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Posts posted by msjpk

  1. Lou is continuing this habit and it is like clock work - 2:00am he is up, I let him out in yard, he lays down and I cover him and then the whining starts. He will get up again and walk past his dish and then lick his chops. Definite sign of hunger. I will not feed him at that time as it will start that habit.

    I give him his snack at 7:00pm and I try to hold him off until 9:00pm


    Is it possible his food is not holding him? Kirkland brand, chicken.


    Any ideas???

  2. Lou is driving me crazy as he gets up at approx. 1:00am each morning- I let him out to potty and instruct him back to his bed and cover him with blanket.

    10 minutes later, he starts whining and wants to go out again or will play bow and bark (which is his way of telling me he wants to eat). It's as if he gets hungry at this time in morning. I do give him a snack around 7:00pm which consists of less than a handful of kibble.

    I don't want to fed him at 1:00am as this will be what is expected each night.

    Any inputs or suggestions please.

  3. I have been dealing with nail bed issue since we adopted Plummer 3 years ago. He presents with crusty nail bed, oozing and some nails have that "white" look. He also has lost a nail.

    He was biopsied last year and results were hard as tissue was so sparce.

    So for now being treated as autoimmune and is on 125mg and 325mg Clavamox plus 0.3 thyroid as tested and borderline.

    Since the beginning of this treatment there is improvement.

    However, after reading this post I considered a no grain diet and Plummer is on Taste of the Wild and no grain treats. I am also using a super absorbent powder, Zeasorb, treated after walks in this snowy weather.

    I am thrilled as I am sure Plummer is with the improvement. No more licking and he is so comfortable. Keep paws crossed this continues.

    Thanks everyone for the info and I pray your greys have relief from this uncomfortable situation.

  4. Alone training is a definite.

    Neigbors will think your crazy but alone training works with effort.

    Go in and out of the house, make it a process.

    Potty, goody, radio on, pick up keys, shut door- (this is my routine BTW)

    All need to make a routine so dog knows what is coming next and that you will return.

    Does he have to remain in crate? Can u baby gate and area with the crate door open when u leave?

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  5. Many of us have been there and deal with it the best we can.

    When Paxx was declining I stayed with her as much as time would allow. She was uncomfortable and I made the decision when the day for the Rainbow Bridge would come.

    I laid down with her and talked to her and told her there would be no more pain.

    In between, I would run to my PC and get on Greytalk, it helped me tremendously. Take one day at a time and we are all with you and your hubby at this time. :f_white

  6. My Lou has gained some weight and I would like to trim him down about 6 lbs.

    What successful kibble has anyone used?

    He is on Costco kibble right now and I would like to cut that down and mix with a leaner kibble. Would a Senior kibble accomplish this?

  7. Plummer has had toe issues for sooooooooo long. He had a biopsy and conclusion is deep bed toe infection.

    He has been on antibiotics and probably will be for all his life.

    Tonight he went out and Lou and Plummer were running and off comes one of his infected toenails.

    Hubby calls me at work, blood everywhere. He is bandaged now and it has stopped bleeding.

    Do nails grow back? And any aftercare suggestions?

  8. I was preparing for my garage sale and was just bringing the doggies in from there walk.

    I unhooked leash and usually Lou sprints up garage stairs and into house. He was so excited when he saw the car not in its usual place- He started to walk out of garage and everytime I moved forward he moved forward ready to bolt. I immediately stood still, lease in had and called him to me- he came and I was able to leash him-

    Not a good way to start out the morning. :eek

    So greytalkers, practice, practice, practice recall- one never knows.

  9. I was preparing for my garage sale and was just bringing the doggies in from there walk.

    I unhooked leash and usually Lou sprints up garage stairs and into house. He was so excited when he saw the car not in its usual place- He started to walk out of garage and everytime I moved forward he moved forward ready to bolt. I immediately stood still, lease in had and called him to me- he came and I was able to leash him-

    Not a good way to start out the morning. :eek

    So greytalkers, practice, practice, practice recall- one never knows.

  10. Biopsy has concluded a bacterial infect. but fungi not conclusive yet. My vet is searching. Plummer is on Clavmox for his dental and seems to be helping toes.

    We tried the collar and he flipped. I put his racing muzzle on and taped some areas so he couldn't lick- he wears socks consistently. Did u get the Zeniquin from your vet? I sent away to Canada as Zeniquin was prescribed for 6 weeks previously-not much of a help.

    Thyroid panel is Monday so we will see. I will keep posted. Please let me know how u do.

  11. My Plummer has had this nail bed infection for years. His spread too other toes. Plummer had a biopsy last week and nothing outstanding to speak of. He was on Zeniquin also, very expensive. He is now on another antibiotic and vet wants him to have a thyroid panel done.

    I has been a puzzlement.

  12. Returned to vet today with Plummer to change his paw bandages.

    Vet felt healing would be much better without bandages.

    So she gave me a no bite collar and needless to say Plummer flipped out. I removed it as he was sooooo stressed.

    Has anyone suggestions for a collar that is used for greys?

    I have his socks back on so he won't lick paws.

    Biopsy showed severe nail infection (no kidding) rest of biopsy not in yet.

  13. Plummer, who will be 10 in August, has had a consistent toe infection, since I adopted him 2 years ago. So I consented to a biopsy for this Monday. Plummer will also get a dental.

    Oh did I mention he also has hookworm!!!!!!! He is on meds.

    Biopsy is to prescribe the correct antibiotic for his poor little toes. They ooze and scar so easily.

    Please keep Plummer in your prayers that all will be well.

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