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Everything posted by Lilysmom

  1. My vet won't suggest use of K9 Advantix, too many issues with pets having problems. They won't even sell it. Hope this pup gets better soon
  2. No problems with her teeth. I thought the same thing. She painful on the lower jaw right on the bone.
  3. My brown stinky stripey dog Lily has an ear infection, diagnosed last week. She's doing ok, letting us put ear drops in. Tuesday morning when I got home from work I got pups ready for their morning, Lily yelped as I put her collar on, not good, I didn't touch her ear at all. Once getting home I let them rest a bit and began to get their breakfast ready. Well, Lily never got off the dog bed. That's a first in 7 years! I was watching her and you know how you can tell something is off just by looking at them? Well I knew that was the case. I had called the vet prior to our walk to get her in, well after getting back from the walk I called the vet back and asked for the earliest possible appointment, thankfully we got in at 9:20am. Vet examined her ear, which looked better, and did a cleaning on it just in case that was the problem. She then examined her face/neck, well low and behold when she touched her left jaw Lily just about went crazy with yelping. I have no idea why her jaw would be so painful. Vet said it could be TMJ, (had no idea dogs could get that). She prescribed pain meds. We'll see how she is at the end of the week, if she is still having pain she will get xrays to make sure everything is ok. Ok enough of my rambling, I'm asking that GT work their magic and get the prayer chain going for my girl. She does seem a bit better, but I will be keeping close watch on her. Thanks!
  4. Oh Patti, there are no words...... I am so very sorry. Flashy, you are now whole and can run like the wind sweet boy. Godspeed. Patti please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. Lets all say it together............BEEEEEEE NINE!!!!!!!! Thank GOD! It's a begnine perianal gland tumor. It can get bigger, for now we'll just keep close watch on it and if it starts to bother him it will be removed. Thank you everyone. DH and I have been really worried and are so thankfull for all your prayers.
  6. it's 9:00 am and I'm anxiously awaiting a call from the vet with results of Marx's biopsy.
  7. Just got home from the vet. We are sending a slide off to the pathologist. Cells are irregular, therefore I want to know for sure what we are dealing with and will then decide what course of action to take next. As for his other lesions, the vet and I agreed to keep close watch on them, since there are about 5 lesions, I have decided that I will not put Marx through surgery at this point for them, they are small and given they look like the lesion removed a few months ago, we feel confident they are most likely cutaneous hemagiosarcoma as well. Our vet thinks we should have results by Monday. Please keep those prayers coming. Marx was such a brave boy today.
  8. Marx has a vet appointment Thursday at 11am, I've also notice 2 other areas on him that look like his cancerous lesion I had removed.....really worried about my sweet Marx.
  9. Does it look like the one that was on CJ? CJ's bump on her tail No Doesn't look like that at all. I'm hoping that's all it is. Thanks everyone
  10. the saga continues with Marx and his masses.....found another one yesterday and it looks very ugly, about the size of a pea. This one is different than the others he has, its definitely solid and raised. One good thing, it does look superficial. I'm gonna call his vet Monday and try to get an appointment asap. If the decided to biopsy it he'll have to be put under given the location, its above his anus and under his tail, what a location! So again I'm asking for the power of GT to send prayers for Marx. I'll update as I know more. Thanks everyone!
  11. Patt, what a beautiful tribute to Lee Lee. It's so amazing what these hounds do for us and especially what they do to our souls! We are all forever blessed and changed for having such amazing creatures in our lives. You are right, you will be together again one day..... Sending hugs your way.
  12. Marx is continuing to do fine. Still wearing his muzzle with stool guard, guess the stitches are bothering him, he has been trying to get to the incision a lot more, he goes back on the 22nd to have the stitches removed and for post op check up. I'll have the vet look at his other spots and we'll discuss her diagram she drew of other lesions while under for surgery. Thanks for thinking of him everyone.
  13. Lilysmom


    I'm sorry Vince, you have certainly had your share of sending your babes to the bridge lately.
  14. ok here are the results after talking to Marx's vet. Pathology: Cutaneous Hemangiosarcoma. If he's gonna have it this is the best one to have. She said she got it all and that no other treatment is neccessary. I was so terrified he had Subcutaneous hemangiomasarcoma but that is not the case. Marx does have a few other lesions that I have to keep watch on and there will be no more prolong sun baths for him (not that I let him in the past). When I spoke to Diane yesterday Dr. Couto was on standby to jump in and read slides and assist in anyway he could. What a wonderful man. Then there is Diane......what can I say I haven't already said about this amazing lady. Thank you Diane you know I adore you! As for my GT friends thank you, thank you, thank you for all the prayers and well wishes. I think everyting is hitting me as I type this and it's difficult to type through the tears. I very thankful to everyone. So my sweet hunky boy, looks like things are ok sweetie, mommy and daddy love you more than you'll ever know
  15. Marx is doing fine. He's not happy with having to keep the muzzle w/stool guard on but hey he doesn't have much choice for the next couple of weeks. His pathology report came back but there are some misunderstandings (dh took the call) vet left by the time I called her and the secretary wasn't sure what the paper was saying. I will be going up tomorrow to get copies of blood work and look at the path report myself to clarify what is going on. Given what I can figure out it was cancer. Thank goodness for Diane (burpdog) she got me to get my head together to figure out what I need to do next and the wonderful Dr. Couto. I luv ya Diane So at this point I have to find out what exact type of cancer and then I'll know what the next step is. I will certainly post more as I have answers. I'm praying so very hard for my hunky boy.
  16. Marx is home and resting in his crate w/door open of course. He favoring his rear leg, to be expected. He ended up with about 6 stitches that will come out in 12-14 dys. DH misunderstood the vet, he thought she was able to use a laser to remove the mass but due to his thin skin, she didn't want to risk it. The area looks good, about an inch long incision. He's a bit whiney which I was expected but I hate not being able to make the owie go away. He was given pain meds before leaving the vet and will get another dose around 11pm. Of course mommy will be sleeping on the inflatable air matress on the floor next to his crate, you know just in case..... It'll take 5-7 days for the pathology report. Thanks again everyone for the prayers. I'm very proud of myself, I didn't fall apart too much. I did cry happy tears though when they brought him out to me. I'll update later on how he is doing.
  17. Just received the call from the vet, I can pick Marx up at 4pm. DH had to go to work and is worried about our boy, he insisted I call him as soon as I get him home. Funny how these hounds turn us into such softies.
  18. Gut wrenching leaving him this morning, the look on his face broke my heart Thank you everyone! Marx is out of surgery, hoping to be able to pick him up before 6pm. I'll post an update once I have him home and settled.
  19. I'm a nervous wreck worrying about my doodle bugs Marx. He will be having surgery this morning to remove a mass on his leg. We are praying that they won't have to take huge margins but this thing looks very ugly and very unhappy. I know it's bothering him and I will be glad once it's removed. Of course the wait for the pathology report will be agonizing. So my GT friends please send prayers his way. Thanks!
  20. I feel for you. In my opinion when it seems like it difficult for comfort measures to work then it very well may be time to set him free from pain. It's a gut wrenching decision but it must be done to keep our precious babes from suffering. My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Hang in there.
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