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Everything posted by sarabz

  1. OK, so as I mentioned we took her to the vet on Monday. all tests came back clear- no bugs, no giardia, no nothing. All bloodwork clear, all functions totally normal. "It must be something she ate". OK, I could go with that except for a couple of things - (1) We didn't change her food, didn't even open a new bag (2) We didn't change her treats, also didn't open a new bag (3) She never, ever, ever, EVER eats anything off the sidewalk. I rarely use "never" with dogs as they're animals, they can be unpredictable, but this one is really true. "Leave it" was the first thing we taught her and it's been so reinforced that she walked past a hamburger yesterday. Seriously. She looked at it, looked at me, and kept walking. So proud of my girl (4) IF she got into the trash (and there's almost never anything potentially toxic in there) - well, the once or twice that she has, we definitely knew it as she had a blast shredding tissues and strewing the remains of the trash bin through the kitchen. (5) Medications? Maybe, but all of our medications are tucked away in drawers. Carefully portioned out when needed and we're extremely careful about not dropping anything (or picking it up if we have) to keep Bella safe. The one time that she did get into something carelessly left out, she threw up shortly thereafter, which is why we're so careful now. No throwing up at any point in all of this which makes it hard for me to think she ate something bad. So, I'm at a loss. She had really nasty diarrhea every couple of hours for a few days (Thursday 3 am to Monday 6 am). Once Monday came (vet visit day) she's been soft but not liquid so I'm thinking that she was beginning to get over whatever it was even before she went to the vet. She's on Hills i/d. I'd love to start transitioning her back to her regular food since her poops are perfect on her food and I'm not convinced that the i/d is helping, plus there's no known condition that we're treating. Should I just be patient for a few more days and let her finish the course of Hills? Anything I should have checked? Anything I should have specifically checked when she goes for her annual wellness visit later this month? Thanks all.
  2. Thanks. Ironically - no poops/diarrhea at ALL since 5 am this morning - watch her now be constipated! (Not that the constipation would be funny, just the irony of finally taking her to the vet and no diarrhea) I love dogs!!
  3. Turns out that the vet thinks she has giardia or a similar water-bourne bug (although I was also thinking coronavirus). Of course today she didn't have diarrhea other than first thing this morning so we still need to bring a sample in. Figures- this morning she didn't leave a mess on the floor when DH went back to take her to the vet, and over the past few days she's been needing to go about every 2 hours. $267 worth of prescription food, antibiotic shot etc later but at least we'll have peace of mind.
  4. OK, thanks all. Vet visit tomorrow. She's drinking plenty and keeping that down - gums are a good color, no signs of dehydration. But yes, the diarrhea has gone on too long even with a bland diet.
  5. Thanks all. There is no rice in her kibble. She threw it up the first time and wouldn't eat it the second and this is a dog who eats EVERYTHING. No throwing up other than the rice. And the Kaopectate.... Just wondering how much longer I should let it go - I hate to see her in distress but also don't want to subject her to the stress of the vet if there's nothing that can be done. If she had ANYTHING else going on (e.g. temperature, panting, pacing, listlessness, something wrong with her abdomen) I would have taken her in last week but she's otherwise fine, just the diarrhea.
  6. Bella's never had diarrhea before - a few soft poops until we figured out the right kibble and the right treats. Until this week. Thursday am, 3 am, wakes me up with pacing, panting - puddle of liquid diarrhea on the floor, more when I take her out, like this every couple of hours. Orange color, absolute liquid. Continues through Thursday. I fasted her for about 18 hours, then tried boiled chicken & rice. She threw up the rice, but the diarrhea continued, although the normal, dark color of her regular stool. Gave her a couple of small meals of chicken on Friday, it continues. I fasted her another 24 hours then tried boiled hamburger instead of the chicken (all fat skimmed off). Slowly started introducing kibble back in hopes that getting her normal diet back would help firm her up. Today she's still very loose, not quite as liquid as the past couple of days but pudding-like. No temperature, appetite normal, energy level normal (or as far as I can tell for a greyhound!), no tenderness, drinking a normal amount of water. She was at a kennel for a few days, returning Sunday pm (more than 72 hours before the diarrhea started). DH is a worried mess. At what point should I take her to the vet, or do I just take a deep breath?
  7. Multiquote has disappeared.....
  8. Sorry, my bad about the PM I just checked the Meetup group and you're listed as a member!
  9. Hi again! I'm one of the NYC greyhound meetup organizers and would be happy to help set up a walk instead of a meetup at a dog park Let's PM about dates & locations!
  10. Bullitt!!!!!! Way to go, buddy - keep on keepin' on!
  11. Hi! I'm in NYC, too - Hell's Kitchen. There are a couple of other NYC peeps on the board as well. Welcome!
  12. The next question is "so what"? What are people going to do with this information? Will potential adoptees not take a dog with this gene? Will breeders start breeding to avoid or, as with thoroughbred race horses, will they still breed for performance and d**m the potential later health issues (with horses, there are a couple of lines well known for bad feet/leg structure so that they can't race for long, but they're bringing in big money via breeding because they were fast as youngsters & earned lots of money before having to be retired). That's great that it's been identified but what people do with the information is the critical piece.
  13. Hi from NYC! Our pup Bella, formerly KT Britta, also is a GFNJ alumna
  14. Funny poops for a few days but he should be fine
  15. 36, DH is 41. Although both he and his mom say that he is 16 going on 60 and most days I believe it
  16. I don't share my gummy anything with Bella, so I wouldn't know - mean mummy To the OP - "Woodsy" was my DH's nickname in high school, so every time I see a post of yours I immediately think "when did DH join GT?!"
  17. B typically gets (2) 30+ minute walks a day, plus 2 quick potty stops (literally out the door, pee & turn around - I think she thinks she has to do this in order to get her morning Kong rather than actually needing to pee). On weekends we'll typically take her for longer walks if the weather is nice, or take her with us when we're doing errands in the neighborhood or something. She'll do zoomies in the hallways, too, and this all seems to work perfectly fine for her. Some days she'd rather stay out longer so sometimes we do - sort of depends on the weather, what else is going on, time of day, etc. When she's at my parents' house she gets much more exercise and that works for her, too.
  18. Life is pretty crazy for most people, and the pups adapt - some better than others. Bella I swear can read the clocks as we do try to feed her and take her out at the same times, but on the days that we can't, she's just fine. Sounds like a more secure, confident hound is the way for you to go (if possible, versus one that may be a little spooky) but I'm sure you'll do fine. Especially since it sounds as if you have a pretty regular schedule, too. Enjoy!
  19. My regular supplier (Petflow.com) had the large sizes of all varieties back in stock at the beginning of January, for what it's worth. So it seems that production is back up to speed, may be just the distribution and restocking that is slow to catch up.
  20. The fire was in.... November? One of their three plants - it disrupted their supply for a while but it seems to be back now.
  21. I feed the Wild Prairie version and no problems since getting it back in stock. I know that doesn't help, really, since the ingredients are chicken/eggs in Wild Prairie vs beef/lamb in Ranchlands We chose Wild Prairie over Ranchlands because of the $13 price difference per bag : And, Bella is doing great on it, so no need to switch, I guess.
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