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Posts posted by msjpk

  1. Oh Annette, this is so painful for you and your family. Holly is a beautiful pup that loved your family as much as you loved her. You all took such good care of her. Healing thoughts from Lou and I, take care and Holly will take care of you. She is in good company with all the bridge angels and she is being welcomed and is pain free. She thanks you for that.

    Please take care of yourself.

  2. So sorry you and your pupper are going through this.

    When I took Lou home, I guess his stair climbing and descending sent his neck into pain.

    He was given steroids and rest, with little walks and no up and down stairs for at least 1 week.

    You might consider a harness instead of a collar.

    Lou wears his collar for ID purposes only and a no pull harness for his walks, which many vendors on this site sell.

    Good luck, hope he feels better soon.

    Keep us posted.

  3. Lou has suffered through this occasionally.

    It first started when he went down the stairs to hard.

    He could not lift his head without yelping.

    He was put on a Dexamethosone, 0.5 mg. until pain subsided.

    Rest is the key, no stairs, no long walks.

    This pain can start at anytime and has been diagnosed of a neck sprain after all other things were omitted.

    Good luck.

  4. Lou suffers from this every now and then.

    COULD be a pinched nerve, key is if steroid calms it down.

    Lou gets Dexamethasone when needed.

    I never know when it will happen so I always keep them on hand.

    For now, take to vet or e-vet ASAP so she gets out of pain.

    Rest, no long walks and no up and down stairs.

    Good luck and keeps us posted.

    Your girl should have a harness as opposed to her collar, might be tough to put one on her now while inflamed, but do think about it.

    Lou wears his collar for ID and harness for activity.

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