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Everything posted by heartdogs

  1. Noelle has been doing fine with phenobarb for the last 3 years. Part of her problem has to do with her diabetes & a drop in the insulin level. I guess she ate her last snack a bit early so will watch her tonight.
  2. I know Noelle is a whippet but she thinks she's grey. I worke up about 0330 feeling her seizing next to my legs, it lasted about 15 min. after I woke up but took me most of the morning to calm down & return to normal. She hasn't a any seizures for almost 2 years & only had one this bad at the very beginning. She got off the bed to walk down the hall & that was when Babe (old broodie) & Lady decided to walk with her & check her out. They were quiet so none of the dogs in the livingroom woke up. Poor little girl sat on the bed with her ears straight up & got close to me for the rest of the night. I know it must be confusing for dogs to go thru this but now she seems fine & is waiting for her lunch.
  3. My son & I had a mini doxie that had a problem like this & she'd had an infection in a canine that went into the sinsus(sp) cavity. It was terrible smelling but after having the bad tooth pulled & the area cleaned she was fine. Also on the EPI list there was a little Frenchie that had a similar problem, the entire inside of her tooth was eaten away but the pain was terrible. Hope you get it cleared up.
  4. heartdogs


    I'm sorry to see this he sounded like a special boy.
  5. Kent knew he was loved &loved you back. I'm sorry this happened but at least he went quickly. Hugs to all of you.
  6. I'm sorry to see this, he must have been very special. Run free sweet Tally
  7. Pat, I'm so sorry she had to leave. I'm sure the rest of your pac are sad so ear rubs to all & hugs to you.
  8. Glad to see your update. Please give that beautiful boy a hug from me.
  9. Ducky, I'm so sorry to see this. Lots of prayers for all of you, Bandit is a very handsome boy. I'll keep you in mind during your vet visit.
  10. I'm so sorry to see this. He was a beautiful boy & will be remembered by many.
  11. A trainer yold my DD to put a small dab of peanut butter inside Cloe's muzzle when we started to drive & she was so busy licking that she didn't notice we were driving & but the time she finished her PB she was fine. Also I've found some dogs don't like to be really elevated ina vechile with clear windows but do better in the van where they are lower than the windows.
  12. Get some slippery elm, I use this for upset tummies here & it works wonders. I buy the powder rather than the pills as it's easier to dose per size of the dog. Must taste ok as no one has turned away from it.
  13. I had Noelle at the vets yesterday for a BG check & asked him if he'd heard of any dogs around here having problems & he said not in his practice but now will be on the look out & that it did sound like a problem with the vacine used & needed to be reported. He knows I worry about all the dogs but expecially Noelle. He takes very good care of everyone so I trust him.
  14. I too use easy and most of my dogs are good. Poor Fern doesn't see right after she stroke so has reverted to snatching if any other dogs are near us.
  15. Glad to see she's home. Any idea which shot set her off?
  16. Prayers from north TX for Cash & hugs to you.
  17. Can you tell if he's drinking at night? I have some greys that I don't see drink much but then hear them at night getting a big drink. One girl I have wouldn't drink when she was returned to me if I was any where near her. She hadn't been allowed free water in the home where she lived, now she's fine & gets drinks as needed. Just take it slow & watch that the dog doesn't get dehidrated (sp).
  18. A few people on the EPI list use the grain free variety for their dogs & report good results with it. I'm thinking of trying it after the first of the year for Noelle.
  19. Judy, this was so hard to watch but the love showed thru, from the people to Andy & from Andy to all of you. Hugs, Felicity
  20. SIBO=small intestinal bactireal overload. Your vet can do a free consult with Tx A & M on this. B12 ( straight B12) shots grain free diet & antibotics will help with this. Don't let them say it's nothing becasue it can get very nasty & yes it smells! Does he do"wet stinky burps"? or snack on poop?
  21. I use TOW for my EPI girl & she started with the High Prarie & I switched her to Pacific Stream when the feed store had special ordered it for a customer who later decided they didn't want it. Actually Noelle does well with either type. I do not empty her back into a container, just cut the top oped & scoop. Since Noelle has so much intestinal problems I would think any change would upset her right a way. My non EPI dogs love to get a small amount of TOW added to their regular food at the end of the month as a treat. I have noticed changes is the regular dogs' food this summer but figures it was due to the heat at the feed store's warehouse. Will see if there is any change next week when I go buy their Nov foods.
  22. Lots of good thoughts headed your way from north Texas.
  23. Claudia, my heart lept into my throat when I saw your post. I have a tiny girl here that had a terrible stroke about 2 years ago. The vet wasn't sure she'd make it but Fern is a happy wobbly girl who can still run & go left like she should. Hugs & prayers to all. Ekko we all need you girl so just get better.
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