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Everything posted by tornadosgirl

  1. My sympathies to you. I lost my girl to renal failure last fall. Hold on to the memories.
  2. I'm so sorry. My prayers go out to you and your family.
  3. Welcome to GT! I LOVE your photos! Sounds like you definitely a proud and happy mama
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss of Missy. Hold on to the memories!
  5. Thanks for always being so supportive!

  6. tornadosgirl

    Ec Lori Ann

    I am very sorry. Hold on to the memories!
  7. It's been two weeks, Brandy, and you're still on my mind. The kittens are great, but they will never replace you! When you're gone The memories won't fade When you're gone The tears won't dry up When you're gone My love for you will still be strong When you're gone. I know that you must leave me. I know that you can't stay. But still I do not understand How this is part of The Plan. You've taught me lessons And given me love You've delighted me And so much more. It's hard to say goodbye, as it always is And when you're gone, you'll still Be here in my heart.
  8. Thank you all for everything you've said. I wasn't going to post about her passing, originally, because I thought it would be too upsetting. But it has helped. I just wish I knew when I will be able to think of her without breaking in to tears.
  9. I am devastated by the loss of my 15 year old cat on Friday. She had been sick for most of this year with kidney failure and then over the last two weeks, more problems arose. I made the decision to give her Eternal Peace and I thought I had prepared myself. I thought talking about it before hand, talking about losing her, would make it easier. But it didn't. Here are a few photos of her and a LONG story that I wrote about her at 3am on Saturday. I know I made the right decision, but I miss her SO much. For some reason, it never had dawned on me, until the last few months, that she would some day die. I thought she would always be around. My beautiful girl Taken on her last day. I thanked Tornado for allowing Brandy to eat some of his breakfast on her last day. He stood by and just watched. --------------------------------------------- Brandy My beloved Brandy passed away on Friday, November 17th. She was fifteen years, seven months old. Shortly after moving into my first place of my own (a 300 square foot studio in Ayer,MA), I decided that I wanted a cat. I had never had a cat before, because Dad was allergic. I adopted her, when she was seven months old, from the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, MA.When I went to pick out a cat, there were three to chose from. Two sat in their cages and looked at me. Brandy stood up and pranced back and forth in hers, like a model on a runway. Somehow she knew that she had to show that she was the prize out of all of them. Brandy was a seven month old, long haired tortie, the last of an "oops" litter. She has spent her first seven months in that cage, at the shelter,so my pad must have seemed huge to her. Needless to say, she had not been well socialized. I knew that my cat would love to sit in my lap and be petted for hours or be carried around in my arms as I did my thing. I quickly learned otherwise, as I recovered from multiple scratches,including on my neck and shoulders. No, she would not perch on my shoulders, as I had seen a friend's Siamese do. Since cats fear water, I shut the door whenever I took a shower or a bath in the tub. Though I was confused when she cried and scratched at the door, Thereafter, I let her in. She would make sure I knew it if I left the toilet cover up, That was her perch. When I got out, she would stand as close to me as she could. Again I was confused, this time at her sudden affection. But then I realized she just wanted "the drippies" off me. And so I began wringing my hair out over her and she purred so loud! From there on, wherever she was, she expected anyone who showered or took a bath to give her drippies and would protest if they were ignorant of her needs or just plain forgot. Only two months after she came home, I was in the hospital for what turned out to be an extended period of time. I boardered her at a kennel, my Mom paying the eventual $250 tab. When I came home, she walked in between my legs and purred, so loud. I decided to get her professionally photographed. To prepare her, I brushed her and brushed her.But her long fur was full of static. So I got out my bottle of static guard and sprayed the brush with it, liberally. The photos came out nice but I was horrified the next day that my beautiful cat had developed alopecia. Or maybe she had trichotillomania! I rushed her to the vet, who couldn't quite figure out what was going on, until I mentioned the photo shoot and the preparations. He advised me NOT to use Static Guard on the cat any more. I was devastated and contemplated returning her to the shelter. Surely I was not fit to have her in my home. But she forgave me as the fur quickly grew back. She forgave me many, many times for the mistakes I made with her. Like driving down that section of 495 that needs to be paved, time after time. She barfed every time. Until I learned to take a different route. Or the time I forgot that she was still in the bathroom, licking the shower walls, when I closed the door and trapped her inside, not realizing til hours later what I had done. I spent a lot of weekends with my parents and of course brought Brandy with me.Somehow my Dad no longer was allergic to cats, even long haired cats like her. Despite the fact that he was not fond of cats, Brandy loved him and would sit on his lap on the newspaper he was trying to read. Funny how she had an attraction to those who favored her company least! She also had an attraction, as most cats do,to anything important in the house. My Mom loves jigsaw puzzles and Brandy did too.She would plunk herself in the middle of them as Mom worked. And no amount of nudging would get her to move. If picked up and moved off, she would quickly jump back up,as if to say "You didn't mean to do that, did you?". My Dad would often speak at church or other functions. He would type up his thoughts and leave the pages on his desk. When we couldn't find Brandy in one of her usual locations, we knew where to look. Another favorite place was in the laundry basket, but only when the clothes were clean. When we were home, Brandy rarely sat with me as I watched tv, as I had thought she would. And for a time, that disappointed me greatly. But when I was very depressed,she was always there. Sitting for hours, allowing me to stroke her. I woke up one morning to find her in bed with me, sitting on the far edge watching, as if she were "on duty". That was the only time she would sit with me or come to bed with me. She somehow knew what to do at those times. After Ayer I moved to Waltham and an apartment that was twice as large as Ayer. Eighteen months later I moved back to Ayer. Over the next few years, I moved to Medford, Millis,Middleboro and Worcester before Webster, her] final home. Brandy always adapted, after scoping out the new digs. I think she most enjoyed Millis, where she could sit in the sun for hours looking out on the deck from behind the sliding glass door. One winter day, as the birds sat in the snow on the deck, I had the idea to get her a harness and leash, both lime green. I knew she would enjoy walking in the snow with me, even closer to the birds. I was do disappointed, but again learned a lesson on cats, when she dropped to the ground, laid on her back and kicked her legs up in the air. Several years ago, while living in a third floor condo, George and I decided to adopt a greyhound. When he walked in the door for the first time, muzzled of course, she merely looked at him, looked at me and walked away. She knew she hadn't lost her place in my heart to him. Always confident, that was Brandy. She would prance around like a bowlegged cowboy.I always thought she looked, from behind, like she was wearing pantaloons- like one of those girls in a bar in the old cowboy movies.She was quite proud of her appearance and knew that she was "the one". She quickly let Tornado know who she was when he came home. For some error on his part, which I can't remember, this ten pound cat chased an eighty pound dog around the condo. I swear she ran on her hind legs as she batted at him with her front paws. He ran, terrorized, around the place before jumping on the couch and cowering, until we "broke it up" and held her back. From then on, they respected each other's space, although not necessarily each other. If she was there first, no matter where she was, he would not encroach. She would drink the gravy from his food as he watched or stand in the doorway of the bedroom, so he could not get near us. When she finished in her litter box, she would jump out and run like a bat out of Hell. Then she would come back to the box, sniff it and look at Tornado as if to say "I left you a cookie. Want to try one?" (I swear that's what she looked like she would have said if she could).He tried a cookie once, before we moved the litter box. As I'm sure you know by now, I could go on for hours with stories of the fifteen years Brandy spent with me. Though I am saddened when I remember her now, it will be those memories that will sustain me in the days to come. Even now I swear I can hear her purring. And I know that she IS purring. In my heart, where she will always be.
  10. I am so sorry. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
  11. Hold on to those memories.... My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  12. My thought and prayers are with you.
  13. Victoria was a pretty, black girl who visited us New Year's 2004. We were told she was food aggressive, but we didn't see it that weekend. She had been attacked by a lurcher and so, at the time, she was missing some of her hair. We loved her just the way she was. Our Tornado loved her too. We would have kept her, but at the time we lived in a condo and we weren't ready for a second. Boy I wish now that we had been ready. We learned over this past summer that she had been PTS, due to her behavior. I don't know all the details, so I won't go into that. Anyway, she was a great grey. It's funny, even though she was only in our house for 3 days, I think about her a lot. I'm so glad that I took a few photos of her- I can look at them in the gallery and remember the special weekend we had with her. I think that's what I'll keep in my heart about her, the memories of that weekend, not the fact that she's no longer with us. Victoria will live forever in my memory.....
  14. I'd like to extend my heartfelt sympathy.
  15. I am so sorry about Cactus.
  16. My DH and I are so sorry for your loss of Scully. While you mourn his death, celebrate his life!
  17. I am so sorry for your loss.
  18. My sympathies and prayers are with you and your family.
  19. I'm so sorry. Hold on to the memories and look at your photos often. Remember the good times....
  20. Tornado weighs 70 pounds and he eats 2 cups of Pro Plan kibble each day and one can of Pro Plan a day. He is a very finicky eater and hasn't gained any weight since we got him a year ago. We've tried several different brands, even the one the rescue group said he liked. He doesn't eat more than the 2 cups and 1 can. I saw in the post that started the discussion, or one shortly after the original, that said something about the dog's racing weight. Tornado raced at 80 pounds. Should he really weigh 90 pounds? He seems healthy (and the vets say he is) and happy and he gets lots of exercise. He does have a low thyroid condition too. Any thoughts about the racing weight vs. the couch potato weight and what it should be?
  21. tornadosgirl


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