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Everything posted by robinw

  1. robinw


    i'm so very sorry
  2. robinw


    i'm so sorry about Arnold, and best of thoughts to you and charley
  3. i'm so, so sorry. it's not fair, is it...
  4. i can't believe it's been three years already. we all miss iberia
  5. robinw

    Cam's Brittni

    jeanne, i'm so, so sorry
  6. happy gotcha day beautiful sophia! we miss you
  7. robinw


    i'm so, so sorry
  8. i'm so sorry; that was a beautiful tribute.
  9. my heart stopped when i saw her name. it must be such an awful shock to have her to from vomiting to the bridge so quickly. i'm so, so sorry
  10. robinw

    Gm's Sly One

    Sly was quite a wonderful friend and family member, wasn't he? I'm so sorry
  11. loca's broken toe is a minor, temporary problem. her broken leg a couple of years ago was a major, temporary problem. phene had and was treated for babesia, which i consider to have been a huge problem.
  12. robinw


    zak must've been very special
  13. Rescue Remedy? sorry, i should read the entire post before i reply
  14. robinw

    Sad News

    How awful. Sympathy to Susan's family
  15. i miss maddison so much, as i'm sure we all do
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