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Everything posted by a_daerr

  1. Yes, spinal cord disease or injury could cause this. Have you ever had any neurological issues with Chase?
  2. I have Care Credit to make payments on the usual stuff, so the only thing I wanted in an insurance policy was coverage for the fluke, unexpected stuff. I have an accident/illness through ASPCA (it's only $11 per month). When Henry had the accident with his tail and ended up having a partial amputation, it was about $800 all told. ASPCA was true to its word and reimbursed 80%. A very sweet woman even called afterwards to make sure Henry was doing okay and ask if I was satisfied with their service. My guys are both pretty young and healthy- as they get older, I might opt for a more comprehensive plan. But I've really been pleased with ASPCA so far.
  3. So very sorry for your loss... But glad to know that Cleo opened the door for you to share your heart with other greys.
  4. Kari, enjoy that chocolate wine. You deserve it after this whole ordeal!!
  5. Yay!! Glad to see that he's coming around. And for the record, his nose is adorable! He looks like such a happy boy
  6. a_daerr

    Zuki Visited Me

    He was a beautiful boy. Glad Zuki is reaching out to you from the bridge.
  7. Congratulations on these two sweet girls! And good job to Petra and Nittany for facilitating their adoption!
  8. If it's darker or partially dried blood, that might be something different. Blood from irritation or injury to the throat would be a brighter red. My vote is for a vet visit. Ducky is right also- insurance is pretty strict about "pre-existing" conditions.
  9. Oh boy, I didn't know you've had him for that long! He must just be really scared of the car. I'd definitely talk to your vet about an anti-anxiety med for car rides if the training doesn't help. Also, myself and a few other friends from the forum (jenniferk and RMarie) take our boys to dogs parks fairly often to run off leash. We like Hartwood, but we've also been to Riverview. I'm from the Greensburg area, so I also take my guys to Twin Lakes a few times a week. Now that the weather is getting colder, we probably won't go as much... but maybe Tag would want to play with other greys sometime? Feel free to email me if you are interested. [alicia . daerr @ gmail . com]
  10. Sounds like he irritated his esophagus while eating... how much blood was it? Was it bright red, or darker? If eating appears to be painful or uncomfortable or if he refuses food, then I would take him to the vet. In the meantime, I would just add warm water to the food to soften it, as opposed to the kibble milkshake. Make sure he has lots of water available as well.
  11. If she's being crated at night, probably not. That would be one of the benefits to crating- the chances of her sneaking off and going to the bathroom are minimized.
  12. I couldn't help thinking the same thing. The other dog is in bad shape... She needs to be seen by a vet ASAP. Very concerned about this dog.
  13. Oh, and to address your original question, it sounds like your boy is extremely fearful of riding in the car. If he was getting motion sickness, he would be throwing up, not having diarrhea. I wouldn't take it lightly- if he is so scared that he's pooping himself everytime, I would recommend a couple of things. Primarily, it's important to work on car training. Slow down his exposure to the car as not to overwhelm him. Start by walking him near/around the car and giving treats. Do that a couple times and graduate to having him get into the car and giving treats while the car is turned off. Next time, drive the car around the block. Just keep training sessions short (no more than five minutes a couple times a day) and make the process as gradual as possible. Also, if he's recently retired, stick with a very plain treat like boiled chicken, as not to upset his stomach. If you absolutely *have* to take him somewhere in the car, I would ask the vet for an anti-anxiety prescription temporarily which you can give 30 minutes prior to the car ride. Is he nervous in other ways, or just the car?
  14. That's what I've heard! If you get one as a pup, you might get 8 good years.
  15. I just read from the beginning... so sorry you are going through this with your beautiful girl. Sending you positive thoughts and hoping for a good recovery.
  16. I don't mean to hijack this thread, but hello and welcome from another Pittsburgher! What is your grey's racing name, and when did you get him?
  17. Umm... mine too! Wolfhounds are now officially on my bucket list.
  18. Coccidia! Well that makes perfect sense! I had a cat almost die from coccidia because regular dewormers weren't working. Yay! I'm glad everything worked out.
  19. Amen! I'm seeing some crate-haters in this thread Crating a dog isn't mean or punishing in any way. It's a tool to help your dog learn boundaries and rules. Even though neither of mine are crated anymore, our house would probably look like a kennel if we weren't consistent about crating in the beginning.
  20. Yep, I think this is probably in order. Remember, the bed is YOURS. It's a privilege. Mine know if they get snarky, they get kicked off. In the beginning, I had to take them by the collar and help them off. Now they respond to a verbal command. In the rare off chance it happens anymore, Truman will sometimes do a little "errrr" and then realizes he screwed up and gets off the bed himself. I just give him "the look" and he sulks away As for the bone issue, another vote here for trading up. I think every dog owner should practice trading up, because it's important to be able to take something away from your dog, especially if it's something that's dangerous or will make them sick... or (god forbid) it's someone's small fluffy!
  21. Aren't you a little bit worried? I would be hesitant to let your guy have the run of the house until he was reliably housetrained. Reliable = No accidents for at least 30 days. You might want to start by keeping him confined (vs. being crated all day). Keep him in a smaller room, like your kitchen where the floors will be easier to clean if he does have an accident. Try that for a few days, and if he isn't going to the bathroom in the house, then the idea is that you gradually expand his freedom room by room. I really recommend doing it this way... we gave Truman too much freedom early on and ended up having to rip all the carpeting out in our downstairs. It was a huge expense and also a huge setback in the training department.
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