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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. My 3 boys combined are much easier than 1 Passion
  2. I haven't slept an entire night through for 7 years (when I got Sparks)
  3. Congrats I'm working on "sit" with my 2 fosters I just hold a treat out, say "sit" and push their butt down Doesn't take them long at all but both are pretty treat motivated
  4. Mine listen when they want to They all "sit" and Passion and Diamond will "down" Most will "stay" but only if they want to and that isn't often They all pretty much come when I call unless they don't want to I have 2 fosters right now and they just follow my pups so they do what I say but they don't know they are doing it. I feel pretty lucky as my pups are perfect for me. Diamond and Passion can be pretty naughty but it's usually related to food.
  5. And squirt bottle when you catch him in the act
  6. I have to admit that I cringe when I see pictures posted of pups running together unmuzzled.
  7. Passion was shivering at night and the only thing different was she was on thyroid meds. Hope it's nothing
  8. How long have you had him? Prob just the new surrounding
  9. Mine have always licked the shirt or pants they had over their wounds But at least it's better than licking the actual spot, right?
  10. I've had Passion 5.5 yrs and she still has some SA
  11. Mikey and Kevin were given 7 days of meds Previous foster using a diff vet wasn't given any pain meds at all
  12. Hi Karen I'm sorry for your & baby. I already sent you an email with the best vet option. Good luck Kari
  13. Are you adding to his food to try to get some weight on him? Diamond doesn't need to gain weight- he's a piggy but Lucky can stand to gain a few pounds. I give him extra treats and other stuff added to his kibble
  14. I started that on Diamond but then he started puking (not sure if related) so I stopped and no more puking. He's slowly getting some hair on his butt but () I guess I don't see why it matters much
  15. Good luck boys! Kevin had his yesterday and when I picked him up at 4pm, I couldn't believe how he acted- like nothing happened!
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