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Everything posted by greytlucy

  1. Just started our older dog on Adequan injections this morning. Am hoping she sees good results from it and we can hold of on the NSAIDS for another year or two. Our vet does 4 shots 4 days apart and then 4 shots a week apart before going to maintenance injections. She said the maintenance injections are usually four weeks apart but some dogs only need it 6 weeks. The first 8 shots will cost me $39 each and then it will be $43 per shot after that. Just have to pay the injection cost, no office visit. We're in Phoenix and this is a pretty big clinic. Just curious what others have paid for this as I didn't research the cost first. Seemed to be in line with what I expected just based on what stuff costs at the vet but have no idea.
  2. Ziggy is allergic to Bermuda. I use Benadryl when it's really bad along with allergy baths. Changing food helped as well as the environmental allergies intensified the food allergies and vice versa.
  3. As a Chandler resident I've known about this story since it first happened. Makes me very, very sad. Godspeed, Bandit and thanks for your service to our community.
  4. Before we got the allergy issue under control our dog would like his paws constantly. One of his main allergies is Bermuda grass which comes up in AZ this time of year.
  5. If she was stressed it could have been bilirubin in the urine...we had this happen with our female a few years back.
  6. Yeah; Flagyl is big for giardia and amoebas. The more I think about it, the pup came in with loose stools, so the vet cuts a script for Flagyl in the hopes it'll cure whatever's wrong- shotgun pharmacopoeia. As for what else might be wrong- he's a young guy (maybe 4 years old), and when he was here, his stool was never very firm. I think it's dietary; he was on Kirkland's when we had him here, and the adopter stuck with that. Maybe I'll see if she's tried the usual pumpkin, or if she's tried other diets. Could he have a food allergy? I had all kinds of issues with ZIggy when he was young until I figured out his allergy situation...not the least of it was frequent non firm poop issues....
  7. Oh Stephanie! I"ve only just seen this...I'm so very sorry to read of Whistler's passing. Much sympathy from our home to yours. Godspeed, Whistler
  8. Ours runs at 80 or 81 during the day while we're at work and 78 or 79 when we're home. Our dogs do fine...they don't move around much during the day, find a cool spot under a ceiling fan and sleep the day away.
  9. WElcome to Arizona! We live in Chandler but my folks live in Sun Lakes(the Ironwood portion) and we're down there most Sundays with our two greyhounds. Life is indeed good in Arizona. Hopefully we'll see you around Sun Lakes! Look for our two black hounds! ( I know there is someone in my parents neighborhood as well that has a greyhound...I haven't met them but my folks tell me they see them walking all the time...somewhere around the Ironwood clubhouse)
  10. My younger dog, once a year for annual bloodwork. The older one, now 11, we take twice a year for bloodwork. The older dog also sees teh ophtlamologist twice a year for her pannus. Beyond that, they both usually have at least one visit a year for somethign that comes up.
  11. Oh, I"ve only just seen this. I'm sorry Janice. Much sympathy to you and your family. Godspeed, Walter
  12. I'm sorry, Ali Godspeed, Luther
  13. greytlucy

    Good-bye Omar

    Yes, that is my husband. He used to be posting about Omar religiously when we first got him. It was truly a joy. I can't believe how fast I fall in love with Omar. My parents were wondering what happened, because I was so afraid of dogs. Thinking back makes me wonder if I would do things differently if I know we only would have about 4 years time with him. Sometimes I wonder if he really knew we love him with all our hearts? Before Omar was gone, I told him that we love him and he can come to visit us anytime. The strange thing is none of us have dreamed about Omar since. I was hoping that I could at least see him in my dream, but nope! He never comes. One time my husband even asked me if it is because Omar is upset with us that we let him go, otherwise why we never see him in our dreams. I remember the first time I saw the move "Best in Show". I was laughing so hard and wonder who would love a "DOG" like this. It is ridiculous. A few months later, I become one of the characters in the movie. I remember I actually cried when the first time we sent Omar to the daycare one day since we have to Baptist our niece that day. That was a joke that my husband tells people all the time. Omar has touched so many peoples' hearts. It is so true that everyone who met him fell in love with him immediately. Our neighbor (who is a cat lover) actually donated some money to the Greyhound Adoption of Ohio with Omar's name. They are also very sad that Omar is no longer with us. Sorry for my long posting. I can't stop every time when I write about Omar. I really hope that he is in a good place and happy. The unknown feeling also bothers me a little bit when I think of it. This is just awful! Oh, it is that Omar I remember so well. I am so sad. I've sent you a PM....I think you have enough posts now that you should be able to see it. Again, my deepest sympathies. Godspeed, Omar
  14. greytlucy

    Good-bye Omar

    I"m so very sorry to read of your loss. Are you in OH? If so, I remember when Omar's dad used to post here and when he first joined your family. I'm so sad to hear of his passing. Omar was so loved by both of you....I"m sorry your time together was so short. Much sympathy to you both Aonia i Mnimi
  15. greytlucy


    Oh no, Angie. I've only just seen this and am so saddened to read of your loss. Much sympathy to you. Godspeed, Shazam
  16. greytlucy


    So very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Scarlett
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Checkers
  18. Oh my gosh, i've just found this...what a shock! I'm so sorry for you. Sending lots of comforting thoughts and all our sympathies your way. Godspeed, Fudgie
  19. greytlucy


    Godspeed, Maddison Bev, I don't know really what to say. I"m so very sad this morning reading this. Sending you and Marc all kinds of sympathy and comfort. Maddison was a special pup, and a special place in the hearts of many of us.
  20. I'm so sorry. your love for him was so apparent everytime you wrote of him. Much sympathy to you and your family. godspeed, jim
  21. greytlucy


    Not a greyhound but our canary..... He passed away today. Very quickly. I can't believe how quickly.... He was our little buddy...his song filled our home and hearts. It was a beautiful song, if loud(hard to believe a creature so smal could be so loud! ) Fly away, little birdie....share that gorgeous song of yours with everyone over the Bridge...
  22. Scott, I'm sorry to read this. It's been a long time since we've "chatted" and I'm sorry to finally talk to you in such sad circumstances. Parker and I extend our deepest sympathies. I'm glad we got to meet Rusty a couple times, he was such a fine boy! godspeed, rusty
  23. I'm sorry. Our canary, Caruso, brings so much joy to our lives. It's amazing what a difference these little birds make. Much sympathy to you. Fly free and painless, little one...
  24. Patricia, I'm so very sorry to read this. Deepest sympathies to you and Fred. Godspeed, Sophia
  25. So very sorry! Much sympathy to you and your family
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