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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Loca is at the vet receiving IV fluids as she's badly dehydrated. she said that her pain and discomfort has nothing to do with her infection; her back was out of whack (she does chipracty also) which probably happened while i was out of town and she was having fun in my friend's backyard. she also said that fewer glands are swollen than last week so she is in fact getting better. she is also going to repeat the urine culture. we discussed euthanisia and she honestly feels that loca is getting better and will get over this. i walked into work this morning (before i called the vet or told anybody what was going on) and everybody was making death jokes. i honestly thought i was going to lose her today and i yelled at them (daily dose of drama) and ran to the washroom they kicked me out of work to take her to the vet and i'm now back at work, armed with apology cookies. btw, i look like crap from lack of sleep
  2. she won't even look at food or chicken broth. i had to bring it upstairs for her and she's ignoring it. this is the first time i could remember her not coming down for breakfast. at the risk of sounding pessimistic or like a baby, i have a feeling this isn't good
  3. loca is doing very poorly today. she's been panting, she barely moved when i took her out and she seemed unsteady on her back legs and she ouldn't take her meds that were put in pill pockets. i gave her some metacam for her discomfort. she seems to go so up and down . back to the vet, i guess.
  4. ugh, i'm going through the same thing with Loca. she is also fighting a bacterial infection after recurring UTIs. she's taking a combo of baytril and clamavox; she is entering her third week of treatment. i agree with the suggestion of xrays of Gracie's bladder.
  5. Beautiful video. I can see that Abby was very special
  6. Thanks all for your good wishes. Loca seemed better today but it goes up and down. She and phene are in the very capable hands of TinasTroops while I'm out of town for work and attempting to type from my blackberry.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss
  8. could he be eating lots of "new growth" (grass, etc) outside?
  9. ugh. let's hope Starbucks doesn't have the same infection as Loca. How's he feeling?
  10. that's very possible. she's been on both clamavox and baytril in the past. the real problem with what's she's got is that it's resistant to almost all kinds of antibiotics. the drug of choice is gentamicin, which we can't use because it could wreck Loca's kidneys.
  11. semi formed. could be much worse i'm happy with her poop
  12. i could ignore those comments if they were only about the expense, but when "she's 13 and what about her quality of life" is added, it's even worse. this thread had turned into therapy time for robin
  13. i also recommend pill pocket. great news that Flashy is eating!
  14. blood test urinalysis (many) urine culture and vaginal discharge culture bladder xray
  15. i know i'm being a big baby but i keep thinking that we've missed something. i had my first "maybe you should put her to sleep" comment at work the other day and it really threw me for a loop.
  16. i am. i am now up to $1400 and i'm sure there will be many more Loca related expenses before she is better! don't get me wrong, she's worth every penny
  17. Thanks, Nancy. To be honest with you, I'm feeling completely overwhelmed by this. I now understand what an emotional rollercoaster it is having a sick dog. Not to mention expensive. very expensive
  18. I'm so very sorry...I can't imagine losing two so close together
  19. thank you! i had been giving metacam but stopped. i'll start again as needed. i'll also look for a cranberry supplement. i've been adding chicken broth to her kibble as well as a bit of canned food and it seems that she is drinking water again (that had stopped, also).
  20. Global Pet Foods on Belmont carries Nature Organics canned chicken and canned turkey dog food, as well as green tripe. these foods worked for Loca when she wsn't eating.
  21. oh geez, Gail. what a pair we are!! i hope Starbucks is feeling better soon.
  22. I know I've been posting a lot about Loca and I'm sure that some think I'm overreacting but I'm really worried about Loca. She's had chronic UTIs and was recently diagnosed with pseudomonas aeguginosa and strep g along the urinary tract, spreading to her glands. the vet ruled out lymphoma. i've been giving her 75 mg of baytril and around 55 mg of clamavox twice a day for almost two weeks now and she has enough for another 1.5 weeks at least. Yesterday she was given 125 mg of pyran because phene was exposed to hookworm. she seemed to have been doing better but tonight she seems to be in a considerable amount of discomfort. i've just taken her out for the sixth time this evening because she's been panting so much, but i suspect her panting is due to being uncomfortable. she had been able to walk longer distances but now she can just walk a short distance without needing to stop. Her appetite is good and she's back to eating her normal food. She's 13.5 years old. Her senior bloodwork all came out normal a couple of months ago and aside from frequent UTIs, she's been healthy. is all of this normal for pseudomonas aeguginosa and strep g? is it ok to give her such strong antibiotics for such a long period of time? is there anything that the vet and i could be missing?
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