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Everything posted by Jenbo

  1. I'm so sorry. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. How very loving that she will be at home with those she loved most.
  2. Oh no! Please do not waste your time feeling guilty, spend your time enjoying everyone and everything around you
  3. Welcome! Can't wait to see pics of your houndies.
  4. I hope he's doing better. Weirdly enough, Myka has a similar wound right near that spot
  5. Uh oh. I hope it's something easily treated and she's back to normal soon.
  6. Poor Heart, I hope the vet can help calm and heal her
  7. Wonderful! He's so handsome and has the same coloring as my girl below. He looks like a big guy
  8. Jenbo


    I'm so sorry. What a beautiful picture of him.
  9. Just picked up some spray and advised DBF no more hydrogen. I'll ask him to take a pic and I'll post it. I'm certain it's not a fungus but a scrape -- the top layer of fur and skin is missing and the wound was bleeding just a tiny bit, mostly weeping. It wasn't there Saturday morning, only after zoomies at my gf's house. He's home sick today so he's making sure she's not licking it.
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