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Posts posted by msjpk

  1. Lou seems to be having his neck problems for often then I am comfortable with. Tonight he was sleeping and then started to yelp and was very uncomfortable.

    My vet suggested in the past that he should get an MRI- can someone recommend where I would take him. Also, what is the estimated cost of and MRI? Please tell me of experiences many of you have had.

    I am in located in Morris county, NJ


  2. Lou suffers from the same, poor thing. He usually gets this pain about 1x every 3 mths. He starts out with head hanging real low, and can't find a comfortable position. At first sign I give him his dexamethasone and then muscle relaxer.

    I block all stairs with baby gates and then potty breaks only. Sometimes a heating pad, with supervision, will help.

    I would seek out a chiropractor, that has totally helped Lou. And yes, a no pull harness is better than collar.

  3. I am no MD but it sounds like Cushings. My collie had the same symptoms but she was diagnosed to late. She was not in pain but did have seizures.

    Are you in a position to have Logan have the surgery?

    Can you get a second opinion or talk to another vet the success rate of the surgery?

    I wish you good luck and keep us posted.

  4. So I came home from work, Friday, brought a bottle of wine, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh relax, WRONG!!

    I go to pet Plummer on the neck and he yells out in pain, I look further under his collar and HUGH gash, deep,

    hair is pulled back and all you see is pink skin. I couldn't take off his collar as his skin was stuck to it.

    Called vet and got them just as they were closing, rush there and he saw 2 wounds and stiched both of them up.

    Poor baby is sleeping as he got a sedative.

    I just don't know how this happened. It doesn't look at all like a bite mark from Lou. The wound looks like a pull, like the skin was pulled back. My poor little boy.


    He is on antibiotic for a few days and then stiches will come out in 2 weeks.

  5. Thank you for your input.

    This is an ongoing infection that Plummer has, years. I only have him since Sept. He has been on almost every other antibiotic and Zeniquin is the only thing that keeps this under control.


    MD wants to perform biopsy, that is not in the cards for now. So we are keeping under control with medicines.

  6. Been there, this time sucks.

    One day at a time, enjoy him and know what you are doing for him is the best.

    You will get past this, it is very hard but you will get past this.

    We are all here with you and hurt with you.

    Circle of Greys is a good site for you to join right now.


  7. Has anyone had the experience with "deep Pyoderma".

    My new boy Plummer came to me with a bad toe infections in both his right front and left rear toes.

    He has been treated with a antibiotic and it worked.

    Well this toe infection is back and vet wants to biopsy but for now Plummer is on Zeniquin, very expensive. I wrote to Pfizer and I am waiting for a reply regarding a price break.


    I am looking for an effective cream as Plummer is still healing and toes are raw and Plummer wears socks on this feet so he doesn't lick the toes.



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