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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. Beth is on both (well with Frontline Plus), I have asked my vet more than once and he says it's fine. (I don't know what Frontline Tritak is.) I do give them about two weeks apart.
  2. Zolie is so cute, congratulations! I may be a bit partial to white and brindle girls. Her all-over big spots (as opposed to just flecks of ticking) are quite unusual! Love her butt view in particular!
  3. I am sad today as the beloved girl of some new friends of mine, Cheryl and Ken, recent Iowa transplants, went to the Bridge this morning due to osteo. She was only eight. Beth and I had the chance to visit and meet Whoopsie this summer. She taught Beth how to use a dog door during the afternoon we were there. Can't believe she is gone so soon. They just lost their boy Groom this past summer. http://www.greyhound...ear=&birthland= Her mom posted this on Facebook: Whoopsie (AKA Hi Best Whoops, Demon Devil Dog, Whoopsie Baby, Babycakes,etc.) passed over the Rainbow Bridge this morning around 9:30. She had OsteoSarcoma and had reached that point at which no drugs eased her suffering. Her ending was peaceful and her soul left quickly and calmly. Whoopsie grabbed my heart nearly the moment she entered my life. I was not open to 3 dogs at one time but she opened my heart. She loved well and we shared many kisses. There was nothing boring about her personality. I learned to darn because of her. But I also loved her like I have loved no other dog. She was my baby. If I could have waved any magic wand to take away the pain of that nasty hideous disease I would have. She joins her older brothers Charlie and Groom and other friends who have passed who have passed over the rainbow bridge. She was only 8 years old. (she was a black girly)
  4. I'm so sorry -- that is so sad. He does look quite contented though. RIP, Zip.
  5. You'll find a ton of advocates here. I'll just say that the most obese greyhound I know is raw-fed, and has a very unimpressive coat (not especially silky). She does have great teeth.
  6. I am so sorry. I always loved your Elsie stories. Loved learning more about her in your beautiful tribute.
  7. Sounds like stress, I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens again and then agree with Macoduck. I really think that after eight months, you know your dog! This idea that he isn't going to be who he is for a year or something seems silly. Any of us can encounter unexpected behavior in a new situation.
  8. Ouch, poor boy -- I had one of those once and it hurt like hell. Hope it will heal fast!
  9. I am so sorry for the loss of your wonderful boy.
  10. I am so, so sorry. What a terrible blow especially now, on top of everything else. Will be thinking of you and wonderful Elsie. :f_pink
  11. You are just assuming it's allergies? With only one eye affected that's not likely. Rubbing it can easily be a sign of discomfort, not itch. Could be conjunctivitis, could be a scratch or something -- absolutely you should go to the vet, eyes are nothing to mess with.
  12. A Advantage Multi doesn't protect against ticks. It's also not safe to use if you have cats in your household, as it can be very toxic to them. The most comprehensive flea, tick, heartworm prevention recommended to me by three different vets is Heartguard and Frontline Plus. You right that it doesn't do ticks, but you're wrong about it being toxic to cats. Advantage Multi for dogs and Advantage Multi for cats have the exact same chemicals (imidacloprid and moxidectin) just at different concentrations and amount. I use it (among other things) specifically as a cat-safe topical for my dog (I have three cats, who are also on the cat version). You must be confusing it with something else (Advantix?).
  13. Well if were mine and she were sore I'd give her some Deramaxx [dog NSAID] which I always keep on hand (just like I'd take ibuprofen myself). Hopefully others will advise you what you can give without going to the vet.
  14. Congratulations! Looks like a happy boy who loves his doggie brother! Now, we need to know his racing name so we can identify his relatives on GT!
  15. I am so sorry. My thoughts are with this boy. Really relieved that the person responsible was held accountable -- there is justice.
  16. Happy Ampuversary, Pinky. Enjoy your eggs. Hope you keep on keepin' on and making your mama happy.
  17. If there's a food he does well with, why not just feed him more of that? Maybe a third meal in the day? Rather than play Russian roulette with what might or might not agree with him, if you have no idea what he might not tolerate. Kibble is more calorie-dense than most things you might supplement with, anyway. FWIW my grey's "sensitive stomach" turned out to be an inability to tolerate excessive fat, which I learned after she had a close call with pancreatitis. Looking back pretty much all her diarrhea incidents before that were linked to fattier foods. She is much much more stable on a low fat diet.
  18. You need to upload the pics into a hosting site like Photobucket (what most of us use). Then you post the IMG code for the pic that will be listed under it within your message.
  19. Congratulations, it all sounds great! Now we need pictures!!
  20. I wonder how he'd look after a couple of sessions of acupuncture and/or chiropractic.
  21. Maybe Advantix is the wrong name, but there's one that does all including heartworm and ticks I think. Advantage Multi is listed as safe for greyhounds on some site that lists that and is extremely effective. My vet is top-notch and would not recommend a product he does not think is first-rate in effectiveness and safety. We've used it for maybe two years now.
  22. Agree with what the others have said. You're really sentimentalizing the crate issue rather than thinking rationally about it. One another option might be to day-board Remy at your vet while you work, if they offer that and leash-walk hospitalized/boarded dogs. He'd be in a kennel but would have people around and could get taken out a couple of times. That's what I did when my dog was on crate rest during the healing of an injury (mostly because I was so stressed out and needed a break during the day, and she loves being doted on at the vet's).
  23. I haven't had a problem, but what about going to topical heartworm meds like Advantage Multi or Advantix? (That's what we use now anyway -- my vet switched from recommending Sentinel to recommending these as he believes they are the most effective against the range of internal parasites.)
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