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Everything posted by JedsMom

  1. Ember looks great! I think it's a good thing for both of you to have her at home where she can heal.
  2. I'm so sorry to read this about Ember.
  3. I'm glad she's home. HOpefully she'll settle down soon.
  4. I'm glad she's coming home today. There's just something about being home that makes every patient feel better, and I know your family will feel LOTS better to have her where she belongs, too. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. Hopefully clearing up the tapeworm will let him get some meat on his bones. I'm sure Jack will enjoy eating like he's in training while he's gaining.
  6. Jed is having a good day today and wanted to say hello and thank you for all of the well-wishes.
  7. We need some "I Winslow" t-shirts from the Winslow shop. Keep up the good work, Winslow!
  8. I hope everything's all right. I know that when Ripple has a high-energy day, she's down right worn out for the next couple of days...
  9. Wonderful news! Keep up the good work, Polli!
  10. Fingers crossed that everything's all right and it is just a little boo boo!
  11. Good news! Yay, pretty girl!
  12. JedsMom


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  13. I'm sorry to see it's a fracture... She has to stay there until Tuesday? I'm keeping positive thoughts for good news.
  14. I hope she's all right and that it's just a strain.
  15. I'm so glad to read that she's home. I'm sure she's just as thrilled to be home as you are to have her home. Keeping my fingers crossed that she continues to improve and that her leg heals well.
  16. I'm so glad to hear she's doing well. I hope she keeps healing and is home soon. She certainly seems to know where she wants to be!
  17. Well, Jed and I are back from the surgeon's office. After he evaluated the joint, he no longer felt that he could go in there and remove the growth and save the elbow joint. He said that if he took out the tumor/cyst, that there wouldn't be enough bone for his tendons to stay attached to without breaking the leg. He said that our only surgical option is amputation. He took another x-ray of the elbow, and the tumor/cyst has definitely grown in the past week and a half. Even I could see that and I don't know much about reading x-rays. He took a chest x-ray and that is clean. For now. He said that he could go in and do a biopsy so we could see if it is malignant or not. He pretty much stopped using the word 'cyst' from the time he took the x-ray. He sent me home and told me that we needed to think about amputation and make a decision about what we wanted to do. I called our regular vet, who knows how Jed is, and we talked about everything. I asked him what he thought about how Jed would deal with an amputation, considering his stress-levels when he goes to the vet. He turned it around on me and asked me what I thought about having a 3-legged greyhound. I told him that, if this were Ripple, I thought she would be able to adapt without a problem (he laughed and said that you could amputate Ripple's head and she'd adapt), but that Jed's such a fruitloop, I don't know how he'd do. He has such horrible reaction at the vet's office... Dr. Fisher also reminded me to keep Jed's ehrlichia in mind... Considering everything Jed has going on, I just don't think that Jed is a good candidate for amputation, whether this is a cyst or if it's osteo. After talking with DH, he agrees with me. Jed has been doing better since we started using rimadyl. We've actually been able to reduce his tramadol since we added the rimadyl, so I think we're doing a decent job at managing his pain. From here, I guess it's just a matter of keeping his pain reduced and keeping him comfortable and happy and enjoying every moment of the time we have left with him.
  18. Update 10-8-08: Jed's surgery is today, so if you have any good thoughts to spare, please send them our way! I take him to meet with the surgeon at 10:30 and the surgery will take place later this afternoon. I'm looking forward to sitting down with the Dr. to meet him and to find out exactly what his plan is. I'm also worried about Ripple. She'll be spending today at home alone, which is not something that she's ever done before. Hopefully she'll do all right with that. I'll post an update about Jed this evening after his surgery is finished.
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