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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. I am glad this worked out for so many of you! I got a coupon for a free bag. Don't know why some only got a $7 coupon.
  2. Great news! Sounds like you have a great vet too.
  3. I appear to have the strange dog who does not want to sleep by me. Lila is very new (will be here a week tomorrow) but since day one she has been obviously uncomfortable sleeping in my bedroom with the door closed. If I open the door she runs out and can't be dragged back in. I was making her tough it out, she would eventually settle, but last night she had enough! Getting up every 1/2 hour and panting in my face then whining at 2:30. I took her out and she had a lovely time sniffing the night air, but no potty. When we came in I moved her bad back to the kitchen where she spends most of the day and she was content there. I guess that is where she will stay....
  4. Here is an offer for a free bag of HealthWise, Innova, California Naturals, EVO, or Karma dog food. https://www.naturaadvantage.com/ If it is not something your dog eats, it would make a nice donation to your adoption group or local shelter.
  5. Congratulations! The two of you are lucky to have found one another.
  6. I am glad for your good news! Since we are kind of neighbors, and I will soon be in the market for a good vet.....Who are these wonderful people? Thanks! I go to North Heights Veterinary Clinic, 1001 West Northland Avenue in Appleton. They are the vets who take care of all of the greyhounds for the adoption group I adopt from- RGA (Retired Greyhound Athletes) There are five vets on staff but my main vets are Dr. Byom and Dr. McDermott. I also see a holistic vet in Green Bay- Dr. Karen Strickfaden at Countrycare Animal Complex, 4235 Elmview Road. And there is a 24 hour emergency and critical care vet clinic in Appleton- Fox Valley Animal Referral Center, 4706 New Horizons Blvd. in Appleton. They have specialists on staff like Orthopedics, Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Radiology and Ophthalmology. I highly recommend North Heights. I plan to adopt through RGA. I am making a note of this. Thank you again! Have you been to a Meet and Greet yet? I went to the one last month here in Green Bay. I have some work and personal travel in the next couple months and need to get my fence completed, so I won't be ready for a hound until at least the end of July. I was planning on completing my application this weekend though.
  7. I am glad for your good news! Since we are kind of neighbors, and I will soon be in the market for a good vet.....Who are these wonderful people? Thanks! I go to North Heights Veterinary Clinic, 1001 West Northland Avenue in Appleton. They are the vets who take care of all of the greyhounds for the adoption group I adopt from- RGA (Retired Greyhound Athletes) There are five vets on staff but my main vets are Dr. Byom and Dr. McDermott. I also see a holistic vet in Green Bay- Dr. Karen Strickfaden at Countrycare Animal Complex, 4235 Elmview Road. And there is a 24 hour emergency and critical care vet clinic in Appleton- Fox Valley Animal Referral Center, 4706 New Horizons Blvd. in Appleton. They have specialists on staff like Orthopedics, Internal Medicine, Dermatology, Radiology and Ophthalmology. I highly recommend North Heights. I plan to adopt through RGA. I am making a note of this. Thank you again!
  8. I am glad for your good news! Since we are kind of neighbors, and I will soon be in the market for a good vet.....Who are these wonderful people? Thanks!
  9. Glad you got good news. Now, good luck witholding treats from that cute little Ollie.
  10. I am so sorry you have to go through this again. Wishes of strenght and comfort coming your way.
  11. My sympathies for the loss of your BooBoo and your mom. May you find comfort in their memories.
  12. Thanks again for the warm welcome. It is nice to know I am not the only one who took a while to take the plunge to sign up. As only a wannabe greyhound owner I didn't think I had anything to contribute. But now I have questions for all of you experts.
  13. Welcome - from one newbie to another!
  14. Thanks for the welcomes! It is good to see some other Wisconsinites.
  15. Hi all - I am Jerilyn from Green Bay Wisconsin. I have wanted a greyhound for a long time and have been getting my greyhound fix by lurking in your community for the past 3-4 years. I am so excited that the time is finally right to bring a greyhound into my home! I have some personal and work travel planned and need to finish off fencing my back yard, but by the end of July I hope to have a hound in my home. You don’t know me, but I feel like I know many of you. I have celebrated, laughed, and cried for many of you and your dogs over the years. The community you have established here is really quite special. I visit other boards and none of them offer the sound advice and genuine concern that all of you do. I know that even the rare disagreements that pop up are only because of your love for these dogs. Happy to finally be a “legal” Greytalk member, Jerilyn
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