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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Congratulations! Aaron is beautiful, and seems to be adjusting super-fast -- amazing that within two hours he's able to get up open stairs! You deserve it after all you've been through -- I'm so happy for you, and eager to hear more updates of his life with you! :banana
  2. That's hard to have to wait until Monday, but sounds like REALLY good news in the mean time -- I imagine even the assistant has a great deal of experience with this sort of thing!
  3. Oh how terrible, I am so sorry for your untimely loss.
  4. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious girl, and that it had to be through such a wrenching experience.
  5. Oh no! How scary. Lilac will be in my thoughts, and all of you. And I'm really sorry you have the flu, too!
  6. Your pic links don't seem to be working, alas! But welcome to GT! Looking forward to seeing True soon!
  7. Sending positive thoughts. Uncertainty is the worst thing to go through, for me.
  8. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.
  9. Congratulations and welcome to GT! We'll be looking forward to your first report and many Welly updates!
  10. I have one and she's fine. She's happy to see other dogs, but happy to leave too -- even when we're with other greys she often wanders around alone, or tries to play with the humans! Not all hounds are that confident, though; I gather there are many who are much happier with a hound companion. I find that sometimes GT can make me feel guilty about having only one, but as a single person without a real yard who travels a fair bit, I cannot realistically see accommodating multiple greys at present. I work really hard at giving my one hound a great, stimulating life with lots of new experiences and fun interactions with many people and dogs!
  11. Congratulations and welcome! He is gorgeous and adorable! I love the name too -- gives new meaning to "gettin' jiggy with it." Others who have kids can probably give you some guidelines/cautions to make sure there are no unfortunate incidents between your hound and children . . . .
  12. I am so sorry you and Timber are going through this. You're in my thoughts.
  13. Good luck. My girl adores going to the vet -- and it's a good thing, because I take her over there an awful lot! Good luck. My girl adores going to the vet -- and it's a good thing, because I take her over there an awful lot!
  14. I was a tad bit nervous but microchipped my girl a couple of months ago, and feel really happy and relieved to have done it. No way would I trust that some random shelter worker or whoever would know about the tattoos or how to trace them. While I'm still neurotic about losing her somehow, I now feel like I've done all I can do (that, plus the ID tag on her collar and on her harness).
  15. The first poop of the day being best and then getting progressively softer is really more normal/common than not. And Hattie's behavior sounds like a fairly normal, settled-in greyhound to me. All your foods have had grain, and none have been fish. I agree with the vet check, but it might be worth considering something grain free and/or fish-based, and/or otherwise hypoallergenic. Lots of us have dogs who do better on those. Has she ever been on metronidazole (Flagyl)? This is the first-line medicine for dealing with poop issues. Beth has a tendency to those, and has been having some problems in the past month. My vet thinks she may need to be on it periodically or possibly (too soon to tell) longer term, and says there's no problem with that.
  16. Hi, hope Lola's feeling better! What you describe are definitely not symptoms of bloat, so don't worry about that. It's only an emergency if there's more blood -- otherwise I'd just check in with the vet. Don't beat yourself up about the dog park water -- I think it's probably fine if it's in a bowl or from a fountain.
  17. Teddy is gorgeous! Such unique markings. Congratulations, and welcome to GT!
  18. You might also try adding some chicken broth to her water. Beth lapped that up like crazy when I was fasting her for diarrhea one day recently.
  19. I love my vet and the staff, and the techs. Very nice, and all of them start cooing the minute Beth walks in the door. . . she's made herself quite a favorite! I did have a neighbor new to the area who found the staff short with her when she called with a question about a medication for her grey before she was a client (she ended up going with another vet I also recommended.....)
  20. Clavamox can really kill the appetite and cause other stomach upset, I think -- I know it did in my cat, haven't used it with a dog yet.
  21. Wow, how scary! No experience with this but sending wishes that he's OK and the swelling goes down quickly!
  22. Beautiful hound -- the ears and eyes! Can you post his Greyhounddata link? Inquiring minds are curious about his ancestry.
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