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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. July 9, 2007 Also, Winslow has a new routine for the toys. He is currently removing one leg from the stuffed animals. He's never been destructive. Never torn them up. Now, it's just one leg. We have a tripod lambie and a tripod elephant. What do you suppose he's thinking? (We have a one eyed pig, but I don't think that was his fault). He has a lot of animals. I want to see if it's a trend. This is one for an animal communicator. Don't you agree? Glad you're home. Back to the madness. Glynis July 11, 2007 Good Morning Diane, Today, we swim. I'm taking my camera. IF Roger is available, one of us will make a movie of Winslow swimming. IF that happens, I'll try to get it onto youtube. IF I manage to do that, you may have a movie for Winslow's thread. IF I manage to figure it out, it could be fun, or a worthless DUD. But, I think it's worth a try. IF it doesn't work for you, Craig will enjoy it. He's in NY this week and homesick for his boy. He calls a couple of times a day to either ask about him or speak to him. Before Winslow, he didn't call very often. It's obvious that Winslow enjoys the phone calls. He snots all over the phone. Craig has always called, even before Winslow got sick. If I wasn't the same way about the boy, I might be jealous, but I think it's great. He's just as much in love as I am. That's a good thing, especially now. When we got Winslow, Craig was in NY all week and home on weekends. I took care of Winslow during the week and then Craig took over totally when he got home so Winslow wouldn't get too attached to just me. It worked. Now, Craig works from home and when he goes away, we have one day of depression. Winslow has to go down to the office and sniff Craig's chair. He whines at it for a minute and I tell him it's ok. Then he's fine. When I go away, nothing. I think they drink beer and watch football. He doesn't miss me. When I call, he doesn't even show any interest. Go figure. When we went to the regular vet she asked about how Craig was with Winslow's illness. I told her he was devastated but handling it well now. He's been as much a part of the recovery as I have. She said it's amazing the number of spouses that don't want to pay for treatments. She says it causes a lot of problems when a pet is sick because one or the other doesn't want to deal with it. I can see that, I guess, but to us that would be grounds for divorce. It would be horrible. The only time we have disagreed on something for Winslow is when I wanted to buy him a vet scale. Craig said that I could weigh him every week at the pool and obsessing probably wasn't a good idea. Ok, he knows me. No scale. On the other hand, this is a guy that didn't even flinch at the king size bed in the dining room, so we can all sleep together. Yep, he's a keeper. I'll let you know about the video later today. Glynis We are back home after a good swim and shower. The videos were harder than I expected. Winslow is used to having me go with him. He couldn't figure out why I was still behind him, but he went anyway. The quality isn't that good, but here they are. Turn down your volume- I get a little excited. The second one is better.
  2. How is he? If he is not ok this morning, I'd take him to your regular vet.
  3. Questions that come to mind: how long off the track is she? Does she have any symptoms: weight loss or weight gain, lethargy, excessive hair loss?
  4. Is he hungry? Bile means an empty stomach that is sick Try bread inbetween the chicken.
  5. Really! Great to know OK went & looked. I didn't realize they were the Smart Trims. I wonder how many they have?
  6. I don't think the GPA ones have an electric file--they do, see below http://www.agri-med.com/site/255063/product/SMRT_TRM-L There are a couple of small ones available if they work. The company is the one that makes greenies Here is the company information: S & M Nutec, LLC., 1 Design Dr, North Kansas City, MO, 64116, (816) 221-8538, Fax (816) 221-8928, patti@greenies.com, www.nutecforpets.com, Pres/Owner: Joe Roetheli, Mkg/Sales Mgr: Marcy Johnson
  7. rimadyl is an NSAID. It can tear up the stomach. Ask them to use something else like torb or tramadol if he needs pain meds. Rimadyl can also knock out the liver. Get him off of it fast.
  8. July 10, 2007 Hi Diane, Here we go. You know somebody is going to ask about Winslow's career as a painter, so here's the story: I paint. Winslow has been interested in it since the beginning. He spent time in my studio, watching... always watching. Sometimes, he got a little too curious and stuck his nose where he shouldn't have. If I didn't catch it right away, it could be quite a mess. Once, he stuck his nose in the Alizirin Crimson and then rubbed it on his white bottom. I thought he was injured. Scared the heck out of me. Another time it was the blue.. Regardless, it's not really good for him to stick his nose in oil paint. So, I thought since he liked it, I would give him the chance to express himself more safely on someplace besides the furniture or his own fur. He uses non toxic acrylic paint and wears a muzzle with a sponge attached to the front. Call me crazy, but I think he gets it and I think he knows that he's doing what I do. I also think he believes he's better at it than I am. He's probably not alone in that assesment. Glynis www.glynisberger.com new art 6/07! www.de-yong.com
  9. Sending more prayers! She sounds like she is doing well!
  10. Ask them to give carafate. I think they can also use phenigren They must be using some kind of pain meds. Which ones? I did some searching and this is a person, but interesting:
  11. Are they giving him any NSAIDs? If so, that will affect the liver. Are they giving him carafate? Zantac or pepcid? Reglan? Sending lots of prayers.
  12. July 9, 2007 Winslow has done some of his own paintings in the past, but has not been doing any since he got sick. He has his own painting set up. Perhaps this week I can get it out and make a photo of Winslow, the artist. He actually likes it. I think he can do it laying down. Let me work on it awhile and I'll send you some photos. We hope you are having a wonderful reunion. Glynis Glynis: Do you think Winslow would do a painting for the Greyhound Angel Network auction to be held in October? Diane I am attaching photos of Winslow painting that I took today. Also photos of 3 of his paintings. He didn't seem to have as much fun with it today, but I think it's because he's just hot or tired. He's had a busy day. Moody artists! Maybe he's given it up? Should I buy him a camera? Maybe he wants to take up photography. We'll do it again when the weather is cooler, but you get the idea. I know he would love to do a painting for the auction- better look at them first to be sure you like his style. Glynis.
  13. Blood test. You made me go look I find the comment about the TSH in this particular article interesting as I have read and been told the TSH was disappointing in dogs as it was not as accurate as in people: Thyroid testing Thyroid-info
  14. I'm assuming the one value you list is 1.9 and not 19? Are you doing a full thyroid panel? I would not pursue other issues until that is done. Probably would include an equilbrium dialysis too.
  15. Thursday, July 5, 2007 Winslow had his 6 month check up on July 3. All his bloodwork looks good except that thyroid level. It's a bit lower this time than last time so this time we are going for the whole panel on Tues. He has no symptoms of hypothyroidism, in fact, he's the opposite of the symptoms, but we are going to get to the bottom of this and make sure he's ok. All of the other blood and urine tests were perfect! NOW FOR THE BIG NEWS! WINSLOW'S LUNGS ARE CLEAR!!! Very exciting. We are relieved and very happy. The oncologist probably needs a hearing aid after speaking to me this morning. I'm sure all the screaming destroyed his hearing. We are so happy!! There is nothing that would indicate any other problems. I asked about the heat thing and after all the tests, the vet says Winslow is hot because he's hot. That's all. Aside from the thyroid thing, he's a dog in perfect health. We went swimming today and his weight is holding steady. No loss, no gain. I'm still trying to get him to gain a pound or two. His appetite is good and since he's swimming only once a week, that should be easy enough. He's going into the pool without coaxing now. I think he really does like to swim! Looking back, the last six months have been very difficult, yet some of the most rewarding times of our lives. We have been living every moment and doing everything we can with him. He's happy and healthy and we aren't taking any of this time for granted. Winslow has a lot of friends and he has given us all so much. I am just so grateful that he is doing well. All of the decisions we made about the amputation and chemo were the right ones. I would not have given up this time with him for anything. We will be celebrating tonight with yogurt and boiled chicken. Tomorrow some friends are coming over to paint. We take turns painting at each other's houses. Winslow loves having them over. He is quite the art critic and watches me paint a lot. Insistent on being in the middle, easels will be set up around his kitchen dog bed. He will watch us paint, and give us periodic inspections. I will have to send a photo of the Winslow critique- Last month at the vet, they were asking about the interesting color on his neck. One of the painters (probably me) had apparently given him some scritchies in blue. It's not uncommon to see an odd color on his white parts. The others don't mind him being in the center of the room. They all bring treats and toys, so he loves painting day with them. I'm happy and relieved. Winslow is sleeping and couldn't care less. Glynis "Shhhh! Can't you see she's working?" "I have to check her brushes." "Hmmm, what color is that?" "Nice Job!"
  16. Sending prayers! When Shadow had his life threatening pancreatitis, I was lucky (as was he) that he was able to get acupuncture in the vet's office and as soon as he came home. I have no doubt it saved his life. Shadow ate next to nothing for 10 days which rests the pancreas, so it was a good thing. He recovered completely. Thinking of you & Rusty!
  17. My sister lost two of her dogs (non greys) to this 15 years ago due to the idiocy of two workers at a vet's office. It was one of the most horrible phone calls--and she lived with it and watched two out of 3 die. The third was never right after that. I don't let a groomer due my dogs.
  18. Please give your Mother my sympathy. Tell her to think about his time with her. She gave him good years. The last of the senior's poem came to my mind when I thought of how wonderful his last years were! ONE BY ONE ... One by one, they pass my cage, Too old, too worn, too broken, they say. Way past his time, he can't run and play. They shake their heads and go on their way. A little old man, arthritic and sore, It seems that I am wanted no more. I once had a home, I once had a bed, A place that was warm, and where I was fed. Now my muzzle is grey, and my eyes slowly fail. Who wants a dog so old and so frail? My family decided I didn't belong, I got in their way, my attitude was wrong. Now I sit in this kennel, where day after day, The younger dogs are chosen and taken away. When I had almost come to the end of my rope, You saw my face, and again I knew hope. You saw past the grey, and legs wobbly with age, And felt I deserved life beyond this cage. You took me home, gave me food and a bed, And gently stroked my poor tired head. We snuggle and play, and you talk to me low, You love me so dearly, and make sure I know. I may have lived most of my life with another, But you outshine them with a love so much stronger. And I promise to return all the love I can give, To you, my dear person, as long as I live. I may be with you for a week, or for years, We will share many smiles, you will no doubt shed tears. And when the time comes, that God deems I must leave, I know you will cry, and your heart, it will grieve. And when I arrive at the Bridge, all brand new, My thoughts and my heart will still be with you. And I will brag to all who will hear, Of the person who made my last days so dear. Author Unknown
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