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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. I came home and he's snapped his dew claw and is bleeding. I know if I wrap it, it might stop bleeding but with his issues about blood clotting will a wrap be enough until morning to get it properly removed or do I go to evet? Suuuuure low key.....right. Make sure he doesn't bleed.....suuuuure. Edit: Heading to evet
  2. Looking at the bottle of Mirtazapine now. How long do you suppose it would take to work?
  3. No go on the chemo session. Platelet levels are at 53, they should be between 110-205. He was 204 before beginning treatment last week. Explains the bruising at his winky last weekend. His platelet count could also have been much lower earlier this week than they were today. I didn't know it, but he could have have next to nothing platelet levels when I spoke to the emerge vet after all and that's such a scary thought. They warned me today about no strenuous activity, no jumping, nothing that could cause an injury or swelling/bruising. Keep him low key the rest of the weekend. The bruising by his undercarriage is dissipating so he's getting better, presumably he's growing some platelets. The vet brought up a good point about him being on raw - he might not have the power to fight off the bacteria in the raw in his gut during all this chemo. The little bit of course that he's eating at a time anyway. It's a big problem about his not eating, and naturally he will continue to have low platelets unless he does. They sent me home with an appetite stimulant, enough to take me to Sunday. I also decided to buy a bag of his old kibble and he ate 2 cups of it when we got home, refusing the exotic raw. Think he'll be on kibble until all the chemo is over, hopefully he won't turn his nose up on that any time soon either. What do you guys think about being on raw during chemo? He just started coming around fully as of yesterday. Eating, actually playing with me, seemed much better than he did all week. Driving him in today I didn't even want him to have another session, but this sealed the deal....for now anyway. Retest of his CBC on Monday afternoon. I'm keeping his next Friday appointment for chemo because apparently he can still undergo "phase 2" provided his platelets increase. Also bought a box of Probiotics that will last me the month, prolly be a long term thing. It's $1 a package once a day, so I think I can do that. Cheaper than capsules at the store, and the powder seems to make the food enticing enough to want to eat as well. Very very weak hind end today too. Such a struggle to get up and when he is, he's sinking quickly. He had pred last night....they would prefer I don't up his dose or increase the frequency yet. I have pretty mixed feelings about all of this. Thanks for your support and thoughts.
  4. Winky is as winky does! Very proud to report: 150g for lunch yesterday, 190g for bedtime snack, 260g for brekkie....one nice really solid poop this morning. Hallelujah!!! I did not have to use the Tylosin (but will hang onto it!), his system came back on it's own, but I did give him Probiotics. All this just to get hit again tomorrow at 1030am. At least he's on the upswing going into it. Notes: Redness is still creeping around his winky, but virtually gone from the inside of his legs. I almost want to say the chemo (this redness) is going where the cancer is. My goodness if that's the case, it's pretty much all over his back end! He's peeing better, and actually drank like a fish this morning. He's weak - and I mean that on his hind end. a lot of trouble getting up from rest - so his LS is actually getting amplified I find. It certainly doesn't help that he is lacking energy from the chemo and not eating. I'll be giving him pred tonight and bumping up his gaba dose tonight too. He's more hesitant to jump the 2 stairs getting into the house, so he's certainly bothered. On our walk (he's done this before) but he snapped at the top of his tail - a sign to me that his nerve is bugging him. When that happens, it's a sign to me to help him with more gaba.
  5. Well....he ate about 150g of the exotic raw mix for lunch today that I received yesterday and thawed. Had more of it thawed, he likely would have had a full meal. Turkey/Bison/Wild Boar. Was able to mix the probiotic in. Then again, I guess he should take it easy on the quantity of what he'll eat at the beginning right? For those keeping track, the last time he even touched raw was late Friday night (it's now Wed aft). Also, had 2 handfuls of kibble - which he hasn't had in forever. I'm really excited about him eating some dinner! In even better news, the "bruising" or "bleeding" or whatever it is on his undercarriage has shifted. It's pretty much gone from the inside of his back legs and only exists now primarily on the lower part of his winky, and the color is back to normal on his tumour and his leg. Geeze Louise can you say improvement?!
  6. I've heard of poop just falling out. You have come to the right place! More will chime in I'm sure, and I don't have experience with this is particular, but just wanted to say 15 is just wow. Good for you guys for keeping him so healthy all these years!
  7. Whoo hoo. 2 bowls of cooked ground beef, kale, carrots and rice down the hatch. He seems more spirited today, even though he's still pooping liquid. He was prescribed Tylosin and even got 4 small packages of ProBiotics. Yet another thing to administer WITH FOOD. Bugger. His vet is going on vacation for 1.5 weeks as of tomorrow.....ack....I guess everyone needs one....but he's assured me that everyone at the clinic is briefed on Kasey and his treatment and that the other two chemo sessions should be less rough on him. I sure hope so. Next two rounds are Vincristine with some mustard gas tablets thrown in the middle there too. So much more of the road to walk.....
  8. Picking up some anti D meds today for the bugger. He wagged his tail at me yesterday and today, I think his spirits are getting lifted. Also, I think he's playing me now about not eating......he knows I'll make something special for him..... Keep thinking of him. It's clearly working! Indeed, not an opportunity I want to abuse, but certainly I have a very understanding boss and co-workers.
  9. Yes bloodwork before every treatment. I had to leave work PRONTO today. Evidence on the webcam showed a pacing Kasey with a tail up, just as he went out of view. I came home to 2 bombed carpets. He couldn't make it for 4 hours without a bout of D. Yesterday he had a solid 6 hours before needing to go. And overnight, never an issue. Poor guy. Working from home for now, and of course he's sleeping now like a little angel. He had some of my macaroni cassarole and a quarter slice of bread. What a vicious circle. I already need my dog back....
  10. Good idea! That made me smile! So I called the vet this morning, and spoke to him directly and explained what I'm seeing. I told him his leg was beet red on Saturday night, he's a bit weak, got this thing on his winky, a bit of trouble urinating and of course loss of appetite. He's not concerned. Says it is a reaction to the chemo. Said "see you on Friday!" LOL I can't tell you how relieved I am. Skeptical, but relieved. Last night I couldn't get anything more than a dozen cookies into him last night before bed. He ate a bowl of cheerios and some milk, REALLY enjoyed the milk LOL and a whack of cookies again this morning. I think I'll pick up some kibble for him - it's been years since he's had any but he's got lots of interest in his cookies so.....give him anything he wants at this point right?!?!
  11. He also finished off my salmon, rice and stuffing about an hour ago. No way is he gonna eat his food. Sigh. Bugger. He will likely expect this kind of cooking when he's done his chemo. He's currently fluffing his bed trying to make it comfy. You really wouldn't know anything is wrong with him. Bleeding has spread a little more on his sheath area, although there isn't any darkness on his legs like last night. 12 more hours......12....more....hours.....boy I hope they can see us first thing tomorrow morning.
  12. I agree. I'm trying to use the residual from the large jar I have. Kasey actually hates the stuff so Ryder is the one enjoying it for now. I also add it to the water when I'm boiling pasta for them. Distinct taste. I don't like it personally but at least it's in there for them when I'm making it and another way to get rid of it.
  13. He just ate 100g of raw beef mix and went on a nice walk where he completely vacated his bowels. Lots of D, and oddly bubbly. His system is not happy. He squatted many times to pee, always produced, but that's not normal routine for him...usually he lets it go twice for many seconds. He did some short squirts in 6 opportunities. I wonder if it hurts to pee? Just doing some association with the bleeding under the skin in that particular area.
  14. Lick it straight, you can add it to food, whatever, even a kong for fun. In fact, some apply it directly to the skin!
  15. No metronidazole here. His antibiotic is Sulfatrim. Hopefully within 24 hours he'll be seen by the vet. Still no appetite other than human food. His stool was D but it was also orange, either from the baby food or the chemo passing through. Would the chemo that turns his urine orange turn his stool orange too? Bandaid solution is Pepto for right now for the D. I'm just not sure where he would have suffered trauma in these areas. He hasn't fallen or had pressure there. He is certainly weak and struggling to rise, which is straining that area and using his muscles I think that might be the trauma. Will be on pins and needles until tomorrow. Kasey thanks all of you for your thoughts, as do I, I'm a complete stress case. The bloody area is growing slightly and I can only attribute that to not resting. We had a walk and he's gotten up a couple times to rearrange his bed. He still is in decent spirits all things considered.
  16. Added thought: Can this perhaps be aggravated by his straining to get up off his bed because he's weak?
  17. So that's good to hear about the pred. The bleeding isn't anywhere near the injection site, it's by his sheath and near his tumour. I'm not sure how that area in particular would have been aggravated. Warning: Winky Picture! Day 3 (nearly bang on too). The blood has not spread, he's acting pretty normal. No swelling, just this unusual bleeding in that area, the inside of his "bad" leg is dark red. The tumor is very dark red. His sac is very dark like a beet red, but admittedly this morning, all of these areas are less red than they were last night. He was turning a corner mid-day yesterday with mood and weakness and everything. I can't believe this set back. I made him some lentils last night at 1:30am which he ate, and he had a half bottle of Ensure. I read that Lentils are high in folic acid and Ensure has some B12 in it, and those two things help to grow platelets. I'm going to say the lentils is what saved the night (yes, I'm convincing myself of that). He had some more lentils this morning, cheese, and scrambled egg with a couple pieces of kale which is thoroughly loves. All of which I understand help platelet levels, even though it might not be immediate, at least I feel like he's getting SOMETHIING. He had some pretty terrible D this morning (as a result no doubt of him not eating properly) and his pee was orange for the first time - I've been waiting for that. The e-vet last night told me they could drain the area (IMO a horrible idea) and do a transfusion and I thought, I am so concerned bringing him there might do more harm than good. I'm going to try to wait this out another 24 hours when my vet opens again tomorrow and make the first appt I can to see his vet. I read up on blood, how cells generate, length of time, etc. and I feel that if indeed his levels have dropped so low to cause this "purpura" that we just may not be able to continue with his chemo. I'm not sure how he's going to recover from this, and if he can recover the next time we try or the next two rounds. Situations like this are incredibly stressful on me, and he has NO idea what's happening. Through all of this Ryder has been a shark, circling and waiting to finish Kasey's uneaten food. Wanting some of whatever I'm nursing Kasey. Just now I heard him playing with his ball and squeaking his toy. I'm thankful for his comic relief. Everyone please keep Kasey in your thoughts that nothing else happens in 24 hours other than him hopefully EATING HIS FOOD!
  18. Called the e-vet. I marked the area. Their CBC machine is down so they can't run tests. Recommended me to go to another e-vet if the area of bleeding gets bigger. He's otherwise fine. No other bruising (she asked me to check his ears, gums, elbows). The injection site is great. Said he may be in need of a plasma transfusion (worst caselife or death) but obviously can't tell without seeing him or having her machine working. The fact that he's otherwise fine sounds like it would be a good idea but let's wait and see type thing... Please everyone pray this stops. How does one increase platelets? I gave him pred this morning, oh my what if that created the drop? They warned me it might but it was OK to use for now. This poor dog...
  19. So I said the tumour looked angry? Well, turns out it's getting discolored, and actually his leg is getting red too. Then I noticed what looks like blood under the skin. Is this par for the course? Will this go away on its own? I read up and it says its "purpura" related to low platelet count. Most prevelant on the inside of his leg by his sheath, and the tumour is on that same side onhis bum. Of course it's driving rain/stormy out, late at night, and of course it's Sunday when the vet is closed. Now I'm getting worried....I wish posting photos was easier...
  20. Good luck in resolving the problem. Lots of good info here already. I'll add my small experience. This sounds similar to what I experienced with Ryder when I first adopted him. After giving him meds for Giardia, he still had no good poops. Vet put him on Cerenia, go figure, to calm everything down. It didn't help that he was also vomited bright yellow stuff like clockwork in the middle of the night. He was on Cerenia for about a week, and it calmed all his insides down and we slowly did a bland diet and worked up to regular food. Other things to try is to dose with Collodial Silver to rid his guts of any other bacteria, try some Diatomaceous Earth for a month and give some Slippery Elm with his food for a while to see if any of those natural things help (SE will coat the insides and any meds - even DE - will take longer to absorb when using this so you'll need to space things out, however it does wonders for the innards). Keep in mind things like Pepto or Immodium are band-aid solutions and cover ups. Really have to dig down to the root of the problem to get results. Sounds like you've been trying multiple things, at once on short duration? so be careful about putting his insides into more of a tailspin by not taking your time.
  21. I've been able to readily control Kasey's LS with 150mg Gabapentin twice a day, and 10mg Prednisone to reduce inflammation every 36 hours or so. Visits to chiro also helped. These three in combination made a light year of difference. Kisses to Bella.
  22. Other observations I just wanted to make about the tumour itself. I don't know how fast chemo works, but yesterday morning (24 hours post chemo) the little bump on top of the tumour (that developed as a result of the biopsy) actually began to smooth out (sides began flattening). We just went for a walk and I noticed the whole tumour (so it's now 55 hours) is angry and dark, like it's being traumatized. Very much like when he had the biopsy done, the whole area was very dark and angry looking. I dunno if it's just me, but to notice a physical change in the actual tumor, am I crazy? I'll try to get a pic of it next time he's standing. Almost dinner time, so I'll give a feeding report soon.
  23. He gets pepcid and slippery elm as needed - not necessarily because of the pred, but of course it's a part of it. He's got acid reflux.
  24. Uhm.....says it treats both. 60mg maropitant citrate (for the symptomatic treatment of acute vomiting and the prevention of vomiting associated with motion sickness). (He weighs 60 lbs so a full tablet?) Although it does say a little further below should be given 2 hrs prior to a car ride, and dog should be fed one hour before administration. He just had a half jar of baby food LOL
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