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Everything posted by robinw

  1. i'm so sorry for your loss
  2. We visited the vet this evening. He commented about how much better she looks than she did during her last visit 1.5 weeks ago. He said that her posture is good, she looks sharp and bright and she is no longer walking funny (during her last visit, her rear legs were buckling, her back looked twisted and her expression was dull). She had her first laser therapy treatment this evening, so I'm hoping for good results. Her appetite is back and she is finally eating full portions of kibble, although I soak it in chicken broth so she remains hydrated. eta: the laser was applied over her buttocks and thighs, her back legs and her spine near her back legs. update 7:30pm. Tina, Loca and I just returned from the vet. Michele (the vet) took xrays of her heart, lungs, bladder, bowels and her spine, as well as her rear legs. There's no sign of any growths or tumours, which is good news. She has tons of gas in her bowels and bladder, I mean tons of it! her heart and lungs are clear. She has some arthritis and something else with her spine (can't remember what it's called; some fusing in the front and rear of her spine). she also thinks the she may still have an infection. the instability and loss of appetite are due to the laser; the first treatment i guess can be very painful, a bit like seeing a physiotherapist for an injury. Loca has another pain patch and some appetite stimulants. She is returning to the vet Monday to go over the results of the culture and to see if antibiotics are necessary. Michele is confident (99.9% sure) that her present discomfort is the result of the laser and that subsequent treatments will be much better. she also said that there's nothing wrong with her that can't be treated . whew!! i need a drink! thanks all for your patience and support. this wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't such an emotional roller coaster and i wasn't losing so much sleep, as i jump out of bed every time she moves. things will get better.
  3. i will pm you when i get home from work tonight. sounds like the exact same thing that loca has. it's a strange bacterial infection...
  4. the vet (Adrian from Michele's office) changed her app't to tomorrow as he had to do emergency surgery on a lab that ate something weird.
  5. i'm facing a similar situation with Loca and I know how difficult it is. you're in my thoughts
  6. robinw


    I'm so sorry
  7. I'd been following Billy's health problems and was heartbroken when things took a turn for the worse. I'm so sorry
  8. phene and loca are actually at tina's house for the weekend while i'm out of town. Oooops, hee hee hee I actually knew that but forgot. I feel so outta sorts up here in Sudbury. that's ok. i feel outta sorts too
  9. phene and loca are actually at tina's house for the weekend while i'm out of town.
  10. the patch was removed last night and she was finally walking better this evening.
  11. I just got off the phone with the vet, who has suggested using laser therapy for Loca's arthritis. He recommended one treatment every six weeks. Has anybody tried this successfully?
  12. Loca's fentanyl patch was removed this afternoon. While she had it on she had been walking very, very slowly. Now that it's removed, does anybody know if I can expect her gait to quicken? If so, how long is a reasonable to to see things return to normal? thanks
  13. a lot like phoenix except i don't remember having his spleen checked. i forgot to mention that he was very lethargic also.
  14. That's very interesting. What did they end up doing for treatment and what type of symptoms did Phoenix have that made the vet think to test for babesia? Thanks....I will definitely check these out. he was treated with two shots of imizol injected several weeks apart. he seemed depressed, was limping and couldn't even walk across the street without needing to stop. what are billy's symptoms?
  15. good to see you, Karen! he's beautiful!
  16. i recommend that the vet actually look at a blood sample. Phoenix's ratio was low, also but those nasty babesia critters were visible in his blood.
  17. Diane, I just saw this. You and Dodge are in my thoughts and I hope he's home soon
  18. this is for you, Flashman, Dee and Fred:
  19. i have lots of experience with this, thanks to Loca. it might be a good idea to ask the vet to do a urine culture to see if Jasmine has a bacterial infection, also.
  20. sending positive thoughts to you and Iceman.
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