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Everything posted by PrairieProf

  1. The idea was only ever for going outside, for which they work fabulously to cover injuries. (But Lindsay, your description completely makes sense about why they wouldn't work given where Rogan's surgical site is.)
  2. How awful! Are you using the same vet for the second surgery? I know my vet said it was a very simple surgery when he did Beth's and I never heard of such a think as joint fluid leaking. Best wishes for swift healing for Munchie!
  3. No medical knowledge, but I'm sorry, I know how disturbing those deaths must be to hear about.
  4. Just seeing the most recent pics now. I swear I read a question somewhere (Facebook three-toed group? Otherwise it would be here) about an adjoining toe flattening after an amp, though as I recall no one had any answers. (If you could track down that poster, s/he might be useful to consult with.) I'd see what the vet says. Sure understand why you feel worried. Beth's remaining large toe definitely changed after her amp -- the knuckle got a lot larger.
  5. In Iowa and it also gets sub-zero here in the winter, and it IS windy. We walk in all weather -- shorter, of course, when it's very cold. Beth has a heavy coat but for extra cold weather she often wears her fleece pajamas underneath the coat for an extra layer of warmth -- they come down the top of her legs. A neighbor's grey wears her pj's pretty much all winter long. If I were doing it again I'd get four-legged pajamas and make sure they coordinated with her coat -- I have only two-legged ones and they clash horribly. I swear by Pawz disposable rubber dog booties for protecting feet from salt. They do the trick and are more comfortable and easier to get on/off than higher/fleece boots, though I have a pair of Voyagers K9 blizzard boots too, but we don't use those very much. http://pawzdogboots.com I think it is. Here is a pic of Beth wearing hers (no pajamas here). The coat is from Needle Nose Apparel, http://needlenoseapp...s_By_Tara.html.
  6. Welcome to you and Victoria Ann! She is very pretty and looks very settled in -- the pic of her in the big chair is adorable!
  7. I haven't had an issue with corns with my hound but since no one's posted so far I can say many people here have. There are many theories about what causes it, none definitive, and many strategies for treating them, none definitive. If you do a search in the archive (or, hint, I often find it is easier to search greytalk + corns, for example, on Google) you will find a zillion detailed threads addressing measures people have tried with their hounds.
  8. There are eight million on threads on food to search .... basically, all you are picking is the food you'll try first. If it works, great, but lots of people have to try different foods to find the one that works for their hound. But agree that you should stick to what he's been getting at first.
  9. Beth got that earlier this summer on one pad -- a small chunk tore off the front part of her main pad. I think she stepped on a rock or something -- my vet said that a small piece shearing off like that was probably due to hitting something to sharp, not to general abrasion. It healed up just fine within a few days to a week -- I kept her on leash for about a week and had her wear a Pawz disposable bootie over it outside to keep it clean. I put a dab of Muciprocin (antibiotic goo) on it at night. She limped intermittently for a couple of days but then was OK. You can use Bag Balm to keep the pads soft. But actually, walking on pavement might be better because it will help toughen them up. It was probably just one of those things; the pads being a bit rough almost certainly didn't cause it. The yard surface may be getting unsafe in the current drought.
  10. So sorry about all the problems. No experience to help with, but Beth's foot could fit in a purple Pawz boot when fully wrapped in cast padding and Vetwrap, so I can't imagine how Rogan's wouldn't fit. (Could being a boy make his foot that much bigger?) However, I can see how you might not want to it to rub the open wound as you stretch the opening to slide it over the foot -- that wasn't such a concern with the amp in the middle rather than on the side. Don't really know how to describe my technique of stretching the opening while putting it on. Definitely easy for stitches to come out on feet, as I learned from Beth. So much stress down there and super thin skin, not much to hold them in.
  11. We titer annually. Any vet can do it. I started getting Lepto this year after I learned about the risks.
  12. Just hang tough when you first put in on and she acts like you're torturing her and rubs it all over everything (and you) to get it off. They do suck it up and settle down!
  13. Yikes, that looks pretty raw -- a lot of granulation to go in there, poor guy. Hopefully the Medipaw boot won't hit the site and cause discomfort when he walks. Beth had hers open in the house, wrapped to go out, and then a Pawz bootie over the wrap. I love Pawz because they're completely soft and loose and can't chafe.
  14. If you don't have one you should invest in a greyhound kennel muzzle and a stool guard (or just put some duct tape over the end) -- it is an eaiser way to keep her from licking sutures, and generally more comfortable for a greyhound than a cone. They fuss a bit at first but if she was a racer she's used to it. You'll need a muzzle too if you ever want to take her to a greyhound play group, for instance. They are quite inexpensive and easy to get online.
  15. I'm glad the second vet's evaluation was positive, and Rogan is doing a bit better. I think the Tramadol will help a lot. And again Beth almost never held her amp foot up during the healing process, so it's not like they HAVE to. Just watch out for sores from the bandage, that was our big issue -- the missing toe changes the shape of the foot so the bandage rubs more in certain areas than it would otherwise.
  16. Both of mine are topicals (yuck -- but my vet is strongly convinced that Advantage Multi is the most effective heartworm/parasite med) and I do them on the 1st and 15th too. Because I need a two-week break between the post-topical day of disgustingness, but it also seems safest to maximize the gap,
  17. Welcome from Iowa (the other side)! There is at least one other active GT member from eastern Nebraska, Jayne. I know she and Jayne the hound have participated in Meet & Greets at Bluffs Run. I'll message her so she knows about you (you can't message until you have 50 posts). Definitely want to see pictures of Rocky!
  18. I don't know that it would address the core issue, but I have started wearing a small inexpensive headlamp when I walk my girl in the dark, and I really like it -- I don't know how I managed before that. My girl isn't scared of the dark but she is a little edgier I'd say. And if you're in the city your dog is dealing with a lot more sound and activity than I imagine she's used to, even without the fireworks, so I can well imagine that might be scarier in the dark.
  19. FWIW Beth was on Deramaxx AND Tramadol (multiple times a day) for several weeks after her toe amp. (And I don't know if it was from the double meds or what, but she was weight-bearing on the foot immediately and never seemed to have major pain after maybe the first night.)
  20. OMG, that is the most awful malpractice I've ever heard of!!! And they have been treating that toe for ages already. 20 years or not I'd sue their asses off. And of course NO charge whatsoever for the surgery and all follow-up treatment. Poor, poor Rogan -- that is going to be so much harder healing. Fortunately they're not weight-bearing toes at least, so hopefully he'll come around fast. I will say that when Beth had her toe amp my vet said it was a very straightforward surgery, so I doubt it was done wrong.
  21. Plus even if she wasn't individually registered you can know what litter she was from, and who her ancestors are -- it's so fun to meet relatives online, note family resemblances, etc.! (My friend has a hound who never formally trained and has tats but isn't listed -- but we know what litter she is is from.)
  22. Does she have ear tattoos? If so, she probably has a racing name. You can look her up from her tats on greyhound-data.com.
  23. Welcome! Bessie has a darling face. Since you clearly figured out how to post pictures I hope we'll see many more. Good luck with her spay -- and please update us that everything goes OK!
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