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Everything posted by BertnLil

  1. BertnLil


    I'm so sorry. :f_white
  2. BertnLil


    I am so very sorry. :f_white
  3. BertnLil


    That's way too young. I'm so very sorry.
  4. How horrible-- I'm so terribly sorry. :f_white
  5. I am so sorry. It is never enough time. :f_pink
  6. I am so very sorry. f_yellow
  7. BertnLil


    I am so very sorry. f_yellow
  8. BertnLil


    I'm so very sorry. :f_pink
  9. I'm so very sorry. :f_pink
  10. I am so very sorry. The song in the video is very fitting--Abby seemed like she was a friend to all, including kittehs and the postal carrier! Run free, pretty girl...
  11. I'm glad to hear she is doing better. What a cutie. :wub:
  12. I am right there with ya! I am in love with the GH/fuzzy hound breed crosses, like Ned and Ekko...and now Tess. Congratulations, she is beautiful. ETA: Taking a closer look at that second pic, she DOES look like a brindle GH wearing a Wolfhound shawl.
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