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Posts posted by msjpk

  1. 50+ here.

    I was thinking the same, right now I am contemplating getting another grey. Thinking it might be difficult taking care of someone else at this time. I have responsibilities of my mom, aunt. But on the other hand, my pleasure is taking care of Lou, and life is to short!!!

    But I really would love another grey.

    Anybody else going through this?


  2. My PAXX was diagnosed with osteo last year. She was only 5 years old.

    After the diagnosis, it was a world-win. Time goes so fast. Vets diagnose, they make suggestions. Refer you to specialists, they make their recommendations. You feel unsure, confused. What do I do? Amputation, drugs?

    My decision to let PAXX go to the bridge was when she could not get comfortable one night. The following day I laid down with her on her bed, stayed with her all day, petted, talked and told her how much I loved her and how she changed our lives. I just new she would not be a candidate for amputation.

    Like my previous dogs, I make the commitment to be their at the time of the bridge. She went peacefully and is now in a better place.

    Everyone has a different story.

  3. Lou has been getting these red sores on his belly, they disappear with Cortaid.

    However, they return and I believe it might be from him laying in the grass. Fleas???

    They present with a red circle and look like a blister. These pics are of his lower hind quarters, inner thighs.

    Any diagnosis or ideas?








  4. I must return to work today, and I am in a fog.

    The unfairness that our beautiful puppers become angels and we are still left mortals with all our responsibilities!!!

    Thank each of you for you kind words.

    During my time with PAXX, I keep on running to the computer to get me through my limited time with her.

    It helped so much to read the encouragement and felt like there was a million of people in the room with us.

    I was able to be strong on my decision and keep PAXX happy, and relaxed until her transition.

    I will be participating in Greytalk as so I can continue to help, comfort anyone who is facing this now.

    However, we must not stop researching, funding, praying that this dreadful disease is stopped for humans and our beautiful babies.

  5. PAXX is running free and pain free from this horrid bone cancer. She was a brave girl up to the transfer of her soul to the bridge.

    I know she will be giving all her friends hell and still chasing small white or black doggies.


    You are so missed but remembered.

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