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Everything posted by scullysmum

  1. I don't know if this link will be of any help, but it can't hurt http://www.canineepilepsy.co.uk My angel Scully had epilepsy so I know how awful it can be, sending best wishes to you and Beckett.
  2. I think that sometimes vets seem to have trouble with stitching Greys because their skin is very thin and it doesn't seem to be as "loose" as other breeds, maybe because their muscles etc are so well developed. I would agree with vet visit, even if it can't be stitched. Infection near a joint is best avoided at all costs. Wishing speedy healing thoughts for your pup.
  3. Firstly, thanks for making me laugh with your title......I too have one that walks like a drunken monkey....but when I jog with him he is fine, maybe he's afraid I will trip him up
  4. You have already been given some excellent advice, I just wanted to add always use your voice before your hands....it just gives her fair warning....be gentle and patient, she is just coomunicating with you the only way she knows how....it sounds like you don't take her reaction to you too personally....keep up the good work.
  5. Sending you gentle hugs and heartfelt sympathy.....run free beautiful girl, my angels will be waiting to greet you with all the others.
  6. "But I've never cooked my dogs!" Sorry I couldn't resist
  7. My angel Sadi could not eat raw chicken, it had the same effect on her too. I would have fed raw to my first two greys but they were so greedy that it would have been too risky. My current boy Johnny is the first dog I have had who is able (and willing) to eat raw.
  8. My angel Mulder lost a third of his body weight in just two weeks when he was incorrectly diagnosed as having kennel cough when he actually had CHF......this is partly why I am so pleased to hear how well Charlie is doing, sadly Mulder was not so lucky. I would not worry about him losing five pounds, he has been under a lot of stress. Hopefully he will be back to "fighting" weight very soon. All the best.
  9. So glad to hear that Charlie is home and doing well, keep up the good work! Thinking of you, sending best wishes.
  10. Some dogs can eat pork, some can't the only way to find out is to try.....as for being veggie
  11. Do you/are you able to brush and/scale his teeth yourself....I just think that it may not be necessary to have the dental as he's so young. My Johnny has just turned five and although he gets a bit of tartar I get it under control with brushing and chewing bones.
  12. We seem to have our old Niles back.....he has much more energy and is enjoying his walks again, I also can say that I never thought I would see him eating Chappie he tucks into everything offered to him, I know that's the steroids but long may it last. ....and the best news of all? He pooped Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and sage advice, we may not be out of the woods yet but I think he's on the right track
  13. Niles seemed to be so much better at lunch time today, he was full of life and loving the sunny weather today. He ate all the lamb and chicken that I put in front of him, but this evening when Ben called me he told me that Niles didn't want to go for his evening walk and looked like he was in discomfort. My heart breaks for him, he's not mine but I love him like he is and Johnny has quite the "bromance" going on with him now which I would hate to see come to an end so soon.
  14. Ben just phoned to let me know the results of the blood panel, it is pointing towards either Pancreatitis or liver failure, neither of which sound too promising. He is getting so weak and disinterested due to not getting enough to eat, but we are trying to tempt him, it's not easy when he was already such a fusspot we are trying to remain optimistic, he is being put on a course of steroids and we will wait to see if he shows improvement in the next few days. Your continued thoughts and prayers would be very much appreciated.
  15. My friend Ben's lovely nine year old boy Niles has been off colour for about a week now, he's usually quite a fussy eater but it has been harder than ever to get him to eat anything, he seems to be nauseous, although he has only been sick a couple of times. Ben took him to the vet this afternoon and they have done a full blood panel, we are waiting for the results of that. Best case scenario is a GI infection that will hopefully clear up with antibiotics etc. worst case is possibly liver or kidney failure. Niles is very special to both Ben and to me so if you could spare some good thoughts we would appreciate it.
  16. Sending best wishes, hopes and prayers for Charlie and for you
  17. Is it possible that something pierced his foot right through? This happened recently to my boy. A vet visit will hopefully sort it out, just keep it clean in the meantime.
  18. You are quite right, having the "higher ground" can be a dominance thing as well as invading the other dogs' space.....but the body language displayed in the photo would suggest they are much more relaxed with each other.
  19. My two greys that I had from puppies used to do this, I have to admit that I never questioned it as they always had done it but I would suspect that it is a protective/bonding behaviour as dogs that did not feel truly at ease would not accept this....Niles (my friends Grey )tries to do this but although they are good friends Johnny will growl at him when he does, this is just my take on it but I love to try to explore these behaviours. Eta. I do have a picture of my boys doing this but can't share it at the mo as it is not hosted anywhere since the old site went down
  20. They do it because they like it, my boy Johnny thinks he's died and gone to you know where when he can find frozen rabbit poop!
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