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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Well poop. Just catching up on Cosmo. Another tripod in the making, huh? :( Well, it's good you're in communication with the team at OSU, and at least you and Cosmo are in very good, compassionate, company here. :grouphug


    Keep us up to date, and we'll keep showering you all with the attention that Cosmo wants and deserves! :bow:star:bow2

  2. How is Sterling? Yesterday, I read this thread in its entirety and checked this morning for an update. This is my first posting; I just registered this morning. Our boy, Ranger was diagnosed with osteosarcoma on Friday the 5th and we're in the process of trying to find up. Would love to hear news of your boy since reading his/your story has been both frightening and inspirational.

    Welcome, GreenGreys. So sorry you came to GT under these circumstances, but stick around. There's so much information, but more, support and caring, to be found here.


    Just catching up with your thread and glad to hear that Sterling is doing so well. Gives me hope that Cosmo will be just as resilient after she has her surgery. Please keep posting updates. :)

    Oh no. I missed your story! I'll have to go look.


    Merann's back at work, and I don't want to speak for her without permission, but I will say she emailed with the news that Sterling continues to thrive.

    Now I'll go bug her at work. :lol

  3. Yes, what's the dosage info for the propolis? I tried using it topically on Wabi's corn, and I think it may have helped, but I didn't have a good way of keeping it ON. How do you keep Propolis or Bag Balm on, for that matter?


    Wabi has therapaws, indoor and outdoor styles (though the indoor ones are a pain, since they twist and flop around on her skinny little foot). They make it possible for her to walk with the rest of the gang at all, even between corn growth (she has a knuckled under foot, as well).


    I have hulled Wabi's just with my fingernails, usually after it's been damp for a bit (walking in wet grass, or in a damp boot). The last time, she'd been MISERABLE for weeks by the time I could get it. When I pulled it out, it bled! :blink: First time for that! But, a few days later, she perked up so much it's like she's a new pup all over again!

  4. Clever use of what was handy, there, FL! :lol My first thought was, "But, how can he breathe?", so I'm glad you modified it. :) The wound does look pretty good, and hopefully it won't open any more. That stuff Fiona3 suggests sounds interesting! Like something from Star Trek! :lol


    Too bad hubby has to see both blood and sanitary napkins, but good thing for Drake his primary caretaker is a woman! :lol

  5. FL, you are surprisingly coherent in your updates! Very clear and linear. I'm so impressed! Not only that, but you're keeping a sense of humor! :bow2


    Poor Drake. He's really going through it, huh? I hope you can get some quality email exchange going with Dr. Couto, so you can figure out what to do next. Drake is so lucky to have you caring for him. Intelligent, caring and capable. Lucky pup!


    Hang in there!

  6. I missed your earlier post! :blink:

    Anyway, what a fabulous pair of updates. I'm so thrilled. ONE WEEK and he's "bounding" up stairs, dancing and grinning, and leading his pack! Unbelievable! What a good job you two are doing with him!!

    Hugs and "treat e treats" to him and all the rest of your furry family!

  7. My 10 year old girl was diagnosed with (probable) IBD, and treated as such with fabulous results. She's now on a tiny dose of pred, with only good effects (no heavy drinking or peeing), and a very low dose of thyroid. She gets Tylan powder (an antibiotic that works in the gut, is very mild, okay for long-term) in her meals. We had her on the ZD Ultra, but her poops never got better than semi-soft, with green gooey slime running through it. (EW!) We gradually moved her onto a grain-free novel protein food (Venison based, from New Zealand), and she's now got perfectly acceptable poop. She eats every meal with gusto, sleeps through the night, put on the lost weight, and has energy to spare.


    I hope your friend's dog has as good results as we have! Poor pup. Such a drag to be so sick!


  8. I missed the start of this story. Is it a front or rear amputation? Maybe you can use a towel under the mid-section and held above to help stabilize him on the stairs 'til he gets comfortable doing it on his own.


    As for getting in and out, short of lifting him completely, maybe he can get a front paw or paws on the seat, then boost him up from behind the thighs? With my very small greyhound (only 43 lbs), I do a complete lift, from the side, one arm under her butt, and the other just under her chest, pushing her front legs back a little, and lift with my legs, back straight. Your dog is bigger, though. Good luck!


    Next on your to-do list: Move somewhere where the weather isn't crazy cold! :lol

  9. Great article Xan - thank you!!!


    We are checking into dietary supplements and changes as we proceed with chemo. Wow, chemo. I'm hoping he will sail through it like he has this horrific surgery.

    Hear! Hear! :)


    He just did a Wonderful poo in the backyard! (Yes, I'm glad it was in the backyard). Conversations around here are "How was his poo?" "Oh it was a pretty good poo" "What was the consistency?".


    :lol I bet we've all had periods when that topic has been the core of most conversation. :rolleyes:


    He is dreaming now - the amputated leg is running. Amazing. The bruising is almost gone. He had a sponge bath today and boy did he like that. He knows that is special and he is special and he just lords it over the other two. You just have to laugh.


    Aww! It must feel nice to get all cooled, stroked all over, and clean! :wub:


    Ok - stainless. No more stainless. We just had "lunch" in a ceramic bowl. Well, hand fed OVER a ceramic bowl. No big scares - even Rynn and Lyra got some bites : )


    Good start!


    Two more days home with my boy - then back to work. He will be fine. I won't be!!!


    The weather has cooled thank goodness.


    He has played snappy jaw game with me at least a dozen times now. I'm estatic!!


    All three are passed out here in the den with the fan blowing on them. The cats are all passed out in the sun upstairs. I'm the luckiest person in the world!

    Merann, you're always so optimistic and cheerful! That's one of the things I like about you. :) I think it's a lot to do with YOU and your attitude that his healing and attitude is going so well.


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