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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. This is the one I was thinking of. I remember seeing a sign in a vet's office: do not sell to homes with cats..... Remember the if it's safe for cats, it's ok for greys.
  2. If you have to feed a prescription diet, go with Innovative Veterinary Diets (assuming they have not changed since the buy out). I personally would feed a good quality otc food.
  3. Do you have any Dane breeders close to talk to? I wonder if the tacking down contributes to a longer recovery time. Also, what happens if there is a reaction to the tacking down? Two out of the three that I had that bloated, one torsed, one did not, one I sent off. The two: one a Dane and one a Dobe. The Dane had gastric torsion and was operated on, never bloated again. The Dane I lost bloated on 1/4 of canned dog food. The Dobe was tubed successfully and never bloated again. The first Dane I changed food to exclude soy and that was the only change, save going to a raised feeder. The Dobe I changed nothing on. To me, it would seem she should have really bland, canned i/d for a few weeks before going to real food. As Batmom suggested, not too much at a time. Sending prayers!
  4. Did they tack the stomach considering they took out the spleen?
  5. I've sent more sympathy your way this past months
  6. Advantix (and BioSpot) have higher reactions than Advantage and Frontline. I'd give him a bath and hope he is ok.
  7. Interesting. I've had litters with it and none of the adults in the household got sick. Either because it was confined to the whelping box/room or because they were healthy? Even the dam was ok.
  8. I'd do alternative since no one seems to know and the xrays do not indicate a fracture. Has he been tested for Valley Fever?
  9. Some dogs have bad side effects from flagyl, however I've been lucky and anyone I've used it on have been fine. I asked my vet once about the seizure issue and his comment was usually when that happens it's overdosed. All of mine have had 500mg twice a day, or 250mg twice a day. I've heard of way higher doses and I cringe. Tylan is an alternative if you can get them to take it! Stuffing pills is time consuming. Even Burp, who would eat anything, refused his food with it on. How long was he on flagyl? Sometimes they need a 3-4 week dose to cure whatever is ailing them.
  10. Could be he's drinking a lot because of a UTI? Sending prayers!
  11. Interesting. I've had the experience with Eliza and Rimadyl and have seen others forced to take meds they didn't want after taking them willingly, and they have had disasterous results. I'd still do a round of antibiotics if this just started and see what happens. Sending prayers
  12. Ouch! I've had uclers in my eye and they hurt bad. You can get tramadol at WalMart--one of their $4 prescriptions! Make sure she wears her lampshade and doesn't figure out how to get around it Sending prayers!
  13. Burpdog


    The kids touring the Hall of Fame are going to miss her sweet spirit My sympathy to all who loves her
  14. OK - I am back to you do not have a diagnosis, so experimenting with otc treatments are costing you time. It may be nothing to worry about, but then again it may! Since you do not have a proper diagnosis, how can a treatment plan be devised? Doesn't your adoption agency have vets to recommend? Can you at least email Ohio State? greyosu@osu.edu
  15. Please get a proper diagnosis. You already have one vet saying possible cancer. That is not something I would mess around with. She might need a biopsy, she might need antibiotics, she might need mouth wash. The problem is that we cannot tell how bad it is and my concern is that by delaying a diagnosis, you could be wasting valuable time.
  16. You remove what you can without being too invasive. Without biopsying the gum etc., you can't diagnose a thing. Also, as someone mentioned, stomatitis. You need a different vet Do you have one close?
  17. How can they diagnose something without a biopsy? I would not panic yet and get a second opinion. Where are you located?
  18. I would not give kaopectate. It is a prescription (carafate) and the generic is sulcrafate. Because of the bleeding, she really needs a prescription med. Sending lots of prayers.
  19. August 13, 2008 Hi Diane, We just got home from swimming... it was a tough day for Winslow. He got on the scale, a whopping 81 lbs.. (The scale has been broken for a few weeks, so we couldn't weigh him. It's fixed now..) NO MORE BANANAS. NO MORE EXTRA SNACKS.. NO MORE LICKY THE PLATES FROM MOM'S BREAKFAST. No wonder he's been lazier than usual. In addition to the heat, he's been laying around here sucking up the extras and then refusing to swim. As you know Winslow figured out how to cheat on his swimming laps this summer. Well, today ROGER saw it.. He said to Winslow, "This is just unacceptable. I taught you how to do it right!" He then made Winslow swim those laps the right way. Of course, he did it perfectly for Roger. As soon as I was in charge, he tried to cheat again. Roger showed me how to stop him from turning too soon, so he had to swim every lap. He will have to swim all his laps every time to lose these 4 lbs. I know it doesn't sound like a lot of weight, but it's critical with only one back leg. He's been holding at 77 for a long time and I think it just creeps up on us, especially when it's so hot, he's less active and I didn't get to weigh him for a few weeks. It's a constant struggle to keep it just right. Now, he's exhausted and he knows his lunch rations are cut and the snacks are gone. I think he's looking for the number for Greyhound Welfare.... He's not happy with me. I haven't told him that my painting is tied with his package on the auction.. That would just be too much. How's everything at your house? Glynis
  20. I'd have a vet check her out Sending prayers!
  21. Dark usually means blood. Can you get some carafate?
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