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Everything posted by MandysMom

  1. Sending prayers that Emmy will start eating.
  2. MandysMom

    I Am So Sad

    I'm so sorry. Godspeed to your handsome boy.
  3. MandysMom


    I'm so sorry.
  4. MandysMom


    I'm so sorry. Godspeed Caesar.
  5. Acupuncture can help with many issues. Mandy had terrible back spasms that caused her to go lame (turned out to be she was walking wrong because of corns on her feet). We started acupuncture and it helped tremendously. Now she goes every 8-10 weeks for a "touch up". Mandy is a bit of a Drama Queen. When we first started going, she would whine up a storm. Now, a couple of years later, she only whines a little. It's interesting to watch, though, she'll be laying on the carpet, and her belly starts out pale, almost white, in color, then as the blood starts flowing, it turns a dark pink. She normally gets about 10 needles in her spine from her shoulder blades to her hips. They stay in for about 20 minutes, or until she shakes them out and the vet has to put more in. One thing the vet who referred me to the Acupuncturist said: "Acupuncture is an art as well as a science, sometimes if you don't get the results you're looking for, you may consider a different acupuncturist." I can say I've also had acupuncture (and I am hugely needle-phobic) for crippling neck spasms. It was almost miraculous. In 3 visits, the spasms were only annoying, not painful, and in 6 visits, there were no more spasms. It's definitely worth a try. The acupuncturist will place the needles based on your description of the issues and feedback from the dog. Good luck!!
  6. No advice here. You and Caesar are in our prayers.
  7. MandysMom


    I'm sorry to hear about Joker.
  8. I'm sorry for your loss. Godspeed Train.
  9. We're thinking of you and sending prayers for a peaceful evening.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear about Wally. I know it will be hard to put on a brave face around him.
  11. No advice here, but sending prayers for your baby.
  12. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Raisin.
  13. I'm sorry for your loss. What a handsome boy.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Butch.
  15. Peek-a-boo's picture made me cry--she looks so much like my Mandy. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet girl.
  16. Is that where we live?? Welcome to GT! It's always nice to see other Virginia residents! There is a playgroup that meets once a month at Frying Pan Park - looks like you're close to there? Unless I've totally misread and you're actually in Roanoake Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful pup! Thank you so much! I agree--I love to see more Virginia residents. I'm only about 10 minutes from Frying Pan. I actually took Mandy there fairly regularly when I first got her (May 2005), but stopped when she started having foot and back problems (turned out to be the blasted corns ). I keep planning to bring her back, just to say hi to everybody, even though I don't want her to run and make her feet worse. Mandy and I are also looking forward to some less-humid and cooler weather. You can tell she did not race in Florida, she can't STAND when the mercury hits 80. Beverly Thank you so much! She so loves being an ambassadog. She loves to get attention from everyone, since she gets none from me! Harry really is a handsome fellow! Low prey drive is great, isn't it? My last dog had an insanely high prey drive, there were a couple of times I thought she was going to dislocate my shoulder! The world of crazy greyhound people is a greyt place! Beverly
  17. MandysMom

    My Buddy....

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Buddy.
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