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Posts posted by msjpk

  1. Plummer, my new foster, has some issues with his paws.

    His nails were about 2 inches long when I got him but we worked on that but he either has caught his nail previously or has some kind of skin condition.

    He was at the vet on Saturday and without a biopsy this chronic problem since 2005 has yet been diagnosed.

    He has also had a toe amputation. He passed history is very sketchy.

    However, I managed to get his passed records faxed to my vet and hopefully a biopsy of his toe that was amputated in 2005 will shine some light.

    2 paws are red and scabby, he was licking but that has stopped. I have soaked them in Epson salt and have been putting neosporan with vet wrap and it has improved.


  2. Hi and welcome. :wave

    Your life is about to change!!!! :lol

    Sounds like you have all the "stuff" together.

    I would however recommend that you set aside some TIME. The transition for you and your pupper will be so much easier. Can someone take off from work for at least 4 days? Most importantly is alone training.

    I am not sure if you are getting a grey from the track or a foster. Alone training is the most important. You can read about alone training on this site. Start right away.

    Take a deep breath and enjoy.

    We are here to help and keep us informed, we love to hear about the progress.

  3. I am so sorry you both are going through this. It is a tough time. Been there and time becomes a whirlwind.

    There is a greyt community that is available at this time for you "circle of greys", I suggest you join and you will get plenty of support and advice now.

    Good luck and whatever decision you make is right for your pupper.


  4. Lou did greyt at his yearly check up. He weighs 88 lbs. He was tested for heartwarm, received his shots and was a brave boy.

    Then my vet got to his teeth-ooooooooooooh needs some dental here, oh boy. So she wants to clean them out, she doesn't think any of them need pulling.

    I asked the price and she said approximately 350.00 for scaling, cleaning and pre tests such as EKG, chest x-ray.

    I thought the price was pretty good!!

    The vet is grey savvy and knows about the anesthetic.

    Could someone refresh my memory and tell me what anesthetic is used for greys?


  5. Its spring, the bugs are out!!!

    Lou has the same and last year at this time he got them to.

    He lays on the grass and the nasty buggers have a field day.


    I use an ointment called "Chiggerex Plus" or antibacterial ointment or calamine lotion.

    The marks usually go a way in a day until those buggers get him again.

  6. My collie had Cushings and one of her things were to hide under a kitchen chair. Then she started to walk in circles and precided to start with some seizures.

    It is the nature of Cushings.

    Call the vet.

    This time is very hard and I wish you and your pupper good luck.

  7. I realized what might have tricked off the neck pain.

    We went for a walk yesterday morning and Lou (the big wuss) heard the wind and russling of leaves and now I remember how he nearly pulled me to the curb and he jerked himself!!!

  8. Lou seems to be much better this morning, we had a rough nite, but he was able to go up the stairs to go potty.

    He ate and I took a mental health day to be with my pupper.

    I know others have had this problem.

    What has been your experience? I know the vet will want me to take him for an MRI.

    Do they sedate for the MRI? Where do they perform them?

  9. Occasionally, Lou (TK Lumiere) sometimes throws his neck out.

    It hasn't happened since 2006. Today, it happened again. I came home to find my buddy with his head hanging low and screaming in pain.

    I have some dexamethasone and he is now laying still and resting.

    I am so afraid when he moves.

    Please keep him in your thoughts and hope no visit to the E-vet tonight

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