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Everything posted by JedsMom

  1. Well, we've waited to see if Jed's limp went away and, unfortunately, it hasn't. It hasn't gotten worse, but it hasn't gotten better, either. I spoke with my vet today and he is forwarding Jed's x-ray to an oncologist here in town. I picked up a prescription for tramadol after work. Hopefully that will cut down on his pain.
  2. JedsMom


    I am so sorry.
  3. On Sunday I noticed that Jed was favoring his front right leg. I messed with it a little and tried to see if I could figure out where he's hurting. I messed with his toes - nothing. I moved his ankle - nothing. Moved his leg forward and back - nothing. I tried to move him into a more comfortable position when lying down - GSOD. That's my boy. His limp got worse as the day progressed. He was also restless, so I gave him baby asprin and promised him a vet visit on Monday. Of course, my vet was booked solid on Monday, but they worked me in at the end of the day (one of the many reasons why I love my vet!). When I got home early from work to pick up Jed and Ripple, Jed was stressed. The A/C had gone out, so the house was warmer than usual and I think he spent a good portion of his day pacing. By the time we got in to see the vet, he'd worked himself up into a 1st class stress-out and now he's got an ehrlichia flare-up. As my vet reminded me, limping in an almost 10-year old greyhound is never a good thing. He put Jed on Doxy for the ehrlichia and gave him an oral dose of prednisone as a jump start, and then gave him a prednisone shot that he said will last 2 weeks. He then told me we had a couple of options... we could see if the pred helps him out or - "I want an x-ray" I said, which made him continue with, or we could take an x-ray. So, one x-ray later, he called me in to look at it. He said it looked ok, that there was one little place that might look like something, but then again, might not. He let me come back and look at it and showed me the 'ify' place, and I saw what he meant, it might be something, or it might not. We decided to give Jed 48 hours to see if the pred helps with his limp. If it's not better, he's going to forward Jed's x-ray onto an oncology specialist in town. So that's where we are - waiting, which has never been my strong point. Any input/suggestions/prayers accepted.
  4. I am so very sorry. I'm sure Cody Angelo and his sisters are having quite a reunion at the bridge.
  5. JedsMom


    I'm so sorry, Diane. I'm sure he's with Fudgie now.
  6. Good thoughts coming your way.
  7. I'm sorry to see this. Sally was a special girl. I'm sure she and Maddison are having a reunion at the bridge. My thoughts with you and Marc and all the Doyle clan.
  8. JedsMom

    She's Gone

    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss.
  10. JedsMom


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  11. JedsMom

    2007 Roll Call

    Cleo, my oldest friend, went to the bridge on July 26, 2007. After almost 18 years together, it's so hard living without her. She's gone, but never forgotten.
  12. I've been thinking of Cleo so much today. This is the first Christmas without her.
  13. Merry Christmas! Glad you like everything and I hope their pjs fit.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  15. I am so sorry, Patricia. Lacey Laine was a very special girl. Thank you for sharing her journey with us. She had many people around the world who loved her, too. Run free, Lacey Laine.
  16. Keeping Patti, Fred & Lacey Laine in my thoughts.
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