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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Oh wow. That poor, brave boy! And so young!

    You are both very much in my thoughts, too.


    A chant for pain and inflammation relief!

    *Swelling go down. Pain flow away. Health reward this strong boy for being so brave! :nod: Swelling go down. Pain flow away. Health reward this strong boy for being so brave! :nod: Swelling go down. Pain flow away. Health reward this strong boy for being so brave! :nod: *


    Repeat as necessary!


  2. Oh Robin! :bighug


    Happy had to eat 6 cups a day of z/d to maintain her low weight of 62 lbs, but once we got her "stabilized" (acceptable pudding poop, as opposed to green and slimy goo; eating all of two meals a day with some dependability) on tylan, pred, thyroid and enzymes (Enzymedica's Pet Digest or Total-Zymes - PD is best), I was able to transition her to a grain-free venison-based kibble, and she's GAINED WEIGHT on HALF of what I was feeding before. I hope you can find the right mix for Beau. I'm really sold on the enzymes, myself. I started adding it to the other dogs' food just to check it against their metabolisms, and I've cut their food by a third so far to keep them at their weight.


    If you do decide to try enzymes to help with absorption, I suggest putting it on the food while it's warm, and letting it work on the food for awhile (I stir it in and let it sit for an hour, covered) before feeding. I had already been doing that, but my vet said that when I asked about his opinion of adding enzymes, too.


    Hugs to you both!


  3. Aawww! :( Well, going to keep positive thoughts flowing for your "little pirate" buddy! *Comfort and easy breathing, smooth airways drinking in the oxygen, everything flowing and healthy! :nod Comfort and easy breathing, smooth airways drinking in the oxygen, everything flowing and healthy! :nod Comfort and easy breathing, smooth airways drinking in the oxygen, everything flowing and healthy! :nod *



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