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Everything posted by maria

  1. My dogs eat 2-3 cups/day and one has gained too much weight (58 lbs when we got her and now she is 70 lbs) and other has trouble keeping weight on-58 lbs at last check. I think it can be age and certainly activity but the 70 lb one is 4 yo and has a relaxed attitude and the 58 lb one is 10 and is nervous a lot.
  2. I know we got our second because I know when the older one goes I can't be without a soft, dear, wonderful dog next to me.
  3. this is one of the many reasons why I love greys so much, their big hearts. They keep on studying dogs and saying "yes, they feel jealousy. yes, they feel sorrow". We all knew these things from the start. Lola is a beauty, love the above pic. Sorry for your loss.
  4. extreme heartfelt hugs and kisses. I know your heart has a hole in it.
  5. I would agree with weighing risk. If she is in pain or life isn't worth living in the state she is in now, you have to move forward to help her.
  6. I'll keep the ensure idea in mind, I never would have thought of that!
  7. My 10 yo does that too when she is eating. She uses the leg w/o any problems and doesn't seem to be in any discomfort, so I have assumed it is because she is 10.
  8. I think your kids are old enough and should be there if they want to, but if they don't, then I wouldn't force them.
  9. Did you try a medium potency steroid cream? It would be a prescription. I am a human doctor ( I know I'm not a vet) but it really looks like eczema. I had same thing in my hound and triamcinalone 1% cleared it up within 1-2 weeks. Also It looks really itchy and that isn't fun, so a steroid cream would at the very least decrease the itch.
  10. Our Rhoda is 10 this past may as well. She can't tolerate much heat. We don't take her to friends w/o AC in the summer.
  11. hard to imagine how that whole thing would NOT have happened with cat and dogs in small space. I hope it all works out, I think the puppy will learn quickly to not approach the cat after a few interactions. Cat bites are the worst! Love your pic at the bottom- whatever that is called- Sir Dudley, always makes me smile!
  12. Our first grey Olivia had seizures like yours is having, usually would wake us at night with greyhound "screaming", rambling around house and then the postictal state for 1-2 days. Pbarb and KCL helped until we had to put her down a year later. One day she had 5 grand mals one after another and it was just time. It was really rough. I tried the valium enema but it never seemed to work. I just started giving her as much valium as I could when she could take it down after the seizure to lower the seizure threshold. I think I gave her 100 mg valium one time, enough to probably kill most people! One small piece of advise, if you can give her some ice cream (we did vanilla) when seizure over, helps a lot to get blood sugar back up and doggie doing better. As others have stated above, there are probably better meds than what we had 10 years ago. We never did MRI, we assumed it was a brain lesion of some sort. Doing an MRI would not have changed the outcome. My best wishes to you, hopefully your story will come out more positive than ours.
  13. My heart just went thump. Prayers, kisses, hugs, whatever you need.
  14. I am so sorry about your grey's medical condition. This is definitely not just a picky dog, you sound like you have a very sick dog. I'm so sorry, most of us have had dogs with serious medical illness and we all know how it feels to feel so helpless. I would rely on your vet's advise as we out here in internet land don't know what is really going on with your doggy. My prayers to your precious dog and you.
  15. Just like people, they gum it good!
  16. Will is a very handsome boy! It takes a lot of time for skin changes. He is also still settling in and probably still stressed. he doesn't know yet that this is his forever home. Six months seems to be the magic number for greys to settle in, feel comfortable and for real physical changes to occur. Feed him the best food and I do think oil helps. I give our greys 1/2 high quality kibble, 1/2 chicken and rice (heated of course), and a slug of canola oil mixed in. they are doing great and the dandruff on our newer one (2 yrs in our home now) is all gone. Kisses to Will
  17. Thank you so much to everyone. 99% of the time I live in the moment, 1% I feel sad about what will happen. Judging from the above responses I am not alone in my feelings for my senior GH. And yes, it is all worth it 100%.
  18. I can't stop crying about what I will do when she dies. She's my precious girl. We got her at 1.5 years of age. She is high strung, whiny often. Grandma will no longer dog sit for us with her, but will dog sit our other 4 yo hound Maryl(much,much more relaxed). I swear she wears pink panties with lace edges. The way she looks into my eyes and we connect. Her smell, the softness of her fur. The snout kisses. The body lean on the patio. The allowing me and only me to brush her teeth. She wants to put her body next to mine sleeping all night. OK, OK it's a late night ode or poem or whatever to my love dog. Right now I can't imagine not having her in my life at all times.
  19. yes, Rhoda is a very picky eater and funny, looks like Ruby and Morty. She usually eats her food (once a day at night, there is NO WAY she would eat breakfast), usually after food is heated not too hot and not too cold, some cheese is placed on top and mixed in and we both sit at the table that keep saying "Rhoda eat". We have to not look at her or talk directly to her or she will come over for pets and get distracted. About 10% of the time she refuses to eat completely or eats just a few bites and waits for her greenie, which she gets after eating all her food. I get very frustrated with her sometimes because she will whine if she doesn't eat. I know she is hungry. She has us well trained!
  20. yes, bald neck that grew back within 1-2 years and bald butt that grew in lots of hair about 8 years old. I never thought she would have hair on her butt, why at 8 years of life? who knows!!
  21. Thanks Batmom and everyone else for advise. I really liked your tutorial Batmom. I have also wondered if the nail length was a part of the problem, makes sense that it would cause toe to twist around. Rhoda HATES me to touch her feet when she is in pain, she shows her teeth and I am not going to mess with that. It scares both of us so much we have a hard time with toe injuries. Of course using the muzzle, we have wrapped her in king sized bed blanket and her eyes covered. Jeff holds her and I get to it. It is still so draining on everyone. Amazing how strong these greys can be. I think I will need to have her sedated at the vet for nail clipping, of course I can't do it per Rhoda. I had them do it once with no sedation and she went CRAZY. They told me she was one of the most difficult toe clips they have ever had. Thanks again, helps so much to have input on problems.
  22. I would like some opinions please. My 10 yo Rhoda had a rear lateral toe dislocated a few weeks ago twice. It went back in by itself both times and hasn't occurred since then. We have no idea why this occurred. She runs with her sister maryl in the backyard but nothing different occurred. She is on the furniture and bed often and jumps down. She is 10 but no particular health problems. I looked it up on internet and there was a lot of talk of amputation. right now the toe is being good but because it occurred twice, a few days apart, I would appreciate some thought on what to do After 1-2 days of it twisting inward, the skin in-between the toes was getting red and I know that won't do for very long. She limped a little on it but she is usually very sensitive towards pain and did pretty good with the wayward toe. Any input from those that have been affected by bad toes, please reply!
  23. I think they like having each other. I would just consider the financial end because every cost is double with two. I don't feel it is more "work" and I think they like not being alone. I think the shelter would allow you to make sure they get along before you do the official adoption.
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