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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Is Rocky still missing?
  2. Your dream has left me in tears...you're so lucky...
  3. robinw


    Tick disease...makes my blood boil. I'm so sorry.
  4. robinw


    Very sad I remember Roxie's story...at least she found love with your and her forever home...
  5. Such a beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry, Maria.
  6. My last vet was incredibly expensive. That would've been fine if I was thrilled with the service that I received. But he wouldn't have Phoenix tested for tick diseases (because we're in Canada-he seemed to have forgotten that my dog was in the states). When I had him tested with an adoption group and he came out positive for babesia, he wouldn't treat him and made some comment about "American dogs coming to Canada to infect our Canadian dogs". Guess he also forgot that we don't have brown ticks here. I switched vets at that point and I'm thrilled. She's less expensive, but I'd pay more for her expertise, patience, kindness and openmindedness. Anyway, for the most part, I don't think vets are overpaid. After all, they have to diagnose and treat patients who can't even tell them how they feel
  7. Phoenix occasionally barks when playing with other greys, otherwise never, ever. He does whine a lot.
  8. robinw

    Jazz's Birthday

    Jazz lives on in Phoenix's good health. Without Jazz, Phoenix never would've tested for and been treated for babesia. Happy Birthday, Jazz. We think of you often.
  9. What a tragic loss. I'm so sorry.
  10. Thanks again, Rockingship. These have been so much fun to read and each must take a considerable amount of time to research. It's kind of strange to think how our greys must have been worth a small fortune when they were young. I guess the best thing is that they're priceless to us. Thanks again.
  11. robinw

    Goodbye Iberia

    Give yourself all the time you need. It may take a very long time to get over the shock and I know that I still cry when I think of my Beansy who passed on eight years ago. Family members stay with you. It's important to grieve. Please take it easy and don't ever feel ashamed.
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