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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. Glad to hear a good update. I have my fingers crossed the vet will be able to figure out what is going on soon. How far are you from Carolina Vet Specialty? They are on S. Tryon in south Charlotte. That is who Mia Bella sees, they don't see regular patients at all, only specialty cases. They might be worth consulting.
  2. Oh no! Lots of good thoughts coming for you and for Harmony. Please feel better soon!
  3. I am so sorry to read this. My thoughts are with her and her family.
  4. I am with you, hoping for TBD! Big hugs for humans and hounds, I hope she feels better soon!
  5. Oh no! I hope you can get it all figured out and she feels better real soon!
  6. I am so sorry, my thoughts are with Stacia.
  7. Good thoughts coming for Romeo, I know he will do great!
  8. Oh no, I am so sad to read this. My heart is with you today, Annie was full of life and knew how much she was loved.
  9. What an adorable name and a gorgeous hound! Congrats!
  10. Nerice, I am so sorry. I know Ally will be celebrating with you and the other pups on Monday and she will remain in your heart forever.
  11. Wrapping you in warm hugs. You are in my thoughts.
  12. All the good thoughts in the world coming your way.
  13. Sweet Boss, you hit the jackpot 3 years ago and landed in the best possible home. I hope you are enjoying the endless sunshine and warmth and watching over your Mommy and Daddy.
  14. Thank you Heather, I have printed this out and will take it to my vet at Iceman's appt next week.
  15. I don't have any advice to offer, but wanted to offer good wishes for a speedy recovery. These hounds are amazing, they bounce back beautifully!
  16. Sweet Grandpa, you were so very loved and you really did change lives. Run Free.
  17. Sweet Maggie-Mae, you look beautiful and I know that you will feel better soon.
  18. It is probably a wart or something, Iceman has some funny spots that have hairs growing out of them. I would still have it checked by a vet just in case. But I have EVERYTHING checked by a vet, every lump, bump, etc. (but remember I had a cat that died of mast cell cancer so I am super paranoid)
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