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Everything posted by JedsMom

  1. Oh no!!! What a mess! Hopefully she'll be all right if any was eaten. It sounds like she had a good time making the mess, tho.
  2. Jed is gone. It was very peaceful. I am devastated and I want to give him a good tribute, but that will have to wait. I love you, Mister Boy. *** Growing up, I always wanted a dog. I don’t know when I realized I wanted a greyhound, but for years before I was finally able to get a dog, I knew a greyhound was the dog for me. When DH and I moved to North Carolina, everything just seemed to line up for us to finally get our dog. There was even an adoption group within 5 miles from our apartment! It was meant to be. Our first few visits to the adoption agency, we met and liked a huge fawn boy, (95 pounds!) named Tank. Tank went to his forever home the week before we were ready to adopt, but a new haul of dogs had come in just that week, too. DH and I let all the males out into the play yard. Several of them started running around and having a great time. One white and fawn boy chose to stand with me instead. As I started petting him, he leaned against my leg. We had found our dog. Jed’s first weeks home were a learning experience for all of us, me, DH and Jed. Our adventures including carrying him out of the house three times a day for walkies because he was too scared to go out on his own and my panicked call to the adoption agency (which was also a vet’s office) because I thought Jed had some swelling from his neuter... while I was on the phone I realized that he was just glad to see me... Jed slowly learned how to be a pet. He learned that when we pet him, we didn’t want anything from him except to show him love. He learned that toys were for attacking, chewing, throwing and play-bowing. I’ll never forget the first time he played with a stuffy. It was on 9/11. DH and I were watching the news, I was crying, and then out of nowhere, Jed bounded through the air and pounced on a hedgehog. I always thought he realized DH and I needed something, and so he, as he would continue to do throughout his life, gave us a laugh. We brought home Ripple 6 months after adopting Jed. She was the exact opposite from him, walking into our home like she owned the place. She was exactly what Jed needed. Ripple isn’t afraid of anything, and Jed would have followed her anywhere. They became a pair. There wasn’t one without the other. It was always Jed and Ripple. Jed traveled with us all over the Southeast. He’s traveled to Atlanta, Asheville, Charlotte, the North GA mountains, the North Carolina beaches, West Virginia and South Carolina. One of my favorite trips with Jed and Ripple was to Athens, Ga, where I went to school. Walking around campus with my dogs is a memory I’ll always treasure. He was a first-class traveler, always enjoying new places and adapting to hotel-life. He even got used to riding in elevators. All of our family loved Jed. From our young nieces and nephews, to DH’s 84-year old grandfather (who would crawl around on the floor saying “C’mere boy, c’mere”). There wasn’t much not to love about Jed. He was easy-going. As long as he had his bed, his toys and his Mama, he was happy. If you wanted to become his friend, you could buy his love with treats or ear-skritches. Jed was my first dog. I loved him so much and I loved how he loved me. He was always in the same room I was in, watching me, those big brown eyes always following me. The cancer changed a lot about Jed, he stopped playing, he stopped enjoying walkies... at the end he even stopped enjoying food... but even when he was my hop-along Jed on 3 legs, he still followed me, he still had to be with me, my sweet boy. Once we got the cancer diagnosis, my biggest fear became a broken leg. I am so thankful that we were able to avoid that. Friday evening our vet came out to the house and, when we were ready, we let Jed go. It was so peaceful. Jed was surrounded by me and DH. Ripple was there, too. He died with me stroking his head and telling him he was a good boy and that I loved him. I’m so thankful it was able to be that way. I’ll be grateful for that forever. It’s so hard to believe that I won’t see him again. I keep looking for him. I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning and see his empty bed. Ripple, on the other hand, is doing great. She’s doing so much better than I thought she would. I know that as time passes this will get easier, but right now, it’s just so d@mn hard. My heart hurts and there’s a lump in my throat that won’t ease. I didn’t know I was capable of this many tears. I think I’ll feel better once Jed is back at home. I love you, Mister Boy. I miss you so much it hurts. But I’m glad you’re not hurting anymore - the horrible cancer can’t hurt you anymore. P.S. Jed: You always wondered how we knew it was you who got in the garbage. It was the coffee grounds in your teeth, Mr. Boy. They gave you away every time!
  3. Jed has been such a trooper, but this is a battle he can't win. The tumor has grown so much over the past 2 weeks. It's huge now and it makes it so difficult to for Jed to get comfy. I can't stand seeing him miserable, and so I'm going to say goodbye to him and let him be free of the cancer and free of the pain and discomfort. This week he's started panting after any exertion, so I have a feeling the cancer has spread. Because Jed has such a fear of going to the vet's office, my wonderful, kind vet has agreed to take time out of his holiday weekend to come to my house to take care of my boy. I can't thank him enough for being so caring. I would hate for Jed's final hour to be spent in terror. Instead he'll be at home, on his bed, surrounded by his family. When he was initially diagnosed, my hope was that he would be able to see his 10th birthday. We had 2 birthday celebrations in October, the first one when the cake came in and the second one on the 30th, his actual birthday. I think it was such a gift that he was able to be here for Thanksgiving. He had so many treats and yummy things yesterday. I'm so thankful for every moment I've had with my beautiful boy and I just hope that I'm able to be strong for him in his last moments. I've a call in to the vet now, and hopefully once I hear back from him he'll be able to come out later this afternoon, after DH is home from work. Any good thoughts for Jed to have a peaceful passing and also for Ripple, who I hope won't be too lost without her brother, are appreciated.
  4. Welcome Back! It's been a long time.
  5. I'm so sorry. Jack put up such a great fight. He's free of the monster now.
  6. That's great news! I'm so happy she's adjusting so well.
  7. Ripple has tweaked her neck a couple of times in the past 2 years. Both times I think they were sleeping injuries! She woke up and must've slept wrong. She was just like you described Nellie - all hunched and yelping when she moved. We took her to our vet, who told us he felt like it was just something she had tweaked in her neck. She was on Deramaxx for a few days and then it cleared up. It happened again over a year later and was again cleared up with Deramaxx.
  8. Right now he's on 75 MG of Rimadyl twice a day and 100 mg of tramadol 3 times a day. I'm going to call my vet tomorrow morning and see what we can do to up it.
  9. It sounds like Jack and Jed are in a similar situation. Jed was initially diagnosed as osteo, and then a surgeon said he thought it might be a bone cyst, and then, after examining him, the surgeon changed his mind back to osteo. I just wish Jed could tell me, "Mom, I'm OK." or "Mom, it's too much" What drugs do you have Jack on?
  10. Ever since we made the decision not to amputate Jed's leg, I can't help myself. I watch him like a hawk, analyze every step and/or whimper. I'm even too afraid to sign up for Secret Santa for fear that I'll get a box for him and he won't be here to receive it. I like to hope that we have plenty of time left. I like to hope that this isn't cancer growing in his leg, that it really is a bone cyst. Today he's limping a lot worse. The tramadol/rimadyl don't seem to be helping as much. Last time I was at my vet's office, he did tell me that we have other pain meds we can switch him between. Maybe it's time to switch... of course it would be right after I just filled up his pill bottles! His joint is very swollen, but when I tried to sit with him and use an ice pack he wouldn't have any of that - he kept moving his leg away and giving me the 'Oh please woman, stop that' look. I hate this and I hate it for him even more that he's the one having to go through it. I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Maybe it should have been in Soap Box, or maybe we just need a random Rambling category. Poor Jed. I wish I could just make it all go away for him.
  11. JedsMom

    Sweet Mama Ro

    Such a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  12. That was a beautiful tribute to a very special girl. I'm glad she's already sent you a sign.
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