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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Absolutely you can use Petzlife, it will help keep the teeth good.
  2. Awww. Larry was so sweet, good to see all those pictures again. Happy Birthday.
  3. Beth really likes the taste of the toothpaste, getting a little lick of it off my finger at the end is her treat.
  4. Have you considered Petzlife spray as an option? You don't have to brush at all to use that, and it works really well. I found the gel a lot ickier (especially as I got the kind with salmon oil -- stinkorama). I know there's some knockoff product with the same ingredients that's cheaper, but I don't recall the name, maybe someone else does. They have TV ads for it. BTW I have found Petzlife is cheapest on Amazon.com -- costs much less than in stores. Haven't used chlorhexidine. Alternating brushing with dog toothpaste (enzymatic) one night with Petzlife spray the next night is what we've settled into with excellent results.
  5. Hey everybody, just because some folks seem confused, Bacardi is an 11 week old puppy, not a retired racer.
  6. You don't know anything without an x-ray, but it does sound dislocated. I myself would never wait until Monday to have a serious injury checked, but that's me. Amputation wouldn't be the first line of treatment for a dislocation especially if the toe stays in place, but if it doesn't it may end up as the best option. Beth had traumatic dislocation involving a completely severed toe ligament and had the amputation -- severed ligaments don't heal though ones that are just stretched may. I would absolutely give him painkiller.
  7. Congratulations and welcome, she is very very beautiful! Especially her gorgeous eyeliner. What is her racing name?
  8. Nice gate. Good idea for a playgroup. Still can't see how I'd realistically do that as one person with one hound going to ball fields with at least three openings.
  9. Can you get him on some metronidazole to hopefully help him out with the GI issues and tide you over before your vet visit next week?
  10. If you're on Facebook, there's a group for Three Toed Greyhounds there you can join. Much of it is just a fun celebration of our "different" hounds but it would probably be a good place for advice too.
  11. Yay for Ace! And for you -- your week will sure end a lot better than it started!
  12. I'll answer as my grey had a weight-bearing toe amputation too (you've probably seen my posts). They typically take the entire toe -- fewest problems that way. The gap isn't really a problem. Occasionally a twig or something might poke in there and Beth will three-foot a few strides but it doesn't seem to bother her (I was worried about snow, but that doesn't bother her either). Others have said their toes realign to close the gap a bit but I can't say I've seen that so far with mine after nine months). Beth placed weight on the foot again immediately (wrapped). We did have worse healing complications than many people -- the wrap caused abrasions on remaining toes, and so we tried taking it off too soon, and then the skin ripped around the sutures, and Beth ended up on crate rest for several weeks (foot unwrapped to heal inside the crate as there were wounds that had to heal by granulation, wrapped to go out). She was left with some hairless areas on the remaining large toe from deep abrasions that continued as an issue. She always walked fine, though! I think I walked her too much the first week -- the problem is that she has to walk pretty vigorously to poop. But she has been 99% fine in terms of her gait, running, etc. -- I just feel I need to be much more careful now lest she have an injury to the remaining toe. And the knuckle on the remaining toe has become rather large and unsightly with calcification, but the vet says that helps stabilize the toe so it's not a bad thing. And I don't know that others' dogs have had that happen as much.
  13. Eh, I use the small dog area all the time at my park and have for ages. I've never had anyone come in before I could get my dog leashed. Of course it has a clear view of the parking area and "vestibule" for both spaces. I think the OP can be trusted to use her judgment with that. FWIW all ball fields where I live have multiple gaps in the fence by design. I'm pretty envious of all the folks who seem to have these nice enclosed fields!
  14. You need to upload photos in a hosting site like Photobucket, and then you post the IMG codes from the site in your message. Then you see the photos right in your message. The Facebook links don't work -- the photos are probably not set for public viewing.
  15. Glad she made it to a better life! We'd love to see pictures of her.
  16. Welcome from Iowa. The majority of us here have adopted retired racers hence not a lot of puppy experience, but some do. Is Bacardi from a racing farm or is she an AKC greyhound, or from some other background?
  17. Are you just taking her out to a yard or are you walking her in the neighborhood? Would she pee more if she could check out new places? Beth doesn't pee much in yard (when we even use it -- partly we don't because she doesn't much care to "go" there), but she's a big marker everywhere else.
  18. No no no, don't muzzle in the dog park. Not safe unless all dogs are muzzled. I do use the dog park because I don't have a yard to speak of (and I get frustrated with the anti-dog park people who brag about their big yards -- good for you, but we don't all have those, and our dogs need to run too!), but I am very, very cautious, and you need to be too. Consider going when there is no one else there, or use a separate area that's unoccupied, or if you can work out times with certain regular dogs he does play well with. Greyhound play is very intense, and is focused on chasing and biting, and of course a greyhound will easily catch any dog it chases -- I know my girl is much too much for many dogs when she gets super-excited. Smaller or even many medium dogs aren't OK for her, and puppies of any kind (even teenage puppies) aren't OK -- they tend to be provoking and they get submissive when dogs chase or pack up on them, and that in turn brings out more intensity. And she is NOT a "high prey" dog -- lives with cats, etc. Again, you have to be really careful, and it's a pain -- you have to give up opportunities to use it you'd like to have. But yes, your dog can hurt another dog, and you and he will be in a world of trouble if he does. If you could find other greys for yours to play with (all muzzled then) that would be ideal, but again, I know that's not realistic for all of us either.
  19. I am so sorry. That's much much too early to lose your beautiful girl.
  20. Welcome to you and your gorgeous girl!
  21. Did they take x-rays? With that much pain I'd be worrying about a broken bone! At 12 that's very worrisome.
  22. Yes, I use it. No problems. My vet says it is the top of the line for parasite control (it treats/prevents worms as well) -- he used to recommend Sentinel as the best and since this has come out he thinks it is. My cats are on the feline version as well.
  23. Of course, Beth thinks a little handful of extra kibble is as good as a cookie, too. I think it's "getting food" that gives the dogs pleasure.
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