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Posts posted by msjpk

  1. Just a cue for you- I realized that Lou had matured and didn't want to be gated in the kitchen when I came home from work and found the kitchen counters eaten up!


    So, I got the hint (and new kitchen counters) and Lou had the rein of the house, with bedroom doors closed, radio on, walk before I went out, calm going out and calm returning. No destruction, but remember, routine, routine, routine and that is what your baby will expect.


    Since your father is next door, you have an ideal situation for letting him out for a potty break, a treat and then leaving.


    good luck and keep us postedl

  2. Perhaps a long walk before leaving, radio on, no big deal when you are leaving.

    Is it possible for someone to come and check and take him out for a walk, while you are gone? It would break the time up for him and you guys could have a relaxing dinner.

    good luck and it is nerve racking until the routine settles.

  3. Watch me training has taken the stress out of our walks with Lou.

    Start training inside with the watch me with treats in his face to look at you and you only at the time that you are holding a treat-it should be a treat he can't resist- be consistent and it will work. It takes time but worth it.

    Also you might consider basic obedience classes.

  4. The alone training should not impact the routine she is in now.


    Have you ever left her alone not in the crate? It may be to soon, but maybe she doesn't like the crate!


    I would do the alone training when ever you can, after she eats, after dinner, especially on weekends- I did it an entire weekend, back and forth in and out, totally confused the doggies and that's what you want, but always leaving without a fuss and returning without a fuss.


    Not sure if you walk her before work but it is a good tool.

  5. Congrats and I am partial to the black doggies, she looks like my Lou. My son lives in Gilberts, not to far from you.


    The most helpful info I can give you is the following:


    Sounds like she is anxious when you guys are not around, everyday as often as you can, perform your routine for leaving the house, i.e. put your coat on, grab your keys etc. Then leave the house, first for about 2 min. then come in again with no fussiness, put your keys down, hang up your coat. Do it again, same routine, this time expand the amount of time, (yes your neighbors will think you r crazy) do this routine and keep on expanding the amount of time you leave.


    You see, she cannot tell how long you are away but she will see that you will always come back.


    When you leave set up a routine with her, put the radio on, give her a cookie, put your coat on, grab your keys- same thing every day.

    Have you given her a kong in her crate? Frozen kong with peanut butter and a goodie inside can keep her amused for a time.

    Do you walk her before you go to work? Another excellent part of her routine, walk, radio, Kong etc.


    Let us know how you progress- we all have terrific hints to keep everyone happy, good luck

  6. I have noticed that my Lou hacks occasionally- I pay attention to it but it is not continuous?? He also can have some breathing with his mouth open when he is laying down, I usually have a blanket it on him so I take the blanket off, it goes away as quickly as it comes.

    No help hear, but I do know what you are talking about.

    Sometimes I feel the hacking is from eating grass??

    Good luck and keep up posted, hope all is fine.

  7. Sounds like pent up energy to me. Has he been to basic training classes? If not that should be a priority.

    Does he sit, stay, lie down?

    If he does, give him a job the first thing in the morning before you get out of bed.

    Do not let him onto your bed. a firm NO

    I also would beat him to the punch by getting up first and commanding him to stay, while you go to the bathroom. I use voice command and hand signal (hand signal is in his eye range, like a stop signal)

    If possible, after u are ready, take him for a walk, he has this energy that needs to be addressed. Good luck I hope this helps and keep us posted.

  8. I would call the vet, he might have something lingering from the blanket.

    Hacking can also be a sign of a serious stomach issue in which the stomach turns, bloating. The reason I mention that because I was witness to a dog hacking and turned out to be bloat. Not saying that's what it is, but call the vet just to make sure.

    keep us posted.

  9. Just a suggestion, my Plummer has issues with his nails, I find that soaking them first which makes them soft, makes it easier to dremel. Because of his toe issues, I dremel until I can see that he has had enough. He is now use to the routine and tomorrow is another day. Good luck.

    Edited to say; I will dremel after he has eaten, walked and ready for his lazy rest.

    Timing helps.

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