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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. Many good thoughts coming your way. I hope you can figure out what is going on and it is an easy diagnosis.
  2. 2hounds

    Au Revoir Boss

    Sweet Bossman, you were loved so much.
  3. Oh Judy, I am so sorry. My heart is with you, Mike, and Kevin.
  4. My heart is with you and Boss. Many positive and healing thoughts coming your way.
  5. What a beautiful face, I am so sorry for your loss.
  6. Sweet pretty Happy girl, feel better soon!
  7. I'm so sorry Susie, lots of healing thoughts coming for you and Maggie.
  8. 2hounds


    I am so sorry. Your tribute is beautiful, I know that Gumby knows how loved she was.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss but glad you found Greytalk.
  10. Oh Heather, I am so sorry to hear this, I know how terrifying it must have been. I hope he continues to improve. Many positive healing thoughts coming your way. And please let me know how the doxepin works for you, Iceman has LP also and I would be interested in ANYTHING that might help him.
  11. Glad to hear that she is feeling better. Big hugs to sweet Bonnie.
  12. My Mia is still on 25mg every other day along with 10mg pred every other day for long term immune mediated polyarthritis associated with Erlichea. She was on the pred first (40mg/day at first) and we put her on the Azathiaprine hoping to get her weaned off of the pred faster because Aza has less side effects. It didn't work out like we had hoped, she is still on both meds, but she has been stable for about 6 months now.
  13. That second picture is great! He is a very handsome boy who hopefully does NOT live up to his name!
  14. All bread goes in the fridge in this house for that very reason. As others have said, all should be ok.
  15. I agree with Diane, offer anything that she will eat, no matter what it is. When Cujo was very very sick last year, he ate anything he wanted, if he wanted something on my plate, I gave it to him. There at the end he was eating grilled fish from Red Lobster because that is all I could get him to eat. Big hugs to you. I know this isn't easy and I think it is human nature to second guess our decisions. Ember knows that you made your decision with love and she will bounce back from this.
  16. Your hounds are gorgeous, welcome to Greytalk!
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