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Everything posted by tornadosgirl

  1. I came home today and noticed that the lymph nodes in Penny's neck were enlarged and hard. She has lymphoma, diagnosed in April/May of this year. She's had six months of chemo- all but the last treatment. She's had a UTI that three antibiotics have not cured, so they were holding off on the last treatment. So I took her to the vet- they were so nice to stay open late so I didn't have to bring her to the evet. The vet said the cancer is back. Not a good sign to have this happen only 4 weeks after her last treatment. The vet gave her a shot of Prednisone (sp?) and will call Penny's oncologist in the morning so we can figure out how to proceed from here. I am devastated. She was in remission the whole time she had the chemo, so I thought she would live many months after the treatment ended. My goal now is just to have her be free of pain. While I wish I could have her forever, I know it's not realistic. She is such a GOOD dog. I thought that since she is only just turned five years old, that she would outlive Tornado who is almost nine. Thanks for listening. Please pray that Penny remains pain free.
  2. My sympathies got out to you. Goodbye Dempsey...
  3. Thanks! I'm so confused you guys! Penny is better, but the swelling hasn't gone down completely. I have a call in to the vet to see what to do. Her face looks wide, like a pit bull's!
  4. Tonight I had made plans to go flyering, with several other GTers, for the loose dog in Woodstock,CT area. But.... 5:45 - Picked up Penny from chemo treatment at Tufts. (She threw up a couple times on the way home, but I thought she would feel better once she got home.) 6:15 - Got home and immediately noticed her face was quite swollen. Our regular vet was open til 7pm and closer than going back to Tufts, so I raced down there with her. 6:45 - At the vet, she had hives all over and was throwing up again. They gave her a couple shots- benadryl and a steroid. They said the swelling would go down soon and gave me some benadryl capsules for her. 7:10 - Got home and explained the situation to DH. 7:15 - Anne Marie (I think it was her) came by with the flyers. Spoke via Jen's cell phone with Michael at the same time. 7:20 - Left for Woodstock 7:45 - Met up with Jen and went flyering. 10:00 - Home. Penny is still a little swollen but seems "herself" once again. Gave her more benadryl. What a day for Penny and for me!
  5. Go to the vet! Don't ever hesitate. The vets know more than we do.
  6. How is Hershey today? I'm sending prayers for Hershey that he continue to feel well.
  7. I just spoke with the oncologist and the protocol is called VELCAP. She is probably coming home tonight! I am so excited to get her home! Thanks all.
  8. Thanks everyone. We just got back from meeting with the doctor. We are going to start treatment (chemo) and see how it goes. We don't want to be really aggressive with it, but if she tolerates the treatment then we will continue. If she completes the 14 week protocol (one treatment a week for six weeks and then every other week for eight more), that could give her 9-12 months additional time. If we did nothing, she would have 2-3 months. They will be doing a chest xray tonight to see if it is in her lungs. If it is, the prognosis is not so good. Her blood work looks good (kidney and liver function, calcium, etc). She looks great and doesn't seem to be in any pain at all. They love her, because she is so loving. They said she's not the "typical" shy greyhound- don't I know it. While we were discussing her situation with the doctor, the resident, DH and myself, she walked from person to person for her scritches. I also saw her give her paw on command, for the resident, for the first time ever! We expect to take her home on Saturday.
  9. Update: Penny has lymphoma. DH and I will be meeting with the doctor at Tufts at 2pm today. I can not believe it.
  10. We came home from work tonight to find Penny with swollen glands in her neck. It was too late for the regular vet, so we took her to Tufts/Foster Hospital. They've admitted her for diagnostics. All her lymph glands are swollen. Her temp and heart rate are slightly elevated. They mentioned the possibility of cancer several times, along with some other things that I can't even remember right now. I just can't believe it. She's only 4 1/2 years old.... Please pray for her. We won't hear anything until noon tomorrow (Thursday). They're doing needle aspiration of the neck glands, ultrasound, blood work, etc. She has not ever been sick and was running around the yard like a maniac with Tornado yesterday..............
  11. Rest in peace, Trish. Here is a poem I wrote a while back. Hope this helps Adrian and all those who were close to her. Shed but one tear Shed but one tear If you must. Let it slide down your cheek To dry upon your lips. Turn your lips upward Remember Joy, laughter, good times. Think of those past times With happiness. Let those thoughts Console, comfort, wrap around you. Never dwell on sad thoughts- Hold on only to happiness. Do not let grief consume you. Let your memories empower you To be strong and confident. Though you may be sad that I am gone Do not hold on to sadness My time for life came and it has gone. Let He who gives Eternal Life guide you and turn every grief filled moment in to thoughts of everlasting life. For I am looking forward to that time when we will meet again.
  12. I'm sorry. My prayers are with you.
  13. I'm so sorry. But you did the right thing by her.
  14. Penny's toenails are very long (probably 1-1.5 inches long). I've tried to clip them, as has the groomer, but the quick is already at the end and visible, so there isn't much I can clip/dremmel. She is starting therapy dog training next month, and I really would like them shorter (if possible). The groomer this past time told me that "the nails on greyhounds get long (and you can't get them shorter) because they don't get clipped at the track". Now I know for certain this is not true, at least not in Penny's case. Is there any hope of getting the quick to move back so her nails can be shorter? She also has long dew claws.
  15. My prayers to you and your family. I can only imagine how hard it is to have lost him.
  16. Adding my prayers and well wishes, although late.
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