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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. I also recommend talking to your vet about Tramadol It's very cheap and like Wendy said, you can get it at WalMart for $4 a month Also, I would restrict running
  2. How scary but glad you were calm and got him to the e-vet Please thank you dad from the GT community for rushing over to help
  3. Diamond knocks them down all the time but it's because he's a butt head
  4. Do you have a fenced yard? I taught Diamond to fetch and he gets pretty tired from that
  5. Is there something wrong with doing it that way? Mine jump in but none of my fosters do so I put them in the way you do
  6. Is this your question? Question.....would she have been able to feast on the kibble or are you looking for advice on keeping her contained? I would also guess she has no idea why she's a bad dog and is hiding from you
  7. The GEM store sells them but not sure on the return policy http://www.gemgreyhounds.org/gem_store/online_store.htm A lot of the adoption groups sell them as well
  8. The group doesn't give one with the adoption? Our groups give them with the adoption congrats!!!!
  9. When she lays-she smooshes her face on that one side which is why it rides up so close to her eye She's got a small face so not sure there's a extra small muzzle size?
  10. Passion has a muzzle rub spot on her face Will the fur grow back? I know I need to line the muzzle- I just keep forgetting every time I go to WalMart or the store. I doubt I have anything at home but any suggestions on what to line the muzzle with that I might have?
  11. Welcome and congrats on your new cutie
  12. I had the stairs custom made just for him when I had a patio door added. The carpenter thought it was pretty cool that I was thinking of my dog when getting the stairs made They are really wide and I plan to add a ramp this summer.
  13. If they are tapes, I've never needed an appt or a sample- the vet just gave me the meds and no need to treat the other hounds
  14. Wonder

    Cj Justa Swingin

    I'm so sorry to read this You gave her the best 4 years ever!
  15. He will be 12 in March. Thanks, I think he's adorable too. He's my perfect boy who taught me about greyhounds and started this crazy love affair. The winter before I bought my house (3 winters ago- we lived in a townhouse with a long flight of stairs) I thought it was his last winter. It sure seemed like he was going down hill, didn't want to move much, wasn't interested in anything and it scared the crap out of me. The vet said he didn't want him doing stairs anymore or jumping so I bought a house that he didn't have stairs (other than 3 patio stairs) and my bed is on the floor now. That summer, it was like I had a new dog! The last 2 years have been amazing. The vet even said at his last annual (last summer) he's in great health and expected another few years from him which shocked me. His LP seems to have progressed more than the LS. His bark is pretty weird sounding at times. Just want to say again that I don't care about his accidents in the house at all- just find it interesting how he's changing with age
  16. I didn't know that- thanks Going to give him so smooches from you right now!
  17. It's interesting to see how much Sparks is changing as he ages He wants attention a lot now- he used to be a loner I've noticed him mothering the boys- he will lick their legs (I suspect where they have pee on their legs) and clean them up Today he walked out of the kitchen and was pooping while walking- that's a first I guess he had to go None of these things are complaints-just interesting to see how he's changing with age How have yours changed with age? ps he's eating like a horse this week and last week wasn't eating much again He also peed twice in the livingroom this week while I was at work yet hasn't peed in months
  18. I always get up in the middle of the night to let them out Do I love it NO but I don't bitch about it and besides I pee at the same time (inside though )
  19. That is exactly what he does but he doesn't pant at all? Sparks doesn't pant much either and he has mild LP I think it's gotten worse- I can hear him breathing some times
  20. empty your pm box :)

  21. Passion's getting a nasty scar but now she has a new muzzle so I should probably pad it
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