed to be certain. My sweet baby boy is home and comfortable for the moment. We have some heavy duty drugs and will be keeping him comfortable until it is time for him to leave. Please keep my boy in your thoughts and prayers. He is the best dog ever. I promised him I will not keep him here one second longer than he is comfortable being here. If he leaves a day early, so be it, but it will not be a day late. I fully intend to keep that promise. The days ahead will be filled with time spent with my boy. Lots of love, yummy food and maybe a bit of laughter too. He knows he is well loved. My dear friend Mary(Fiona3)........Today is not the day. The day is coming but it won't be today. Thank you all for your support through everything we have been through this year. We greatly appreciate each and every one of you.
  8. gazehund


    What a sweet little face. Please pass on my sincerest condolences to your friends Mel. I am so sorry.
  9. The irrepressible and irreplaceable LAPO Nosy Hogan aka Kia.
  10. I just don't know what to say. Patrick, thank you passing on the word. Chrissy and Patrick, all I can say is I am so very sorry. Know I am thinking about you tonight. Rest well sweetest Speck. You are loved.
  11. Never saw the show and don't particularly want to. Not anything to do with Mr. Milan, I know nothing about him. I just don't watch a lot of TV of any kind.
  12. I am so very sorry for your loss. I truly, truly hate cancer.
  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. He sounds like a wonderful friend.
  14. I would definitely never judge you for choosing what you feel is the best option for your boy! Only you CAN decide that and there is no right or wrong. Many prayers from here for you and Monty. Please keep us posted on his progress.
  15. Posting the link to Circle of Grey for you. Lots of good information and support here. Best wishes for you and Mango! http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/CircleofGrey/
  16. gazehund

    M's Stormrunner

    I am so sorry for your loss. Rest well dear Stormy. You are loved.
  17. Beautiful tribute Judy!! I am truly blessed to have met both of your babies. Thank you for bringing Andy with you to Alabama. Thank you.
  18. I think of my little girl and miss her every day. Thank you for that.
  19. I am sorry for your loss Heather and Ken. Rest well dear Grandpa. Until you see your people again. :gh_run2 :gh_run2 :gh_run2
  20. gazehund


    Oh NO!! I am so very sorry for your loss. :gh_run2
  21. I am so very sorry for your loss. Rest well dear Spiff. You are loved. f_yellow
  22. gazehund

    Radar Doyle

    Oh Bev. I am so very sorry for your losses.
  23. Many prayers still being said for Charlie, Gidge and you. Please let us know how they do.
  24. Checking in to see how Misty and Mama are doing today.
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