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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Well, Hill's makes prescription cookies with hydrolyzed protein designed to go with their I/D, Z/D, and D/D diets, so you might try those -- I don't care for the ingredients too much but they are designed to work for IBD-type dogs. Beth liked them fine when she had them after her pancreatitis scare. Otherwise, you might try a cookie made to go with whatever food you feed, or with similar ingredients. I like the Natural Balance limited ingredient treats and they seem to agree with Beth. I'd stay away from random treats at Petsmart -- I've browsed that aisle plenty of times and most of the treats they sell are pretty iffy.
  2. Yay you did it!! Hank looks like a very handsome dude.
  3. Welcome to GT! Hope you'll post some pics of Hank when you get a chance. My girl isn't an early riser so I can't help there, but often greys get restless when they're chilly -- and I notice my house feels coldest in the early morning. So you might see what happens if you put a blankie over him -- or, like many of us nutjobs do, get him some pajamas. Actually you can even try a loose-fitting t-shirt to see if that helps before you invest.
  4. I'm sure others will have training success stories, but stairs like that would scare me ... I read somewhere (I think in Cynthia Branigan's book) about a greyhound having a leg slip in the gap between the stairs and breaking it.
  5. I am so very sorry. You and Hannah will be in my thoughts.
  6. Ay yi yi! How terrifying. Hope she continues to improve. I am a non-functional wreck when the least thing is wrong with Beth or my cats.
  7. No experience to serve as the basis for advice, but I'm so sorry you're going through this (and Merlin too, of course, but with the gentlest whack upside the head for his pickiness). Egg is the #1 protein source in the canned I/D, so that might be something to try, and perhaps easier for you to cook than meat.
  8. Oh no, I am so very very sorry for the loss of your brave boy.
  9. Calorie-wise, one can if I/D = 1 cup of kibble, more or less. Whether it actually goes through them the same way is anybody's guess.
  10. Beth had near-pancreatitis (not acute, but right near the border of it -- the test that showed it on her was the TLI) and has done wonderfully on I/D since then. She was also on a course of metronidazole for about 4-6 weeks, for its anti-inflammatory effect.
  11. Well, Kerry, remember kibble I/D has chicken though the canned doesn't, so if there's an issue it's probably not that. Anyway, glad he's doing better at the moment!
  12. Good thoughts to sweet Ace. (Tomato soup with a fork, ha ha!)
  13. PrairieProf

    Kl Gringo

    I am very sorry he had to leave so soon. I remember when you brought the B-Boyz home.
  14. Oh crap(!), I'm so sorry that the problems you mentioned have continued. No advice, but I've looked at the EN ingredients in the past and they are a fair bit different than the I/D, even though the foods are designed for the same purpose. He didn't have problems on the I/D from what you said, just stopped wanting to eat it, right? Do you think that was just pickiness or was his stomach starting to bother him? (As you know I'm a believer in I/D, Beth is on it and does so well, though she doesn't have IBD per se.)
  15. Welcome to the wonderful world of greyhounds (and Greytalk)!
  16. Good thoughts for sweet Elsie ... good news the vet is optimistic.
  17. I'm sorry. It does sound like the right decision.
  18. How frustrating and scary not to know, but I'm glad for all the positive reports. Glad your vet is being caring and thorough.
  19. Love Poe's name -- and yours (I'm an American Lit professor! ). Your pictures are beautiful. Welcome!
  20. Pink belly is pretty normal -- they have such thin skin, that if they are a bit warm or whatever you see the blood through. I really wouldn't worry about this too much, maybe just ask the vet the next time you're there. I was a new greyhound mom too (well sort of still am after three years) and I remember freaking out (and, yes, going to the vet) about every little thing. OK, well I still do.
  21. Welcome from Iowa! I know DeeDee and her mom (online and have met them once in real life).
  22. I'm not sure why people are assuming it's necessarily abnormal. I haven't inspected Beth's gums after eating, but I can imagine they might be reddish just from the friction etc. of the kibble. And is totally normal for a greyhound to rub/wipe her face on things after eating (the carpet, a bedspread, whatever's handy ). Pawing her face might be odd, but some of the behavior you describe just sounds excited. Do the gums go back to a normal pink color afterwards? Does she not do any odd behaviors with her face except right after meals? If so, I wouldn't worry that much about it -- she's not going to have a brief allergy and then be fine.
  23. Try taking his ZD if it's canned food and bake small chunks in the oven, or freeze some in a kong. Then give them as treats. That way he can still have treats but not set off his IBD. That's what we started doing with our boy. I got the idea here on GT. Hill's makes hypoallergenic prescription treats that are designed to be compatible with Z/D -- the same hydrolyzed protein that it is based on.
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