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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. It is such a joy (and relief) when they eat!!
  2. Freddie was a special boy.
  3. hoping it is just a bug. If that's it, the metro-whatever should take care of it. Meanwhile, if she's ok with dairy, ice cream? yogurt? Vanilla Ensure has been a lifesaver for me (well, for Sugar) these last few weeks, but not all dogs likre it.
  4. WOOO HOOOO!! If anybody could do it, Lacers would be the one!
  5. Ah, thanks! The e-vet suggested Prilosec or Pepcid. I have Zantac on hand (take it myself) so I will try that, and get some Prilosec if she still doesn't respond. I'll keep the carafate in reserve for now.
  6. Is it a prescription drug? Is it stronger/more effective than Pepcid? I am beginning to think the Pepcid isn't doing the job for Sugar anymore.
  7. Try a feed store, an outdoor supply store, any place that has hunting, camping, farm supplys, that sort of thing. EMT gel was originally developed to use on hunting dogs in the field, I believe.
  8. Glad he is ok. I agree, I don't use any bug sprays.
  9. That's great news! I am sure he will be happier at home.
  10. I'm glad things turned out to not be to serious for either one! Polli has the sweetest face
  11. I am glad Freddie ate better today! When Sugar goes on her hunger strikes, I can almost always get her to drink a bottle of vanilla Ensure (I get the "Plus" for gaining weight). She has lived on duck necks and Ensure for several days at a time.
  12. I hope the new food agrees with her (and she continues to like it!)
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