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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Rimadyl does a job on the kidneys. Why not try natural first and use the tramadol as needed? Right now, Springtime has a buy 2 get 2 free on Fresh Factors. Also give MSM (around 1000mg) per day and fish oil caps
  2. I've thought that on occassion and the vet said no. I've not noticed and the vet said yes So, in a nutshell, take her to the vet for a checkup Sending prayers!
  3. I don't know -- doesn't sound bad Sending prayers!
  4. Great news!!! Nelly isn't that old, is she?
  5. Carafate is a good drug to use with pred. Any dog I have on pred gets it, and some along with zantac. Sending prayers.
  6. Did you do any topical flea/tick treatments? Pred will really help
  7. Burpdog


    Sending my sympathy What a special spirit!
  8. Good news! Take good care of the tail the next few weeks and it'll be fine
  9. Doesn't sound like he needs bully sticks If he is that comfortable, I'd go out for dinner.
  10. The cheaper food may have sugar in it which is why she likes it Try kibble with canned and see if she will eat it that way. Did you do 5 days of panacur? Have you tried pumpkin?
  11. I wouldn't wait until Saturday if he is coughing. If it is a lung involvement, waiting that long could be disasterous. He raced at 73# so the most he should weigh (unless they made a mistake) is 80# which means he is a tad overweight kennel cough can be nasty if not tended to fast!
  12. How wonderful you had him to love
  13. What a wonderful warrior, and friend. Sending my sympathy that he has gone on and you are apart for awhile, yet I feel joy in your relationship.
  14. Burpdog

    I Am So Sad

    I am sad with you Sending my sympathy
  15. What are his platelets and HCT? Has he been on any meds? What do they mean "nasty"? What exactly is the kidney function? I'd do a TBD test, but depending on all the above, I'd be tempted to do a shot of doxy. If he is on any NSAIDs get him off immediately. Find out if the did heartworm and/or flea treatment recently.
  16. Try boiled meat only and see what happens. If that doesn't do it, I'd worm with panacur regardless of what the fecal says.
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