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Everything posted by JedsMom

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. What a special little guy.
  2. DH picked up Adams spray and shampoo today. I'm going to wash both dogs and spray everything down. Hopefully I won't have to wash the cats, too. We'll frontline the dogs 3 days after the shampoos. Hopefully this will take care of everything! We've also got a vet appointment on Monday. I hate ticks. But I must add that dropping them into a bowl with vinegar killed them pretty quickly.
  3. I think we're clear. I've checked everyone else and I haven't seen any more on anyone. DH washed the blanket that was in his crate in hot water. I'm calling the vet in the morning so that we can take all necessary precautions and I'm calling the adoption kennel to let them know they may have something of an infestation. After looking at way more pictures of ticks than I've ever wanted to, I'm pretty sure these were immature deer ticks. Hopefully we will avoid any complications.
  4. He's white with very, very thin fur. I may have also been kissing on him.
  5. About 15 minuscule ticks have been removed with the aid of vinegar and his crate bedding is in the wash. Tomorrow after work is flea & tick bath and Frontline time and a conversation with my vet.
  6. Yeah, I got one off and put it on white paper. It crawled. It was not a flea.
  7. Our new dog appears to have several (5 at a quick glance) tiny ticks (the size of a . ) on him. What do we do? I've never had to deal with this before. How do I treat him? Do I need to treat Daisy and the kitties? What do I do about the bedding? Help!!!
  8. Freddie was such a special boy. It's hard to believe it's been two years...
  9. I'm glad you're getting x-rays. Hope they bring good news.
  10. Good news! I hope he continues to do well.
  11. Oh Patti, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how happy the Lady Sophia was to see her Flashman again.
  12. Jed was a food gobbler. He ate out of a bundt pan and it really helped slow him down and encourage him to chew.
  13. Thank you all for the kind words. This has been so hard. If someone had told me on Tuesday that we only had 2 days left, I wouldn't have believed them. I keep telling myself that she and Jed are together again. But it's so hard. I'm just so sad and my heart is hurting so much. Cancer sucks and it's just not fair. I've added a tribute to her in the first post.
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