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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Oh, I was assuming you meant a fecal culture ... I hadn't heard of regular fecals 3 days in a row, though that makes sense. (Why not do a culture, though, anyway, since you have no specific reason to believe the issue is parasites, and are trying to figure out what's wrong?)
  2. Not an expert, but 3 day fecals are cultures designed specifically to test for bacteria, not just/particularly parasites. The time is needed for the bacteria to grow in the culture. It would be a good idea to do since raw food (among other things) could be a source of bad bacteria. Beth's diarrhea issues turned out to be related to pancreatic problems -- she was just under the borderline for pancreatitis. We found that out only because we did a TLI test and some other stuff (b12/folate) trying to figure out what was going on. She's much better on a low-fat diet (and, for better or worse, no more raw). So that has left me a big fan of checking this stuff.
  3. I think that's fine. I'm a first time dog owner too, and I've learned that once in a while dogs throw up. For one throw-up I wouldn't start messing with special food. If anything, I'd have fasted him until midday then feed several small installments of regular food throughout the day. Clarification: did he throw when his stomach was empty, when he hadn't eaten since last night? Was it mostly just bile or was there food in it? Or was this regurgitating something he'd eaten shortly before?
  4. He is gorgeous!! But I think while you've met the letter of The Rules, the spirit is MORE pics!!!
  5. If you're on Facebook, I recently discovered there's a club for three-toed greyhounds there! We joined.
  6. I'm so sorry for the loss of your wonderful girl. Your post so vividly conveys how very much you love her.
  7. Just chiming in to agree with the point about not treating unless you get the panel. Just to underscore the point, Beth had 0.4 T4 a while back, we did the thyroid panel and she was perfectly fine. Dogs can gain weight easily. The logical thing would be to cut back his food and increase his exercise if possible see if he loses! Beth's weight jumped from 58-59 to 63 in a short time once when I wasn't paying attention -- but within a month of being careful I'd gotten her back down again. February 2011 is ages ago, too ... why would you base treatment now on a weight and blood results from then?
  8. They sell them at the online store of GEM Greyhounds, fast service.
  9. I tried one (two actually -- one was too small for her neck, one was too big -- greyhounds have skinnier necks than the inflatables designed for to get to the width you'd need) and it didn't work at all. They aren't wide enough to work for greyhounds, I think, who have bendy necks and long noses that can easily get around them. (Admittedly, I was trying to keep Beth away from her rear foot, which is tricky.) Giant waste of money. A better option than either is a Bite-Not collar. My vet had the stuff to make one (the special foam with felt backing he cut to size and velcro tape that attaches). Doesn't block their vision but prevents them bending their neck. Beth wore one after she had surgery on her flank. Unfortunately the first version wasn't fitted tightly enough and she gave herself a big scar licking when I wasn't looking -- then we redid it and it worked. Muzzle with stool guard will solve your problems easily. The vet added a strip of gauze tied to the back of the neck piece that we tied under Beth's throat so she couldn't rub it off -- she was wearing the muzzle 24/7 except for eating and potty walks for a couple of weeks after her toe amputation. Beth is very very fussy with her muzzle at a play date, for example, since she doesn't wear it regularly, but after a little fussing she settled right down wearing it in the house.
  10. My thoughts are with you and Pinky. Think of the good side -- how easily she's going to get around as a tripod, because she's shown you already. Greyhounds sometimes have such trouble getting up even with four legs, when their feet can't quite find the right purchase.
  11. Sounds pretty good overall! All good thoughts to your sweet whiny girl.
  12. Glad she came through well! Hope her recovery continues to be smooth!
  13. PrairieProf


    I am so sorry for your sudden loss. But it's a wonderful thing that Honey was happy until her very last day.
  14. I'm so sorry for the loss of your special girl.
  15. Best wishes for your baby. Beth had a weight-bearing rear toe removed around Memorial Day and despite some complications in the healing process is back to doing 100% of what she used to do as a bouncy five-year-old, running included. I won't say I don't worry a bit more, but it hasn't compromised her quality of life at all -- so I now think with some others that the big deal about weight-bearing toes is overblown. BTW Beth wore a muzzle with stool guard, tied around her neck with a long strip of gauze bandage attached to the part that goes behind ears so she couldn't pull it off -- more comfortable than a cone or collar.
  16. I like the idea of a Boston Terrier, though I don't know them intimately, though my vet has one. Maybe too small? They're cute, and the black and white would look very spiffy alongside, um, priest gear.
  17. The only time Beth ever went partially off her food was, I'm pretty sure, the start of a pancreatic problem that manifested itself a couple of months later. Or maybe it was something else digestive, but it was medical, not behavioral, as the problem never occurred before or after, though it was hard to tell that at the time. If Ruby was always a good eater and then recently has become picky in the way you describe, I wouldn't rule out medical causes.
  18. Sam's Yam's dried sweet potato treats ("Veggie Rawhide") are another good thing to chew -- Beth has a very sensitive stomach and is fine with those (well, half of a regular sized one). FWIW I do have to order them online.
  19. Yup, I've seen ticks on Beth in New York state in late December. I just skip January and February in Iowa in the deep freeze.
  20. I thought I'd post an update .... the cats seem to have learned not to walk on top of Beth and to give her more space, and I give her treats as positive reinforcement when the cats are very close. Haven't heard any growling or snaps at all in the past week or so. A couple of times Dublin's been cuddled pretty close to her and she's seemed fine. So I think we're on our way to a peaceable household. I did catch Dublin trying to eat canned food out of Beth's bowl last night, but Beth doesn't seem upset by that -- she was just standing there looking a little perplexed!
  21. Poor baby! Glad he's better today. Beth sends special B9 wishes to her half-brudder, and me too!
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